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Thread: Need Help

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    I don't want to argue anymore. I just flipped out when I saw you offering the same "advice" that got your bitch killed last year. I hate to see good dogs die needlessly, when simple vigilance would have prevented the loss (and the suffering prior to the loss).

    If you think dying of a uterus filling with pus until it ruptures into the entire bloodstream is anything but agonizing for the bitch, think again.
    If you think dying of utter anemia (from babesia) ... to where an animal gets so weak it can't eat or lift its head up ... is a "vacation," think again.

    I honestly believe people need to have as many books as possible (and actually read them) to make sure they're informed as to when to handle problems themselves, and when to seek a vet.
    I wrote the best book I possibly could to HELP PEOPLE ... and I also gave reference to the best vet books a man can have to KNOW what he's doing medically ...
    So if a person doesn't follow through, get these books and read them, then they're a negligent POS as a dogman IMO.

    Not knowing is one thing;
    But knowing, but not caring enough to get up and do, is quite another

    Anyway, I've said my peace, you've said yours.

    In the end, if you get ONE thing out of this (other than the fact I am an asshole ), then GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD:
    Any time a bitch is ANYWHERE NEAR her heat cycle, especially right after (or right after she whelps) ... if she starts getting sick, and comes off her feed, it will 9x out of 10 be DEADLY SERIOUS BUSINESS

    Whether it be babesia, pyometra, or acute metritis, all of these are DEADLY SERIOUS CONDITIONS.
    Only babesia can be handled without a vet ... provided you have the meds (which is another subject regarding competence/vigilance) ... but it's best to get a vet exam on ANY bitch that is sick during her heat cycle, right after, or right after delivery ... and a GOOD dogman READS UP on these conditions ... so he knows what to look for.

    He doesn't just breed dogs and wait for pups to come out ... and he doesn't just "give antibiotics" to a bitch that is laying on her side refusing to eat ...
    A good dogman gets up off his ass, he goes to the vet for a cytology and bloodwork, and he finds out what the problem is


    Jack, I won't argue any longer either. I've been consistent in my stance that you've done a TON for these dogs and as others have pointed out, for other breeds of dogs as there's not a book or resource like what you provide. I agree with everything you typed in this message, except, that someone is a piece of shit if they don't have every book possible and read them. I agree with the concept that we should all be as informed as possible, but if not being as informed as you, or some other particular reference point makes someone a piece of shit, then practically everyone on this board is a piece of shit.

    We all evolve and grow through any endeavor. You yourself fed kibble once and this isn't about you, me or anyone in particular. I just think it's noteworthy to say that everyone is on different levels at different times.

    I still like you, appreciate and value what you provide. Won't always, every single time agree with you or anyone else on this planet, but I know you don't expect that either.

    No hard feelings on my end. I just got pissed cause you hurt my feelings .......LOL. But I've never been one to just let things go. I respect the hell out of a lot of folks here and fail at times, to show that, but I'll always be a work in progress, the remainder of my life. The minute I'm not, I'll probably die.

    Have a good one Jack and hey, let's look at the positives here. B/c of your perspective of me, my stubbornness and yours too, your last post was EXTREMELY informative to A LOT of people reading this. I doubt ANYONE will not know what to do when a bitch is near her heat cycle, pregnant or delivery time and has an illness.

    Good times.

  2. #12
    I will inform yall when I leave the vet.She been at the vet since this 7 this morning.

  3. #13
    Mr. Know it all.Hookworms and a vaginal infection. No babesia.

  4. #14
    mmound - what was the protocol?

    I will be adding vaginal infection to pyometra and babesia with those symptoms.

  5. #15
    The proper wording is she has pyometra infection of the uterus heartworm and hookworms.Mr.Know it all does know it all. CA Jack was right.

  6. #16
    How is she doing? Pyometra is pretty serious…

    I think one thing that we should all keep in mind is that these dogs are stoic and do not always show how sick they really are. So this can hide symptoms and make the owner think the dog is not too bad off when it might be on death’s door.

    One rule of thumb I have used over the years with these dogs is if they won’t eat, really won’t eat and show no interest in food, then that is a strong concern and it’s time to think of a vet visit. Bulldogs generally are good hearty eaters and don’t go off their food for no reason.

    I hope your bitch is ok and will recover.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  7. #17
    mound - how are they treating it this early in?
    I did the prostaglandin treatment advised by some guys on here and it worked for a bitch that got it about 5 weeks into pregnancy. Shit about killed her, the treatment that is. BUT, it ultimately saved her. She's on another yard and they are trying like hell to get some pups off of her, but I honestly think her birthing days are over.

    And yes....if you accurately give symptoms, Jack will diagnose it 99 out of 100 times.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by mmound View Post
    Mr. Know it all.Hookworms and a vaginal infection. No babesia.
    Glad you got it pinpointed ... question is, is the pyometra open or closed?

    Best of luck,


  9. #19
    Closed Im licking my wounds.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by mmound View Post
    The proper wording is she has pyometra infection of the uterus heartworm and hookworms.Mr.Know it all does know it all. CA Jack was right.
    And you're fucking welcome ... you forgot Thank You when you were trying to be a smart ass on the post above this one.

    There is a difference between a "vaginal infection" and PYOMETRA ... which is a hormone-related uterine infection.

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