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Thread: Which line is most known for throwing man biters?

  1. #11
    S_B, could we start a new thread? Like you said don't want to hi-jack this thread unless you guys don't care. My pup acts the same way just not aggressive, would like some thoughts/opinions as well.

  2. #12
    The Uselton stuff, from around 2000 back consistently had man biting behavior. Anyone that's ever read GH's book and seen the picture in the chapter about man-biters was a picture that I actually took. He was a true man biter. Man hater actually. He was off Park Son bred to a pure Uselton bitch. It was rumored that JU preferred this in dogs as it would make them harder to theft.

    I've only had one dog in my line of dogs that I bred up that ever did something stupid. Hit me in the back of my leg, ripped the entire back leg of my overalls off. I looked at him, got the .44 and that was that. My wife is about 120lbs and if a dog like him ever got a hold of her, he would kill her.

    There's not a dog on my yard I can't put my hand in their food bowl while they eat. It's not a prerequisite to stay here, it's just worked out that way, but if one gets funny with me, I'm gonna get REAL FUNNY with their ass real quick.

    I agree with Jack about kids. They don't look at kids the same. One of the sweetest dogs I've ever owned was a horrible kid dog. She was hunter, literally - not a match dog, but a hunter of varmints and so forth. She saw kids the same as varmints.

  3. #13
    Great post NQK, I agree it pains me this bitch acts this way about her food. She's just coming on 2 so we'll see if she can grow out of it, I'm hoping.

    Appreciate the feedback on both topics.


  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by S_B View Post
    Of all the dogs I've fed most of them would much rather have my attention over their kibble, not raw that's a different story. Maybe I'm over thinking it but it's unstable behavior imo like fear or anxiety. My dogs have never been aggressive towards me at all, quite the contrary. They are pleases and will gladly spit their kibble out for play time if given the opportunity.

    It's not that I intentionally jack with her while she eats. She immediately stiffens up, clack her jaws and hovers over her bowl. She also got real stiff and flinchy when I handed her over to a friend once. She was very socialized as a pup being the loner after her sister went to the owner of the male.

    Anyway the feedback is appreciated.

    I CAN mess with their food if I wanted, or needed, to. I just rather let them eat in peace.

  5. #15
    I know this topic is old, but Termite dogs get my vote when its comes to man biters.

  6. #16
    This is a discussion I had with some people. To me if a dog growled around me if i came around the food or any sign or aggression towards me. I would lean towards culling. I relate this to your post on breeding for purpose. This would be under temperament. I could not in good conscience sell a dog that I could't trust. So would never have the chance to succeed in any endeavor. Im interested to what you did with this dog. If it was my yard Zebo would have gotten a bullet. I would never stud a female out to a dog that was a man biter. I read a story about a Boyles dog that the guy had to worry about. I passed and am still looking for another stud. I think you can breed for more than one thing. You just lower the number of potential studs and females you have access too. You have to keep larger portions of your litter. You may throw money away by putting down Zebo. Your line will be known for something.

  7. #17
    The bitch is 5 and is very stable tempered except she doesn't like to be messed with when she eats. I have pushed her many times and I have never been bitten. She is friendly with people, but would rather have me attached to the end of her lead and not a stranger.

    She is true to purpose and only has the feed agression flaw as far as behavior. I would not cull a dog who hasn't been given the chance to prove itself unless it was a health issue or something severe I could not manage.To each his own on that. This dog would probably let me cut her leg off, but when she eats it's her food and she's not sharing. lol


  8. #18
    I see what you mean. When I have dogs i stick my hands in their food whatever. This starts when they are a puppy. I can be hard sometimes. Any growling at me etc would end up getting a quick pop and a hard eye to eye stare down. They won't let each other near their food, but I do what I want almost daring them to do something. How much of that is genetic temperament. How much of that is house dog training. I don't know. I try not to break them, but let them know the rules and quick reminders if they break them starting from day one. Like I'm an athletic person that likes athletic dogs. There are some aspects of this I have to defer to people for. I need dogs that can walk the woods, run by a bike, companionship etc. All the dogs I have had are game bred from good stock from good kennels. Just things I think about. I have not bred a dog. I feel old rules should govern that for the most part. Just my two cents.

  9. #19
    I bred her, and her dam and raised her dam's parents so I know the ins and outs of them and food agression was never there. Her sire is from another kennel, while I've had first hand knowledge of them the food agression trait wasn't one ever discussed before the breeding. There were 2 pups, they both were raised in the house for the first couple months, ultra socialized and introduced to many things to awaken their senses.

    The other bitch went with the owner of the sire and does not have any agression issues with food. Sometimes nature just throws you a curveball, all things in these dogs are not absolute. It's up to you as a dogman to manage what you have to the best of your ability. Her food aggression issues didn't start until nearing maturity. I chalk it up to her being overly eager to display her dominance. I'm not threatened by her behavior at all, though was perturbed with it early on. She has done everything I've asked her to do, and while she is not perfect, she is honest.

  10. #20
    I hear you. I do want to become more active in breeding and showing these dogs. I deal with the public more and in closer quarters for now so Temprament is higher in the list of priorities for me. I like walking in the woods with my dogs, I'm working my way towards boar hunting. I have had experience with the Redboy/jocko and Hollingsworth dogs are known for their temperament, gameness and confirmation. I know what you mean about breeding towards more things and moving away from the standard. My dogs are hot. I know I have to watch them for animal aggression, but thats fine by me. I like knowing I can put my male beside my bike and run 6 miles with him. I think for pits he's fully turned on. I had them around a german shepherd this weekend for a friends crawfish cookout. My little girl starts barking at this do three times her size. I say, "We're going to walk for a little bit." I ended up taking them home. I know how this story ends. She starts wrestling with the dog. Gets to rough and then its a full on fight. My friends all see the gentle Hollingsworth dogs that loves people. I know there is a little beast of a dog inside her. I just watch it. I like knowing the day we come across a hog in the woods, both of them will hit it in the mouth. That's why i keep good blood. I'm careful about breeding because after a while its an AKC or UKC dog. I have some people that are interested in pups. I may place some there and follow them. Time will tell. I like both those Bloodlines so far. It seems like they produce and have the traits I value. Over time I would like to blend them both and try to line breed them. You can't stray for the original purpose of the breed. I would be highly selective in culling and most likely make few breedings and cull hard to keep what I feel is most important.

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