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Thread: Pups born, fade and die in 24 hours

  1. #11

    Jack already advised of the antibiotics before whelp to clean the mothers milk, no mention of only bitches prone to milk issues. And also he gave you references to the vet manuals he read before breeding dogs.

    You can get the MERCK online for free at your fingertips or buy a copy at the book store for $50+. This book pretty much covers everything.

    Good luck with the survivor and momma, take care!

    P.S. Sometimes we become complacent being experienced and over look small things. This discussion will help us all to be on our toes.

  2. #12
    SB how did you take care of the other gyp that lived that got pyo? Lutalyse?

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Ellis View Post
    SB how did you take care of the other gyp that lived that got pyo? Lutalyse?
    I used injectable Baytril for the 10 yo that I put down the next heat. The other two I used Cephalexin, one was back to acting fine within 24/48 hours, she was younger and come from a different yard. She kind of went through a detox and was just unhealthy for a spell then pyo'd, then bounced back. Almost 2 years later no more pyo's and she's getting bred next heat.

    The other bitch was around 8, I had bred her for the first time and she didn't get pregnant, instead got pyo. I used the Ceph, but after a few days I switched to Metronidazole she also never relapsed.

    Oh and on the bitch I used Baytril with I also douched her daily with betadine solution, she actually liked it because it was hot outside and it cooled her. I didn't see any benefit of that and didn't do it to the other two. I didn't try the Lutalyse, but had it on hand in case I decided to use it as I've heard it works and I've read material to support that and my Vet agreed when I discussed it with him.


  4. #14

  5. #15
    Doc one more thing, I think the older bitches who'd never been bred weren't likely going to get pregnant because of going through so many cycles and not being bred. The heat cycle in a female dog is a pretty violent process in a bitches uterus, and the longer you skip when they age the tougher it is on their uterus.

    The bitch sent to me appeared healthy, but went through a detox really bad. Puss in her eyes, her coat was rough, her stools were off and she didn't have a lot of energy. After the pyo and just getting her back to health you wouldn't know she's the same bitch. She's a fucking brute, a freight train. Energetic and kind of an asshole and bully. The folks that sent her here said she never acted like that. They just fed some shitty feed, which they discovered later.

    Moral of the story, start with healthy and recovery is improved greatly and relapse is reduced.


  6. #16
    The other bitch was around 8, I had bred her for the first time and she didn't get pregnant, instead got pyo. I used the Ceph, but after a few days I switched to Metronidazole she also never relapsed

    Would using TMZ be a bad choice?

  7. #17
    Doc, TMZ is used more to treat a protozoan bacterial infection, like E coli, Coccidia etc. While pyo is bacterial and e coli is present it's the hormonal imbalance that induces it along with the alkalinity of the uterus. Check the link understanding antibiotics.

    I'd use Metronidazole myself, I actually had an ah ha moment and thought about metronidazole and asked my vet, he said he'd never used it but it should work. Then I saw Jack mentioned using it as well. I believe Jack has information here about treating pyometra but I was unable to locate it. Maybe he'll share that info or if someone finds it please post.

    Related info:


  8. #18
    Man that sucks and hate to hear about your bitch and the pups.I work at a freakin dump site for unwanted dogs.Its not actually a dump site , we work on heavy equipment, but people dump thier unwanted dogs and cats here all the time.I can't even remember how many I have fed and found homes for.I never took but one home .I feed and water them right here at work , oh and worm them also.One I took home was what looked to be a red nosed APBT she was a awesome dog and i never got the chance to see her grow up.She got away from me one day and took out after a cow and got hit by a dam tractor..She was hot headed as the day is long and never made a sound unless she wanted to get at something.

  9. #19
    I know red nose is only the color of the nose but in this case I was just using that to describe the dogs looks.

  10. #20
    Thanks for the links SB

    I tried TMZ awhile back but had no luck slowing it down.

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