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Thread: Is This A Line Breeding or An out

  1. #11
    Lol. Believe me i know the feeling. Im looking for a dog sitter now so i can go on vacation. At the same time im breeding 9 females this spring. Ive actually found a new hobby that has me fending ( lack of better word) to see if i can achieve greatness and thats breeding my own dogs. I have two solid lines to work with, Crew's Rocky and Burns' Humdinger base dogs.

  2. #12
    I don't have near as many as I once did. When my boy 8-14 the dogs faded as he was into everything. Baseball from Feb. to Oct/Nov. Football from July til November. Wrestling from November til spring. Every weekend was a baseball tournament or a wrestling meet. Mixed in a couple years of Brazilian Jui Jitsu. I just did not have time for the dogs and his activities at the same time.

    I went from 25 plus down to 5 or six thru that stretch. Of that 25 plus were very few I bred. It was always about working and doing the dogs. I tried to keep 6-8 that were match ready and the rest were looking to take one of those 6-8 spots. I gave away a lot of game, less talented dogs in order to make a chain spot for the next.

    Looking back I should have concentrated on breeding more of those good dogs. It was just so much easier to let someone else worry with broods and studs and puppies. Hind sight being 20/20 I guess.

    We did not do a lot of vacationing but I can remember it was really hard to find someone to feed, water and rake when we played out of town tournaments. Same with finding someone for a vacation. The dogs can eat up every minute of your time it seems.


  3. #13
    I'm not going to say either family really needs the other but I have seen a trend the last couple-three years with the Mims/Jocko-Red Boy cross. Slightly heavier Mims Snooty-Red Boy dogs to Triple AAA dogs. Another is Termite type dogs to the Mims family.

    The dogs' work ethic is amazing. The kind you have to understand when to stop because they won't. They are tireless. Their intensity ramps up. The brains factor makes a jump. The roughness and durability is there and not only can they shut it down they can shut it down all night.

    I'm sure each family has that on their own but seeing some W's pop up quite often with that blend.


    Quote Originally Posted by stopem View Post
    Lol. Believe me i know the feeling. Im looking for a dog sitter now so i can go on vacation. At the same time im breeding 9 females this spring. Ive actually found a new hobby that has me fending ( lack of better word) to see if i can achieve greatness and thats breeding my own dogs. I have two solid lines to work with, Crew's Rocky and Burns' Humdinger base dogs.

  4. #14
    Ditto EWO. When Andy Howle worked the V. Jackson's Hank dog for the first dog show against R. Byrd's pride and joy Arizona Red. I loaned him my original made Colby carpet mill. This thing was not easy for a dog to work. I quit using it over time.

    I went over a few weeks later to see Andy and how things were progressing. Andy told me, I had to start hand walking that Hank dog and let him pull a car alternator across the farm fields.

    I asked was their any problems. He said no matter how hard I work this dog on that Colby mill,he never gets really tired, tongue will not come out of his mouth most of the time. LOL That Hank dog did have a lot of natural stamina and endurance. Cheers

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