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  1. #11
    I see everyone's in the Holiday spirit Lol. Yes Jack is a supreme ASS, and we all know it. Hell JACK even knows it. But he did put together a great site, so i'll give him his just due for that.

    But now it's time to move on and support BRICKFACE.

    Best of luck,enjoy the new life JACK,
    Last edited by ceasar; 12-25-2016 at 05:22 PM. Reason: CHANGE OF HEART

  2. #12
    I'm just going to address this once. A few months into my ownership CJ and I had a disagreement. He basically threatened to destroy me and this site if I didn't do exactly what he wanted. His last little rant on this thread got him banned. I don't put up with bullshit from anyone. Especially someone I had a business deal with and he never fulfilled his end of it. Just empty promises. Ya'll know what he was asking for this site and I cashed him out. So he can take his ungrateful ass on vacation or buy a condo for that kind of money. I don't give 2 fucks about his bitch ass.

  3. #13
    I was one that got a suspension for something trivial. Then when he PM'ed me with his rants and I did not cower, he banned me. I was down for quite some time.

    Like many, Brickface righted some wrongs. I stop by once or twice a day when I am stuck at the desk. I enjoy the reads and try to add something here and there.

    I never bash or trash people on any internet forum. My opinion has always been Jack's claims are exaggerated. If his dogs did all that he claimed they would be far more popular and more widely known. The dogs and the people in these dogs are amazing as they can do anything and everything, except keep a secret.

    With that said, he built a great site, he wrote a great book and I give him credit for that much.

    Brickface check your PM as I may need to right a wrong with you.


  4. #14
    Jacky's been a bad boy, thats why he got placed in permanent time out. I found out his alternate accounts here also. Seems he was stirring the pot and stroking his own ego...What a sick puppy.

    Check out members:

    Sinister, bad dog (aka CJ)

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by BRICKFACE View Post
    Jacky's been a bad boy, and got placed in permanent time out. I found out his alternate accounts here also. Seems he was stirring the pot and stroking his own ego...What a sick puppy.

    Check out members:

    Sinister, bad dog (aka CJ)


  6. #16
    We have always suspected him of posting and voting on the polls he created with his doubles accounts.

  7. #17
    That is some crazy shit. I've always had disagreements with the guy, lost my cool and got banned from his old site. He's good at pushing buttons and gettin a rise out of folks. It must be another ego stroke for him. He threatened me one time that I had to give him my first and last name, I always felt awkward about that.

    I too got a "suspension" here once, seems like he had a points system?

    So much BULLSHIT in these dogs nothing is a surprise anymore.


  8. #18
    Former member back as soon as I heard CJ was gone. Banned me too because i didnt agree with his views, amazing he talks about building the greates site ever then abuses us who aid the bills!! Good riddance to a bad smell!

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Bullman View Post
    Former member back as soon as I heard CJ was gone. Banned me too because i didnt agree with his views, amazing he talks about building the greates site ever then abuses us who aid the bills!! Good riddance to a bad smell!
    Welcome back....unless you're Milky?

  10. #20

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