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  1. #241

  2. #242
    Nut, I thought if any pedigree is entered by a full member. That person still has access to that pedigree. The only change was that only the owner of this site, being Brick Face can delete any dogs or delete any pictures.

    If all these pedigrees you have shown are yours. Thought I saw one that S_B had enetered. They appear to be correct. You are good to go. None have any siblings as of yet. You can start replacing some of those duplicate pedigrees with no pictures or siblings with the siblings to these above mentioned dog. Cheers

  3. #243
    CYJ i have no clue what you are talking about.

    The above pedigrees are entered by ME.
    The owner of the dogs is my friend. He does not have an account here, never had and wants me to be able to edit them. Just like I could when we decided to enter them here. Before our rights were taken.
    We do not want to post in the forum every time a picture, name or title needs editing.

  4. #244
    Ditto Nut, yes you entered all of the above pedigrees. Was another pedigree I may have looked at previous to yours. I stand corrected.

    The reason while you or me do not have full control over these pedigrees is because of what Projectx did. He almost crashed the site and screwed up a whole lot of pedigrees and lost some others.

    Not saying you would. But some dog men on these sites like to play their marble games with their own marbles. Get mad about anything, they like to take their pedigrees and go home or to some other site with their pedigrees. Not caring that these pedigrees are good for all of the dog fraternity for research purposes.

    IMHO, I think it is best that Brick Face has the most important controls over this site. So no one like Projectx can screw this dog site up again like that past event. The one change I would like to see is the moderators being able to remove a picture off of a duplicate pedigree with no offspring so that slot can be replaced with a new dog pedigree. Just deleting stuff is not the best way to go IMHO.

    Since you do not understand me about this duplicate dog pedigree thing. S_B and the other moderators do. Just belay that,you can add your new dog siblings that pertain to those dogs you have listed above. I have already about gotten rid of all of those duplicate pedigrees with no pictures and siblings anyhow.

    Brick Face may can better explain while none of us can no longer have full control of these pedigrees. CA Jack at one time did allow this, but so many incomplete, badly written pedigrees,duplicates etc and crap like Projectx did. Forced Jack to change the rules. Cheers

  5. #245
    There was no duplicates or anything that needs to be deleted. You seem confused and you're making this very complicated. Im simply asking control of these pedigrees. That's what this topic is meant for. Im waiting for Brickface's response. Thank you very much.

    We did not know our rights to control these pedigrees were going to taken away from us when we created our pedigrees. If he thinks me controlling 10 of my friends pedigrees upon his request is a danger to this site then im out of here.

  6. #246
    Yes Nut I know that,I was not talking about your pedigrees you have shown above. No I am not confused at all. Sorry I ever mentioned the duplicate pedigree matter at all. Will in the future use it to my benefit, last time I will ever mention that topic.

    Ca. Jack clearly told us all why he did what he did. I think it was for the best. After I became a moderator, I saw a lot of unnecessary crap was done on this site. It was fast becoming as corrupted as the on lines pedigree site.

    If Brick Face decides to return control of these pedigrees entered to the members that entered them. That is his power and right to do so. If he does, and as long as I am on this site. I will abide by his rules. Good luck to you. Cheers

  7. #247
    Ok thanks CYJ. I've entered over 500 pedigrees actually. Also under my old R2L account. I've got control over about 20 dogs that I own, and only want to add these. I'm not expecting that's a problem.

  8. #248

  9. #249
    Thanks allot. Keep up the good work CYJ. Just didnt understand what it had to do with me.

  10. #250
    I need ownership of this ped to change him over to me.

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