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  1. #21
    Yeah, that is what I do with pups also.


  2. #22
    Reason i asked is my old dog has the same problem i gues. He spits out the first half of the quarter and gets it down and keeps it there the second time around. I let him, but its a messy site.

  3. #23
    I have read that that is actually part of the digestion process of large raw chunks ... the constant chewing/regurge process ... until they keep it down.


  4. #24
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    so heres something i was thinkin about that im surprised i didnt earlier....................................samonel la??............whats the deal with that stuff and why dont the dogs get it from the chicken and eggs?

    kibble companies have recalls because dogs die from salmonella, i know dogs can get why dont they????

  5. #25
    i dont believe dogs get sick of salmonella
    howmany sick dogs we must have had.

  6. #26
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    salmonella has killed dogs in the diamond recalls back east...if dogs can get it from kibble, how can they not get it from raw chicken??

  7. #27
    most of those recalls of were of human beings contracting salmonella from touching the dog food, not from the animals getting it. their digestive tract is shorter than ours. bacteria will mess us up a lot easier than a dog.

  8. #28
    I have always wondered about this as well. We have a friend whose dog was diagnosed with salmoanella poisoning from some sort of jerky treat. they were over one night and i had pups in the back yard. I was tossing out chicken backs and they freaked. I mean I was right up there with Bundy and Manson. I mean a true serial killer of dogs. I had never heard of a dog having salmonella. If that one dog had it from a treat there is no way my dogs should be free of it considering the years and years of raw feeding. Just odd. EWO

  9. #29
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    no....dogs have died black, ...mind you it was a handfull of dogs vs the multi THOUSANDS of folks feeding it....but the fact is A DOG CONTRACTED SALMONELLA.....

    my question is if a dog CAN get salmonella from something such as kibble (or whatever the source) are raw fed animals not affected?.....those stagnent ponds you see in the south...FULL of snapping turtles....yet i see people letting theyre dogs swim in those if they arent swimming themselves.....yet no reported related incidents??

  10. #30
    Ya know ....that's a good question. Food for thought. I gotta Google that now. Jack may know the answer. I wash my raw meet....and I get it straight from the butcher but it still could be affected. But then that goes back to wolves or wild dogs...they are exposed to that and much more and survive so I dunno.

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