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Thread: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

  1. #21

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    Devil's Advocate: "Why would a guy not have his wallet on him but rather, in an unlocked vehicle? Why would a guy have a cell phone and it be in the same unlocked vehicle and not on his person?"

    Something is fishy and I doubt you ever see your dog again. I truly hope you do, but I doubt it.

  2. #22

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    I can't see anyone who didn't already know what Sharapova was trying to steal her. She isn't the stereotypical "pit bull" looking dog, none of the heavy Buck dogs are, most people who saw her being walked wouldn't give her a second glance in adding up street value. She could've been a well built bird dog or coonhound mix, there's a reason we can move these dogs labeled as various other breeds and not get questioned for it -- if she was indeed stolen, odds are they knew what they were getting. I don't know how close you and your partner are, or how likely it is that they knew he had a connection to Evolution Kennels, at the very LEAST they may have heard him talking to someone about her. No one holds up someone at gunpoint and runs off with a dog that could've just as well been a Vizsla, though.

    On the upside, if they did steal her because they knew what she was, they're most likely at least reasonably known in some dog circle around Houston, and they'll be wanting to use her, which will make putting your ear to the ground much more likely to turning something up than if they were just going to hawk her to some street thug for a buck and keep it moving.

    I really hope you find Sharapova and the people who took her. Good luck, love.

  3. #23

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    While I understand everyone's skepticism, I can assure you there was no foul play. Jack can probably attest to this. When you go running at the park, you don’t carry your phone with you because if it falls out, it can break, especially a Smartphone. You don’t carry your keys with you because if your keys fall out of your pocket, you have no ride home. You don’t carry your wallet with you so you don’t lose it. For those of us who run regularly, we know this to be true. There is nothing fishy about this deal except for the lowlife's who stole the dog. Rather than speculate about any shady business, I would just appreciate it if you all kept your ears open. Thanks

  4. #24

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    Message received Evo. Very fair position of you to take, and very well said.

    Everyone here is unanimous in hoping you get your gorgeous bitch back, and please let us know if you do.



  5. #25

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    I am deeply sorry for your loss evo.

  6. #26

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful bitch, I hope you get her back soon.

  7. #27
    Senior Member waccamaw's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Conway, South Carolina, United States

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    Quote Originally Posted by evolutionkennels
    While I understand everyone's skepticism, I can assure you there was no foul play. Jack can probably attest to this. When you go running at the park, you don’t carry your phone with you because if it falls out, it can break, especially a Smartphone. You don’t carry your keys with you because if your keys fall out of your pocket, you have no ride home. You don’t carry your wallet with you so you don’t lose it. For those of us who run regularly, we know this to be true. There is nothing fishy about this deal except for the lowlife's who stole the dog. Rather than speculate about any shady business, I would just appreciate it if you all kept your ears open. Thanks
    personally i would have a fanny pack to put my wallet ,key's ,and phone in.marfine or not if somebody has a gun pointed at you ain' t much you can do .but it is kinda odd they was out at the same time he was in the wee hr's of the morning in the dead of winter .Being your friend was a "MARINE " I got to say this .you know why the MARINES say they are always looking for a few GOOD MEN ?Because they don't have any .


  8. #28

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    I'm so sorry buddy for your lose..

  9. #29

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    To all,

    I am the person who Pova was stolen from. I have read every single post and sat back and thought for a second. I will answer all the questions.
    I have worked my share of dogs and Evo, knows this. I have never had to carry a gun while walking in memorial park. I have had more dogs entrusted to me not only by Evo but others who I will not mention. And I have never had an issue. I had several champions and GrCh entrusted to me and the all the owners will tell you they got their dogs back the exact same way I got them.

    1. Where was my wallet?
    My wallet was in my vehicle, along with my phone and keys, I always leave all my belongings in the vehicle when I work dogs. And like Evo said the car is not worth much, I would have rather gave them my keys than for them to take Pova.

    2. Why was I out there at such hour on a winter night?
    First of all Houston does not have the same weather some of you have to deal with up north, I choose to work dogs this late because is only time I have.

    3. Why would they take a dog that does not look like a typical bulldog?
    Gents, this is a random act, I have no idea why they did, and the dog was by far the last thing I figure he would ask for.

    4. Why didn't I do anything to prevent this?
    I am not sure how many or if any of you have ever had a weapon point or fired at you, the fact that they pulled a weapon out on me didn't scare me, like Evo said I did 2 tours March 02- Nov 04 in Afghanistan but I was not going to get confrontational with someone with a gun and me with no weapon.

    Everyone here is entitled to their opinion and can even play detectives and try to come up with their own theories, but things do happen and sometimes there is not answer to them..

  10. #30

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    sorry i hope you have the dog back...

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