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Thread: Which line is most known for throwing man biters?

  1. #21
    Chico's Hugo Verdugo dogs.Very high strung,aggressive animals.As puppies they will eat each other alive if you do not separate them and they will bite you! They look at kids like they look at other animals !

  2. #22
    are they even that good to make that risk worth it

  3. #23
    They arent shit eaters I will tell you that. Courageous as they come.

  4. #24
    i looked at the bed. Most mayday dogs aren't know for being man biters. Maybe it was just the idividual. Id still cull. There is 357 in my female he was supposed to be a man biter. they bow to me. i haven't had problems with them.

  5. #25
    I have seen much more than one individual from that strain.They have a tendency to be man biter-ish. That doesn't necessarily apply to other strains of Mayday dogs.

  6. #26

  7. #27

  8. #28
    I know that some of your favorite big kennel dogs with the comic book write up's are known man-biters but the almighty $ makes one look the other way especially when the kool-aid being handed out is in such high demand.

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