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When I said 10x the dose, I misread the original message sent to me, so that's my bad in regards to that statement.
I've personally never seen OR heard of anyone using Solu Medrol for any anti-shock therapy. Considering it also comes in 125mg bottles, what difference does it make. If it were the only thing I had to use, and I had the correct information, I would use it. I'd rather use it and possibly save the dog as opposed to not using it and the dog dying. I also have some dex that is 10mg/mL. Lower strength med = give more.
The dex dose is a lot higher than a swelling dose because it's a possible LIFE SAVING dose. No one ever suggested to stop giving the dogs fluid. If your dog is needing anti-shock therapy, it is certainly needing fluids. You don't stop giving fluids simply because of the medicine. I have seen both types of Dex used for aftercare for shows. The dogs lived without any issues. I've seen Solu Delta used after shows. Some dogs lived and some didn't due to simply being too far gone. Given my druthers, I'd use Solu Delta also, but if I don't have any, I can simply use what I have on hand. Being in the medical profession, I've seen most of these drugs used for one purpose or another. Some people start off at the highest dose and work their way down. Some start at the lowest and work their way up. That is more based on personal experience and what has worked for someone time and time again. I personally start at the mid way point when it comes to dosages and adjust from there.
Any anti-shock therapy is BEST used IV and not IM. IM should be a last resort not a first one. Learn how to hit veins in your animal. Giving your dog IV fluids, and not sq, will go a lot further in saving your dog. I've seen some dogs pass simply due to not having any fluids to flush their kidneys free of myoglobin.
I would like to add also that I've given 1mL of dex many times, and I've never seen a dog lose 2.2 kilos from 1mL.
Nicely said. I have some comments, that I will save for later, but surprised to hear what you said on Solu-Medrol.
Very much appreciate your response.
That said, Solu-Medrol and Solu-Delta are almost the same thing:
Solu-Delta = Prednisolone sodium succinate
Solu-Medrol = MethylPrednisolone sodium succinate
I am curious what difference the "Methyl" prefix brings to the table?
It is my understanding that Solu-Medrol offers a medium between the anti-swelling properties of Dex, and the anti-shock properties of Solu-Delta.
I have used Dex on innumerable occasions, Solu-Delta only a handful of times, but never used Solu-Medrol.
Doc is the one who extolled the use of Solu-Medrol, and he did use it regularly.
Just curious on your thoughts, thanks.