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Thread: Best price kibble

  1. #21
    it is cheaper if you do it right and get your food from various places. definitely cheaper if you're getting your stuff from chicken houses and what not. If you just shop at Walmart you're not gonna come out on top. shopping when things are on sale saves you a lot also. I feed only raw and 50 bucks takes me to 2 weeks with 4 dogs.

  2. #22
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    $50 on chicken.... wal mart used to be $5 a bag for 10lb quarters, but now its pushing $8.

  3. #23
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    im not talkin about economical raw im talkin compllete, chicken,beef,organs/guts,veggies,ect...... it gets up there.... if your local to chicken houses or a meat processing plant.. your in business... but to the residential folks...its tough lol

  4. #24
    I don't spend 50 bucks on chicken... If I really wanted to be skimpy I would do 5 lb bag of rice. 3 trays of chicken, chicken liver, 3 trays of chicken hearts n gizzards, 32 oz yogurt... that puts you around 30 dollars before taxes. You still have 20 dollars for extra meat, 32 oz of salmon oil at 11$ on that website, eggs, veggies or w/e u don't happen to have at the house already. That should last you two weeks with 4 dogs. I always have extra shit at the house that I will add if money is tight.

  5. #25
    What happens to me is I intend to be on a budget, but I don't know anyone who only goes to the store twice a month. So I try to budget things out but everytime I go to the store I spend 8 dollars on a bag of quarters here, 10 bucks on bunch of bags of sardines nextime, 8 dollars on big tube of ground. So by spending extra at the store each time which basically equals a value meal at a fast food joint, my freezer is still full at the end of the month. N I end up with a lot of variety cuz Im not gonna buy the same stuff that's already been sittin in my freezer for a week.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Hand View Post
    it is cheaper if you do it right and get your food from various places. definitely cheaper if you're getting your stuff from chicken houses and what not. If you just shop at Walmart you're not gonna come out on top. shopping when things are on sale saves you a lot also. I feed only raw and 50 bucks takes me to 2 weeks with 4 dogs.
    It's cheaper, period.

    I've already done the math in my book.

    No well-planned raw diet is $2-3/lb. Top end kibble is at least $2-$3.00/lb.

  7. #27
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    8$ a tube? What section is thay in? $25-30 for the 27% im buying....

  8. #28
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    Are they**

  9. #29
    That's because you're buying the long tube of beef. if you're broke, you dont buy the biggest tube u can find just like u don't buy the biggest bag of rice u can find. you buy the 5 or 10 pound bag and use the extra cash on something else in the diet.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by CRISIS View Post
    so what im doing no is instead of a cup of brown rice (as a filler), im substituting with 1 cup of quality soaked kibble......

    with that im still adding 1/2 raw chicken quarter... 1 softboiled egg...1 tablspoon of lard/mantec (or coconut oil)... a dabble of olive oil....a tablespoon of yogurt.....and a atblespoon of diatamaceous earth.......& 1/2 daily multivitamin

    whatever nutrition i may have been deficiant on.... im thinkin will be provided with the kibble........... ill update with results.................
    I fed a very similar diet for over 10 years and the old dog did great on it.

    Raw chicken thigh with the bone in the mornings and a 1/2 cup of quality kibble soaked in warm water at night. Plus some salmon oil, plain yogurt, some apple cider vinegar, an egg once in awhile, liver and organ meat when I had it, etc.

    The old dog did very well on this, good coat and skin, no itchy ears, very little stool, it was a good diet. Unfortunately at age 12 the old dog can't eat chicken nor raw anymore... but she did fine on this for a long time.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

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