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Thread: drying out naturally

  1. #21
    I never had a dog have a 1 or 2 count naturally
    My guess is one would have to drop significantly in weight and or reduce water intake

    I wouldn't recommend neither unless you absolutely sure what your doing and can do regular blood counts

    I have used roids to get to that 1 or 2 count but it heavily depends on what type of dog I am using and the work out

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    Well the last one i showed i pretty much followed the process you laid out in the "drying without dex" thread(or atleast i think that was the name of it). Where you stated you gave about an ounce per lb of body weight of fluids. Then if im not mistaken you said you controlled water intake last few days. I tried this and couldnt get the water off. So 4 hours before the show i hit him with 1cc of dex (following some advice) he came in on weight but he was only 7 ounces over at that time. So he had plenty of time to urinate more on walks. Anyway the result was a 3 hour loss. All of the mouth i saw in schooling was gone at the show. Some say dex played a role in this, idk as i have no proof of that, but he also wasnt as tenacious as he usually is. I'll chunk the loss up to me not doing my job as he showed all the heart in the world.

    All statements are purely fictional and used for entertainment purposes only!
    It's a learning process. The first time I tried it, I couldn't get the water off either. It has a learning curve to it in order to do it for most people. It does work and no dex is needed. I don't even remember the last time dex was used to pull excess water of an animal. I can tell you this. Dex has nothing to do with losing mouth, and the same goes for being tenacious. Sometimes, you simply run into a better dog, or one as good, as it seems to be evidenced by a three hour loss.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    It's a learning process. The first time I tried it, I couldn't get the water off either. It has a learning curve to it in order to do it for most people. It does work and no dex is needed. I don't even remember the last time dex was used to pull excess water of an animal. I can tell you this. Dex has nothing to do with losing mouth, and the same goes for being tenacious. Sometimes, you simply run into a better dog, or one as good, as it seems to be evidenced by a three hour loss.
    I wouldnt say he was better but i will say he was in better shape! You are probably correct about the dex not having anythign to do with loss of mouth but i have seen this animal punish hogs when he hits his spots and during the show he reached those spots but showed very little mouth. He did some damage but not what i was used to. Probably had more to do with shaping or wrong weight. I have no problem taking the blame for what could have been my fault. One thing for sure is both was game and if i ever had to take a loss it would be in this fashion.

    For your method do you look for some sort of skin count? This hound was hard for me to figure out. He didnt like to work, AT ALL! Used alot of e-mill on him and walks. Feed consisted of lots of raw chicken which i know contains lots of water. So when it comes time to tweak water intake, should i adjust his raw intake?

    Thanks for all the helpful responses. Knowledge is power and this site has plenty of it!

  4. #24
    I've heard that myth before about loosing mouth with dex
    I don't think its true either

    I have lost about 10 to 15 shows , every excuse I could have made I must admit I have won far more making the same mistake or worse
    fact is sometimes you just run into a better dog

    I have been conditioning dogs on raw since around 2000 or so
    when you have them on raw they barely drink at all

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    It's a learning process. The first time I tried it, I couldn't get the water off either. It has a learning curve to it in order to do it for most people. It does work and no dex is needed. I don't even remember the last time dex was used to pull excess water of an animal. I can tell you this. Dex has nothing to do with losing mouth, and the same goes for being tenacious. Sometimes, you simply run into a better dog, or one as good, as it seems to be evidenced by a three hour loss.
    I personally saw this bitch, The Mason's Aurora, totally turned to shit in her match, by being mainlined solu-delta cortef 5 min before the show. Her genius owners thought this would be a good thing to do, despite my suggestions to the contrary, and she was totally zoned out, off-timing, ran hot and quit in like :30 (where, pulled off the chain, she was a freak of nature: strong, fast, devastating).

    You can "say" the other dog was better, if you want to, but the other dog wasn't shit.

    Aurora was simply totally affected by the drug they put in her veins, and it cost her the match, and it cost her her life.

    Drugs REALLY CAN make dogs "feel weird," same as they can make people feel weird, and so to deny this fact isn't being very accurate IMO.


  6. #26
    Some side effects of dexamethasone include:
    Headache, dizziness (spinning sensation), low potassium (confusion, extreme thurst, muscle weakness, uneven heart rate), low blood pressure (buzzing in ears, headache, confusion, shortness of breath, seizure, anxiety) etc.

    Each individual dog will react differently one can not rule out the possibility of dex contributing negatively to an individual dogs performance.

    This is why it is important to know how this will effect your charge beforehand

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by S_B View Post
    Some side effects of dexamethasone include:
    Headache, dizziness (spinning sensation), low potassium (confusion, extreme thurst, muscle weakness, uneven heart rate), low blood pressure (buzzing in ears, headache, confusion, shortness of breath, seizure, anxiety) etc.

    Each individual dog will react differently one can not rule out the possibility of dex contributing negatively to an individual dogs performance.

    This is why it is important to know how this will effect your charge beforehand
    same goes for roids

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by S_B View Post
    Some side effects of dexamethasone include:
    Headache, dizziness (spinning sensation), low potassium (confusion, extreme thurst, muscle weakness, uneven heart rate), low blood pressure (buzzing in ears, headache, confusion, shortness of breath, seizure, anxiety) etc.

    Each individual dog will react differently one can not rule out the possibility of dex contributing negatively to an individual dogs performance.

    This is why it is important to know how this will effect your charge beforehand

    That is exactly how Aurora acted: confused, dizzy, etc.

    She was MAINLINED, not given under the skin, they shot it in her IV :05 before the show.

    That was the best-bred, baddest Bolio bitch alive; she was devastating at her best.

    But not only did they decide to do her at 7 years of age, but they mainlined her solu-delta right before ... and it totally ruined her.

    She was still glassy-eyed, and panting severely, :30 after the show.

    They insisted on killing her ... but I would have been happy to take that bitch home, based on what I knew she was before being fucked-off by monkeys fiddling with a Swiss watch.

    Waste of a beautifully-bred, devastating animal.


  9. #29
    PS: the other dog was only on Aurora's head, holding her off.

    Aurora never took a backward step, driving hard, but "off" in her timing, and running extremely hot ...

    She ultimately collapsed, on her elbows, totally exhausted, glassy-eyed, again running unnaturally hot, IMO because of what was injected into her veins.

    When they moved the other bitch, to take her out, Aurora tried to go for the movement.

    But they still put her down. Idiots IMO ...

  10. #30
    if u read those sideeffects, i think it could very well cause a lack of mouth think it depends at what time before a show and how much was given. never used dex before and would never use it if i was under.

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