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Thread: picked up game in 18-22 min

  1. #21
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    Golden State
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post

    Actually, boxing is child's play compared to what these dogs do.

    First of all, even world title fights are not 36 min straight. The boxers get 11 one-minute breaks, every 3 min, to regroup, catch their breath, rinse their mouths, get their cuts tended to, etc.
    Secondly, there are rules of what kind of punishment a boxer can take and what he doesn't have to be subjected to.
    Finally, none of the boxers is really out there to kill each other; they're out there to outpoint, or possibly KO, each other with padded gloves on.

    A boxer does NOT have to get his ass rooted in the corner, turned upside down, with a mofo SERIOUSLY TRYING TO KILL HIM FOR REAL IN THE THROAT ... with DEATH as the INTENDED outcome.
    A boxer does NOT get rooted in the kidneys, or have his guts pulled out, or have 4 teeth crushed out of his broken face/muzzle/jawbone ... or have to run scratches on a compound fracture ... or with 1/4 his blood supply leaked-out of a bleeder. (Or all of the above ...)

    Boxing is actually a joke compared to what these dogs go through, there's a referee to protect boxers from "rough stuff" ... while there is nothing protecting these dogs ... and they get no breaks.

    Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, but it just pisses me off when some wiseguy, who has NO CONCEPT of what it's like to be in a TRULY brutal, life-and-death fight, "scoffs at" the idea that gameness can be displayed in 18 minutes of pure hell, pure lethal brutality, with truly lethal intentions.

    What these dogs sometimes have to go through is no fucking joke ... and it is nothing to be scoffed at ... especially by someone who's truly never been down that road themselves. Period.

    I agree.... I was more so looking at it as the time comparison, how 8 minutes can seem like a half hour... I agree that not too many (if any) men can go out & endure what these dogs do.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by CRISIS View Post
    I agree.... I was more so looking at it as the time comparison, how 8 minutes can seem like a half hour... I agree that not too many (if any) men can go out & endure what these dogs do.
    Agreed. And, more importantly, sometimes more true mayhem, decimation, and trauma can be wrought in an :18 bloodbath than in a 2-hr dance.

    As boxing legend Jack Denpsey once said, "I can respect a man who only lasts 60 wild seconds with me more than a guy I have to chase around the ring for 15 rounds."

    At the end of the day we must take stock of what is actually happening in there, rather than look at our watches.

    And it also helps to have some actual fighting experience ourselves ti draw from.


  3. #23
    Jack, fuck that shit u talking, I'll beat your ass for an 1hr str8 don't ever in your mf life try to insult me on this bullshit ass board for asking a person what they think about being game in 18-22 min. U must be one of the same mf with them bullshit ass hounds,yeah that was probably your main fucking sell pitch, you gotta e a stupid mf to call a dog game in 18 min. Pound for pound if a dog has to show gameness that fast he had no business in there. So take this shit how u wanna take it, but I don't give a shit about some ex ass puppy peddler opinion.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Punishem601 View Post
    Jack, fuck that shit u talking, I'll beat your ass for an 1hr str8 don't ever in your mf life try to insult me on this bullshit ass board for asking a person what they think about being game in 18-22 min.
    Sorry, dumbass, you don't have the skills to do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Punishem601 View Post
    U must be one of the same mf with them bullshit ass hounds,yeah that was probably your main fucking sell pitch, you gotta e a stupid mf to call a dog game in 18 min.
    Again, dumbass, I don't have "hounds," I have bulldogs.

    And my bulldogs have beaten, as well as proven their gameness against, the best dogs and dogmen to be had in the sport.

    Meanwhile, you and yours haven't done shit.

    You're a stupid MF by virtue or a lot of things ... and I don't have time this morning to roll-out the list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Punishem601 View Post
    Pound for pound if a dog has to show gameness that fast he had no business in there.
    We agree on this, but the subject was gameness, not ability.

    Clearly, IF a dog showed extreme gameness by 18, then he was in way over his head. Very bright of you to figure this one out with no help

    But that wasn't the subject, genius, the subject was gameness. And the answer is YES, a dog "can" be picked up "game" (still willing) in :18.

    And if you were so smart, and had your head anywhere besides up your ass, you could have figured this out for yourself too

    Quote Originally Posted by Punishem601 View Post
    So take this shit how u wanna take it, but I don't give a shit about some ex ass puppy peddler opinion.
    I took it for exactly what it was: the ape-like babbling of a money without a brain ... so long retard

    And Merry Christmas


  5. #25
    My guess, buddy, is you've never actually been in a real fight.

    A serious fight. A fight where somebody really did have better skills than you, and whooped your ass for a long time.

    And, trust me, you'd think 18 straight minutes of getting your ass handed to you, the point of needing to have your life saved, would seem "a long time" ...

    It does take gameness to stay in there with someone like that, under conditions like that, and the fact you "don't know this" means you have no experience fighting truly skilled opponents.

    You're a dumbass thug with dogs, nothing more.

    And before you call me "just a peddler," realize the dogs I produce have been able to beat the best in the world (for many, many years now) ... while you're still "buying dogs" and trying to figure out what "this and that" means ...

    So don't ever question what I say, until thousands of people all over the world start paying you $100, just to be able to read "your" opinions on the subject of dogs ... and we both know that day will never come


  6. #26
    Fuck you and them sorry ass washed up ass hounds you had. All you own us a fucking house dog you peace of shit hair raising tail tucking ass mf cur just like the hounds you had. What was in the past ain't shit what do u have now for hunting? Like I said once before you fucking punk you couldn't whoop me if I had the flu and your hounds couldn't hunt with mine if they all was starved and fucking dehydrated .so fuck you and your opinions and if both of your fucking legs aren't broke muzzle isn't tore to shreds then in 18 then there is no way that mf is game so fuck you and all of the shit that you have claimed to have done!!!!!! By the way u have a merry Christmas you dick sucker.......

  7. #27
    By the way picking up that fast is just saving yourself from embarrassment. I'm glad I don't have none of that bullshit in none of my peds.....

  8. #28
    You see my handle come this way and win consistently

  9. #29
    By the way I don't have to fight i ain't a fucking dog glocks and choppers and shit do it for me!!!!!

  10. #30
    I am on my phone now, and don't have the time or inclination to hammer out a long decimation of your silly rants. Yeah, okay, you and your sick dogs are the toughest ever

    Clown, you are clearly the dumbass thug I pegged you for.

    We both know your dogs have never beaten, nor produced, a top shelf Champion. Ever.

    And we both you hide behind a gun because you sense something about yourself, deep down, that you want to protect from being revealed.


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