@jack is your keep on this board or a link to it I want to know the benefits of Tribulus in a keep ...
No, it is in my book.
@jack i got your dvd on the raw feeding and it dont show nothing about adding tribulus in your food can you post a link on it and what benifits the dog will get from using it ...
It's on the 20 Years of Breeding Secrets DVD, not the Raw DVD ...
I want to let everyone know If you follow Jacks book On Fertility on the stud dog . I have to say i used it on a stud dog that i didn't know the age of but had to of been at least 10yrs or 12 yrs human life and i followed his guideline as directed. And i was successful with getting His final litter but due to me taking him off and slacking up on a Major breeding I was unsuccessful the second time. His book and instructions are very simple if you don't understand just reread it a couple of times before you start doing something that you don't understand. I like all have all jack Publications and DVDs i have slacked being lazy and when i sit down and research his books and the books he inform you that should be in your arsenal Please GET! im in the process of Acquiring them all WHY??? More knowledge more access to solutions to your problems
That is #^@&!*% awesome, dude, glad to hear you were successful at least once.
Remember, nothing lasts forever, even in the most ideal of circumstances ... but if you can stack the deck in your favor for even just a little bit of time, and profit from it, then more power to you
Queston? I have a female in heat now, about 5 days in. when she was last bred she had 2 pups, I was wondering if i started giving her a tribulus terrestris supplement. which kind would i give.
ans would this brand be one from a health food or GNC type store......? I have one on hand that i use and each pill is 1500mg tribulus terrestris.....I am taking from your post i should give 1/3 of a pill, which
would be approx. close to 500mg each day.....I would really like to try this out, any info you could pass on, would be great.
thx jack
You have to give the tribulus the day they come in heat I believe.