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Thread: Holland's haymaker

  1. #21
    Ok EWO, makes more sense that you explained it and he acts more like the RB side of his ped. I don't see anything wrong with waiting on a dog. If you have a time line of past dogs you should at least give him the same opportunity, especially if you have the room and he's not hard to keep.

    He's bred freggin awesome, maybe he'll turn on and kick the world's ass!


  2. #22
    CYJ, always a pleasure to read what you post.


  3. #23
    Even though we've gone far beyond Haymaker, this turned out to be a great thread!

  4. #24
    For those that have had a dog turn on in their later years (3+), what do you think flipped the switch? The dog has already been an adult for some time at that point. I would think its maturation process would be complete. Any thoughts?

  5. #25
    Great threads, like good conversation, often change directions. This one the same.

    I'm not much on just having an opinion on these dogs. My opinions are usually, and most often, based on dogs that I have actually owned or seen or had personally experienced.

    This female has been grown since about 10-12 weeks old. Just ask her. Sweet as pie. As friendly and warm hearted to people as any dog I have ever seen. Since 10-12 weeks old she will grab anything of any size with four legs and fur. And be mad about it as well. Separate her from the dog and in an instant she returns to the cute and cuddle little puppy. Fast forward as she is just over a year now. Exact same thing. I think she would be the perfect house dog. Her switch does not flip until something is within her grasp. A complete sociopath.

    Sluggo on the other had has a pedigree and family members that suggest he should be chomping at the bit for a shot at the title. Zero interest. Period.

    Molly has been hot from way early and puts on a demonstrative display whenever there is dog movement on the yard. Take another off the chain, spend two minutes with another dog horsing around or simply rub the dog next to her. She turned on really early as well. She has issues with other people as well. Nothing but a loving dog to me but even my son she does not like.

    Hatchet and his littermate sister had to be separated early. I blamed him as the aggressor until she just picked another target in the pen. She was a real aggressive puppy. And when separated would stay mad and geeked up for several minutes afterwards. Star acted ready really early. Hatchet was more like a normal dog. 18-20 months before he got going.

    In the end it depends on the individual dog. Sometimes there is stark differences between littermates. Most of the time when they 'turn on' or 'act ready' really early, in reality they are not. Sort of like the young teenage kid who already knows everything and thinks he can whoop the world. The world usually wins. Same with the dogs.

    It is hard enough to wait on a dog that is slow to start. It is really hard to have patience when the youngster is chomping at the bit. This has been the end to many who would have ended up being a good dog, or the very least having a plausible chance of being a good dog.


  6. #26
    Not much on opinion without experience.......


  7. #27
    Look I'm going to let everyone on a secret. Its individual Dogs that Produce! Not so much just perfect bred dogs.
    I have had and seen it way too often. Hell I got a male here that can breed to a cold -cur -or Game bitch and you got a real shot at a real dog. Don't think just because a ped is pretty or you went to some breeder that has 7 gens of GrCh ped lined up for you. Some dogs just produce good. Hell one of the best producing bredings I ever seen was off of TKK's. Tina Louise when she was bred to monster man. And I hate palidin dogs. But them two put out stone cold game ass bulldogs. Or Clayhills miss rage (cold or cur) and that sorry ass shaliko dog. Hell that was 6 pups = 5 Champion and GrChampion and I got the SDJ to prove it ( for those that don't think it didn't happen unless it was in the sdj (2003)
    So all these theories are fine and dandy but its all just talking points.
    The bull Shit stops when they drop in the box...

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by ATKJJJ View Post
    Look I'm going to let everyone on a secret. Its individual Dogs that Produce! Not so much just perfect bred dogs.
    I have had and seen it way too often. Hell I got a male here that can breed to a cold -cur -or Game bitch and you got a real shot at a real dog. Don't think just because a ped is pretty or you went to some breeder that has 7 gens of GrCh ped lined up for you. Some dogs just produce good. Hell one of the best producing bredings I ever seen was off of TKK's. Tina Louise when she was bred to monster man. And I hate palidin dogs. But them two put out stone cold game ass bulldogs. Or Clayhills miss rage (cold or cur) and that sorry ass shaliko dog. Hell that was 6 pups = 5 Champion and GrChampion and I got the SDJ to prove it ( for those that don't think it didn't happen unless it was in the sdj (2003)
    So all these theories are fine and dandy but its all just talking points.
    The bull Shit stops when they drop in the box...
    It's both.
    What is behind the individual and the individual itself. Selection. The longer the generations spent of you selecting the dogs you like, the more likely the individuals born will have and produce those traits. No secrets to it. Keep them, select the best dogs.

  9. #29
    Agreed with the box scenario. No doubts there.

    It is the individual dog but the purpose of a breeding program is to stack those individual dogs together, within the same family and with the same desired traits.


  10. #30
    Yes but you can have litter mates and one just produces good solid game dogs every time. And his Brother or sister can't hit a lick. Same ped same blood line. This game ain't as easy as stacking bloodlines and peds. Its more about time and knowing the dogs in the fam personally. I wish it was as easy as breeding pretty dog with pretty less. I would have been a rich man in life.

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