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Thread: Avila's Ouch!

  1. #21

    Re: Avila's Ouch!

    One of the main holders of the Sambo/Greenwood dogs says they threw a very high percentage of brilliant performance animals and very consistently at that. He laments that more wasn't done to preserve the line. He was interested in the Ouch dogs as well. I sent him your way months ago. Not sure he got a hold of you.

  2. #22

    Re: Avila's Ouch!

    Quote Originally Posted by drz
    One of the main holders of the Sambo/Greenwood dogs says they threw a very high percentage of brilliant performance animals and very consistently at that. He laments that more wasn't done to preserve the line. He was interested in the Ouch dogs as well. I sent him your way months ago. Not sure he got a hold of you.

    Very interesting. If you PM me the name, I can let you know.

    Those dogs must have gone up to Canada, because that is where I got my info on them from also.



  3. #23

    Re: Avila's Ouch!

    Months after our first conversation he got a hold of me again. He mentioned that he had reconnected with an old friend who he hadn't had contact with in some time, Northern Express. It will be interesting to see if they can continue the magic of that old blood. NE should be able to fill you in. The same individual also sent some gyps to the Lineman, those gyps or their decedents not sure which, ended up being bred to Bolio Jr. If I'm not mistaken. Very knowledgeable older timer who worked that blood first hand..

    But again I'm just adding to your quality post on the Ouch dog and hoping to provide some further agreement that there were many talented dogs in Ouch's pedigree and that yes indeed Strega was a big part of the recipe of success even though she's overlooked due to the more impressive pedigree of El Dos Bits Cortaro. Which is a shame. Pedigrees are nearly meaningless without knowledge of the dogs that make them up. I know there are programs that allow one to add comments on each dog in the ped which would be helpful in cases like this.

  4. #24
    I have updated the links on Page 1 of this thread, so that what I have said makes more sense ...

  5. #25
    Are dogs off ouch or silverback still out there? I have a female i would like to breed towards this side of her pedigree as she matures.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by drz View Post
    Pedigrees are nearly meaningless without knowledge of the dogs that make them up.
    True wisdom.

  7. #27

    ch hammer

    Hope yall are in the discussion mood. I really wish evo or ca jack would comment. My second litter of pups I feel is better than the first. One of the pups a female is a standout to me. She was always more athletic and independent compared to the other pups. the older she gets her structure is coming out. I know the dog isn't in her pedigree but when she matures she will be a spitting image of that ouch dog. Shes a balance of muscle and coordination and speed. My question is the best way to lock it in. Her father has a good bit of bone on him. One of her brothers has alot of muscle to him probably too much. I know we don't breed necessarily for confirmation. If you look at mma fighters and boxers certain muscle to height ratios show up in fighters. I think that ouch dog and hanna one day will have it. There is a fair amount of hollingsworth bull in the mix. I lean towards the dont break side of things. I look at ouch's pedigree and i bet some of his structure came from boomerang. If ca jack has ridden off into the sun set like shane and I can't find any ouch dogs. are there any good boomerang dogs worth anything out here. Theres a big discussion on here about Indian sunny's bolio dogs. They said how eli added some bone. I feel the boomerang may be an equivalent. These dogs work in places i like. Trying to figure how to lock in hanna and her dad if she turns out like i think she will. athletic, muscular dog that's not slow, smart and works were vise grip dogs worked. I hope yall are out there.

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