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Thread: Fever

  1. #21
    PCR test came back. Negative for babesia. So I don't know what's causing the anemia, maybe the tests for the other blood parasite were false negative? Now I'm not sure if it's botulism that made him sick the very first time.

  2. #22
    You get his liver enzymes checked with all the labs they took?

  3. #23

    Those are ALT, AST and ALP right? If so, yes.

    AST = 44 (normal)
    ALT = 52 (normal)
    ALP = 313 (way higher than the normal range)

  4. #24
    From what I read on ALP values they can be elevated due to growth (bone) and drugs.

    It's got to be frustrating not having a diagnosis.


  5. #25
    It's very frustrating. So far the possible diagnosis are: botulism, electrolyte (calcium) imbalance due to supplement/diet, and blood parasite. I'm gonna get another hematology report next friday to see if everything is back to normal or not.

  6. #26
    Did they search for Leptospirosis..?

  7. #27
    @Rainman: We don't have a test for leptopspirosis here but from the symptoms and the lab results it's not lepto.

  8. #28
    So blood smear test came back. Did not found any blood parasite but showed that there is a possible genetic autoimmune disease (even though Coomb's test is negative) that has something to do with calcium receptors and parathyroid hormone. This gets even more confusing. First they say no autoimmune, now they say there is.

  9. #29

  10. #30
    Interesting they're saying "auto immune" as Babesia has been many times mistaken for this. Can they explain why the red blood cell count was so low?

    The hip and joint supplement shouldn't be an issue, although unless you're working him as a pup I wouldn't feel it's needed. Whatever that 2nd one is I wouldn't use myself, there's nothing in those ingredients that seem beneficial to me except the hemoglobin. I'd use a desiccated liver supplement a couple times a week for blood benefit, it's all natural vs the stuff you posted.

    One thing with a weakened immune system is you don't want to use supplements that "boost" the immune system or over supplement. I've read that you want the immune system to repair itself and become stronger, not relying on supplementation.

    What is the breeding on your dog if you don't mind sharing?


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