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Thread: serious inbreeding question

  1. #21
    Jim is still at the ranch, the address is still good. He got in a pretty bad car accident a few years back, and that has slowed things down a bit. I am looking forward to his "coming soon" website, that has been up for a couple of years now. I was set to go buy some of Jim's cattle in 2005, but my daughter spent 5 days in the hospital after a trip overseas, and there went my money for a 3 in 1. Someday!

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    Well, when I bred the flawless U-Nhan-Rha to Perfect, even though Perfect was herself a bum, she was rugged and durable, and her mama was an ace and was Duke Nukem's sister, so I was doubling-up on Duke Nukem and Jezebel ... and the result was an all-excellent, match-quality litter, and one of the tightest breedings I ever made in my life, actually using a bum as the mama.
    just curious, why not just breed him to the ace instead of the bum?

  3. #23
    Well, I agree that breeding "best to best" within a family is (by definition) "Best Practice."

    However, if you followed what I was saying, the point being made was that, even when you do breed "best to best," you can still come out with bums. When I bred Poncho and Missy together, I was breeding best-to-best, but yet I got the bum Phoenix. When I bred Poncho to Screamer, I again was breeding Best-to-Best, and I that time I did get an ace in Jezebel. However, most of the dogs in her litter were just extremely game, average dogs.

    When I bred the ace Jezebel to the bum Phoenix, 2 out of 3 dogs produced were A-level dogs, with one bum in Perfect. And even though Perfect was far from 'perfect,' she still had a bunch of super dogs in her immediate ancestry, and so it was my job to "re-shuffle the deck" in such a way as to get all the good stuff back out of her ... and by breeding Perfect to U-Nhan-Rha, I was able to do that: and I got across-the-board excellence in that litter.

    The point is, when you inbreed with bums, if there is enough really good genes "right there," just below the surface, with the correct INbreeding selection you can sometimes bring it all right back out again So too was the story of the Gr Ch Junior dog a few pages back. 6x and 7x winners were bred together (best-to-best), but all these breedings did was produce a bunch of losers. Those losers were interbred to produce some decent, but not spectacular, dogs ... but when Jackson re-shuffled his own deck a third time he got a brand new 6xW out of the mix.

    Therefore, the lesson to be learned here is breeding "Best to Best" doesn't necessarily do anything for you ... because it is a breeding fact that excellence tends to revert back to average

    Therefore, at the end of the day, it is the ability to re-shuffle the deck and bring back the excellence out of that "genetic deck" that means everything to the saying "Keeping The Blood Alive" ...


  4. #24
    I keep running thru my head when u say re shuffle the deck and am trying to find the breeding patterns used to reshuffle dam it's enough to make a mans head spin but I'll figure it out in time. Great thread thx to the old timers willing to share !!!

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Abe View Post
    I keep running thru my head when u say re shuffle the deck and am trying to find the breeding patterns used to reshuffle dam it's enough to make a mans head spin but I'll figure it out in time. Great thread thx to the old timers willing to share !!!
    Really study Junior's pedigree ... there is a TON of half-brother/half-sister breedings in there.

    If you study Red Bull's pedigree, there is a mix of brother/sister, father/daughter, mother/son, and cousin/cousin breedings.


  6. #26
    I can follow juniors red bull is goin to take studying Slow scholar but steady wins the race.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Abe View Post
    I can follow juniors red bull is goin to take studying Slow scholar but steady wins the race.

    The pedigree seems complicated, I guess, if you've just laid eyes on it; however it is easy as pie to follow:

    ............................................. Vise-Grip's Poncho
    ......................... Vise-Grip's Duke Nukem ¾ Poncho
    ............................................. Vise-Grip's Screamer (Poncho's daughter)
    ...... Vise-Grip's U-Nhan-Rha
    ............................................. DeMarco's Roy Jones Jr. (Ch Comanche x Ruby)
    ......................... Vise-Grip's Tuffy ¾ Ruby, Poncho's sister
    ............................................. Vise-Grip's Ruby (Poncho's sister)

    Northern Express' Ch Red Bull

    ............................................. Vise-Grip's Poncho
    ......................... Vise-Grip's Phoenix 100% Poncho/Missy
    ............................................. Vise-Grip's Missy (Poncho's sister)
    ...... Vise-Grip's Perfect
    ............................................. Vise-Grip's Poncho
    ......................... Vise-Grip's Jezebel ¾ Poncho
    ............................................. Vise-Grip's Screamer (Poncho's daughter)

    Like I said, it was one of the tightest breedings I have ever done ... and every dog in the litter was/is match quality. Yet Perfect and her sire Phoenix were bums (but they were incredibly durable, with big bones and thick hides). Jezebel was an ace and her mama Screamer was an excellent animal. Poncho and her two sisters were all excellent animals, but Missy had a devastating mouth as did her sister Ruby. U-Nhan-Rha was an excellent, well-rounded animal. Duke Nukem is Jezebel's sister and was longwinded, but no mouth.


  8. #28
    Bump up for 2020...

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