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Thread: connollys redmill dry food ,how does it compare to the better dry food

  1. #21
    R2L, when it comes to conditioning, it doesn't matter what you put in a bulldog. It's all about how knowledgeable and skillful a person is. A good conditioner could feed his dog ol'roy from Walmart and have that dog looking like a million bucks. But if an amateur use the same feed, that dog will look like shit and perform like shit.
    The better you feed the dog, the less you need to work him. The shittier the feed the harder you have to push the dog to work. A dog's kidneys can only go through so many keeps and punishments.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by tasoschatz View Post
    There is also another multibillion industry that involves all the pro-athletes from every sport, they do indorse products, do you believe they use all of them?
    Thats a silly question!!.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by R2L View Post
    I bet the guys preparing the dogs for such races know a lot about feeding, but that doesnt mean some bag meant for a totally different sport is instantly most suitable for our dogs. Like if marathon walkers would eat the same feed as 50/100 meter sprinters.

    I would like to see a well conditioned bulldog on red mills in real life. Cause im getting pretty bored again
    Buy some and start working one....

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    I gues in a 500.000.000$$ racing industry they know stuf you dont...
    Yeah Limey, and Fat Bill once put out a keep that called for using Corn Flakes. He probably won more shows that me too, but that doesn't mean the guy knows anything about nutrition. Smith & Walton fed Ol' Roy when I got there, and he won a lot of shows too. Winning contests and making a profit on the kennel isn't a good measure of sound nutritional choices. In fact, if profitability is a key driver, poor nutrition likely will provide a much more attractive return on investment.

    Generally dog people of any fancy are blind idiots following idiots with a little more, yet still limited vision. So these "knowledgable" Greyhound fanciers may not be knowledgeable whatsoever. In fact, I am supposing that because they keep hundreds and hundreds of dogs and cull a majority of them, that this feed choice has much more to do with economics than it does nutritional benefits.

  5. #25
    So, when some dog owners endorse whatever kibble they do, we have a serious comment, when we make the same talk about humans, it is silly... Well, I simply do not accept that there aren't financial interests involved through promotion etc in dog races, I guess it is a personal perception thing.
    Seriously speaking although, and I mean it in a sincere manner, I haven't seen anywhere that heat procedure for lets say kibble preparation destroys hormones and antibiotics, doesn't mean it isn't true, but I would like to see some credible info source on that matter.
    What I have seen is animal industrial food manufacturing, although not dog kibble, human athletes, 2004 olympic games menu, university studies, personally beeing a subject in some etc etc. In full honesty, if I was to be convinced that dog kibble is of such high level, maybe I would convince myself to feed on that and live for 100 years.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by TFX View Post
    Yeah Limey, and Fat Bill once put out a keep that called for using Corn Flakes. He probably won more shows that me too, but that doesn't mean the guy knows anything about nutrition. Smith & Walton fed Ol' Roy when I got there, and he won a lot of shows too. Winning contests and making a profit on the kennel isn't a good measure of sound nutritional choices. In fact, if profitability is a key driver, poor nutrition likely will provide a much more attractive return on investment.

    Generally dog people of any fancy are blind idiots following idiots with a little more, yet still limited vision. So these "knowledgable" Greyhound fanciers may not be knowledgeable whatsoever. In fact, I am supposing that because they keep hundreds and hundreds of dogs and cull a majority of them, that this feed choice has much more to do with economics than it does nutritional benefits.
    OK the only thing THEY the greyhound people are doing WRONG is that they breed BEST TO BEST ONLY. and as WE KNOW the random out come of producing high quality animals is of a far less %%%... In what your saying about idiots fallowing Idiots . , is ACZACKLY THE REZEN ME being one of the few who questions raw feeding diets as being superior..
    Feeding raw its being presented in sutch a way that if your making coments against it your a fool and dont know shijt and your doing your dogs wrong blablablabla. Al BS
    as it isend al that great in the first place. As it has as many weak points and in my point of vieuw iven more to it as kibble feeding .. EVERYTING being claimed is hypt up with NO solid background . to put fear in people that Kibble is bad wrong and dangeres for your dogs.. compleatly disreguarding the many flaws in raw diets....

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by tasoschatz View Post
    So, when some dog owners endorse whatever kibble they do, we have a serious comment, when we make the same talk about humans, it is silly... Well, I simply do not accept that there aren't financial interests involved through promotion etc in dog races, I guess it is a personal perception thing.
    Seriously speaking although, and I mean it in a sincere manner, I haven't seen anywhere that heat procedure for lets say kibble preparation destroys hormones and antibiotics, doesn't mean it isn't true, but I would like to see some credible info source on that matter.
    What I have seen is animal industrial food manufacturing, although not dog kibble, human athletes, 2004 olympic games menu, university studies, personally beeing a subject in some etc etc. In full honesty, if I was to be convinced that dog kibble is of such high level, maybe I would convince myself to feed on that and live for 100 years.
    It was a silly question because nobody is the same and everybody has to tailor made what kind of suplemends work for him ore her. one person has a lack in one nutriend being it vitamins ore minerals ecetera .then the other. .. same with sporting animals.....
    And ofcours there is MAJOR finansual intrest involved same as with meat and kibble. everybody likes to promote and talk about the benifits and disreguard the negatif side efects of there products. Its up to YOU to find out and weigh it all douwn in what you belive is the best thin to do for your life your kinds and your dogs for that matter.
    We all know if we kook our vegies to long it wil distroi the goodies. we al know that the vitamins in petatos are in the skin. we all know when we boil our meat we draw the good stuff out and distroi lots of nutriense in the meat (like amino asids) we all know that we have to kook our food to break douwn the crap thats being used in ore on our vegies and meat.
    We all know that antibiotic use today in our life stock is a imidiat danger to us and future generations as bacteria strains are getting imume. we all know that dogs have a diferend tast and smell then we do so hens they like kibble and we dont.
    and MOST of us know that it is bij LAW in lots of countries that pet food is made to be used for human consumption in time for crisis of any kind... And you have no idea how many people DO eat pet food these days!!!!!!...

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    OK the only thing THEY the greyhound people are doing WRONG is that they breed BEST TO BEST ONLY. and as WE KNOW the random out come of producing high quality animals is of a far less %%%... In what your saying about idiots fallowing Idiots . , is ACZACKLY THE REZEN ME being one of the few who questions raw feeding diets as being superior..
    Feeding raw its being presented in sutch a way that if your making coments against it your a fool and dont know shijt and your doing your dogs wrong blablablabla. Al BS
    as it isend al that great in the first place. As it has as many weak points and in my point of vieuw iven more to it as kibble feeding .. EVERYTING being claimed is hypt up with NO solid background . to put fear in people that Kibble is bad wrong and dangeres for your dogs.. compleatly disreguarding the many flaws in raw diets....
    I still feed a quality kibble to my adult dogs, and my dogs live a long, long time. So please don't lump me in with the "raw only" feeders. I do start the pups on raw for the first few months, but I am very busy and have no time at this stage of my life to deal with raw food prep on an ongoing basis.

    With that said, A) I think in most cases a raw diet is actually superior, and B) any kibble with "cereal" as it's top ingredient is certainly not a quality kibble.

  9. #29
    I dont belive, infact i cant recall nor belived i have acused you of being a raw feeder nor would i care thats al up to you. If i heurt your feelings about that and ore if you belived i did so then im sorry!.
    we start al our pups on a mixure of raw minsed meat and soakt kibble. and slowly over the cours of 3 weeks take the minst meat out..its used as a kick starter nothing more ore less. Now as for cereal. Tell me, no show me why that would be a bad kibble.(dont use food wizers) let me remind you that the indonesian and philipien Dingo,s main Diet is carbs. in the likes of frutes riced ecetera. and then meat in the likes of small animals lizzards ecetera.. using a lower protien (27%) kibble with sereal as a maintinense food is no problem and can be givven til the dog dies of natural cases.and lots of them do grow old upto 15 years living on it..
    when you start working a dog protien(29/32%) based as the nr 1 and 2 ingriediens in descending order by weight is askt for yes.
    Bij the way we kickt Fat bills a.s in such a way he whent broke and came asking for a loan to buy a ticket to fly home!! he was that convinsed putting his money up...... We declined.

  10. #30
    People eat dog food due to financial need, not choice. WE do know many things, it seems that in this forum, as in g-d and you talking high about Eukanuba, the majority is for raw feeding so , WE should be enough of an answer? I never used the majority factor in our conversations, I just tried repeatedly to give you an oportunity to present scientific facts, in my opinion you haven't.
    Enough from me on feeding subject, if you ever decide to post a show preperation programme with training included, then I will bother you again.

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