LMAO, I can see your sense of urgency now
Again, with the benefit of hindsight, I can tell you that people create their own drama and anxiety. Wouldn't it be easier to get the bitch first, see if she's any good, assess her strenghts/weaknesses, and match her locally? I understand your desires and (if Evo knew who you were targeting, I am sure he would assist you financially ... and maybe even with transportation ) I realize it's a time-sensitive issue.
Just remember, YOU don't have to make all of the concessions, do all the driving, etc. Part of hooking a match is getting things in your favor sometimes, not always being the one turning backflips to make something happen. As I myself have learned the hard way, sometimes you can stretch yourself out so far, you find yourself ... or your dog ... over a barrel
Better to make a comfortable deal for you and your dog ... unless you're just an adrenalin junkie
There used to be something on the market called Cheque Drops that were given to females to prevent them from coming into heat. I don't know the side effects or any of that other jazz. I don't even know if they make it anymore.
you asked a good question R2L , and that was a great response cj. you both educated me two ways and i will keep what i learned
to guide me and my heart(apbt)...