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Thread: Head Shape and Bite?

  1. #21
    You never notised how fast a dog gets windy hot and tired fooling around on a spring pool!?? prior ore afther workouts ore just taken of the chain... if you have wel then there is your awnser. it wil DRAIN your dogs build up stamina. its comon nolige to work your dog at 70% of his energy level.
    The remaining 30% he/she needs to recuver. its like a engine of a new car . The durabilety is build in bij having the engine never be able to go over 70% of its performance. thats where the engine lives 10 years on. take the restrictions out and go full troutle at 100%and drive it like you stole it i wond last very long!!.
    There is a BIG diferense in giving a dog a chewing bone where he can CHEW and use his jaw muscles in a compleat diferend way. ore have a dog keep full bite force on a hide!!.
    You take a big ball of chewing gum and start working it with your jaws. Your jaw will tire out very quik. Now take a piece of cloth ore leather in your mouth and bite as hard as you can . You be sirpriced how fast you need to loose your bite.. Iven dogs that have a field day on a chewing bone start to runn hot and need to recuver befor they can go on chewing there bone.. So.They pump full with blood meens. that the jaw muscles just like your Biseps when working out get filled up to the max max pump . but when you keep working that muscle ore biseps you go past your pump, and weaken the muscle.

  2. #22
    I don't think there is a conclusive direct correlation between head shapes and bite power. I recently got into bitework and dogsports and these GSD, Malinois and xMalinois that have more of a long and "skinny" head compared to bulldogs can bite super hard. Depending on the lines, many of these dogs also have a full and pushing bite. Whereas in bulldogs what I notice is that the ones with a real finish have a full and pushing bite. Many of em are perfectly fine having a half grip and work their holds.

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