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Thread: at stud except for europe

  1. #21
    allright I will stop posting pics

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by bulldoghistorian View Post
    allright I will stop posting pics
    Good stuff bro, keep em coming.

  3. #23
    Good looking dogs and info.

  4. #24
    Why?! LOL Keepem coming pics and info tidbits.

  5. #25
    I have a couple of old pics here I'll share, they're from the 80's as well, this is the late Mr Lee and one of his sons Bertie with Ch Hoss POR and Little Pedro POR. Hoss is the red dog and little Pedro was the black and white. On little Pedro's pedigrees all over the net she's down as lady Pedro, this is a mistake and she was known as little Pedro by her owner Bertie. As far as I know Ch Hoss was well up on the European producers list, bulldog historian you might be able to shed more light on it.



  6. #26
    I like hkw CH Hoss is put together, both pedigree and physically. He looks like a big dog, what was his weight?

  7. #27
    I met tony a couple of times loved his stories
    tony had bout 40 years in the dogs when he passed away

  8. #28
    Tony was famous for his stories. Hoss was between 50 and 52lb back then, if he was around today he'd probably be a 47lb 48lb dog.

  9. #29
    Thanks for posting the old and newer photos. Some good dogs.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Macker View Post
    Tony was famous for his stories. Hoss was between 50 and 52lb back then, if he was around today he'd probably be a 47lb 48lb dog.
    Was great times , TL, JD , RFC , Northside , Ricky , MQ

    Rum was cheaper than beer
    just the chips with vinegar was terrible

    need to go there once again , just need to find me a proper dog

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