Originally Posted by
Understanding how things go with relationships, in the dogs. That’s not STFU, that was a question, because I didn’t see the 45 dog, hence to question.
I can appreciate a good dog, period! If the 45 dog was one of those dogs GREAT, I am not hating at all. In fact I was glad for him. I considered MOK and BBC both to be friends, I could care less what they were feeding. BBC had a lot of dogs to choose from not just Bullet dogs and I never thought they nor MOK were kennel blind.
It was a house that was divided and they had their issues, but I have never chose sides in any of that. I am sure you can understand that.
Yes this is your “story”, and more over it’s your board, so till your “story”. I am not worried about you booting me off the board, that is your prerogative, do what you think is best.