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Thread: Redboy / jocko has made more dead game dogs !

  1. #291
    Quote Originally Posted by waccamaw View Post
    Jack I I would love to know what Cyj has to say about the RBJ. i think everybody else would too.
    Then you will have to ask CYJ.

    I am not going to re-post anyone's PM to me, unless it's to discredit them if they're lying in public to me directly.

    Quote Originally Posted by waccamaw View Post
    and jack the only reason you are talking up Eli carver dogs now is because you now claim poncho is down from that ,due to P.P. Paper hanging .and from the audio it sounds like he did hang a paper.
    No, the only reason I am talking up the Eli/Carver dogs, retard, is because the statistics prove that they're the winningest cross ever.

    Or do you think I am making that up too?

    I don't know what your defect is that you can't just accept the truth of this, when it's easily-researched information.

    I am sorry if this fact is in stark contrast to all the cheerleading you've done for yourself, but your dogs really haven't done much, ANYWHERE, except your own back yard.

    And they haven't even made Gr Ch there ... pure, crossed, a quarter-out, nothing. Your dogs are good, not great.

    I am sorry if this is a source of pain for you, but you shouldn't go to bragging about how "bad" your dogs are ... unless they actually have the record to support that position.

    Quote Originally Posted by waccamaw View Post
    i think I would also like to hear about your interview with Fox 16 news after pat patric got busted .
    I never had an interview with Fox 16 news after Pat Patrick got busted, genius, I was called by a news team after a customer of mine got busted ... named Patryk Janisewski ... and he told them he got his dogs from me.
    I was called by the news team, totally out of the blue, and I got off the phone pretty much as quick as I could.

    And Sonny, since right off the bat you're starting shit again, getting your facts wrong, and making implications you have no business making ... right after I lifted your one-month ban ... your dumb ass just got the boot for good.

    If you're trying to imply that "I" had something to do with Pat Patrick's bust, then you are a double-idiot, because I sent $500 of my own money to help the Patricks, even though I hated them.

    You now what Sonny, I have had enough of your lip, your shitty attitude, and (really) your stupidity.

    So, congratulations, you are banned for good. I mean, right after your month-long ban ends, you pick up right off and start making stupid accusations all over again.
    You really are a stupid man who doesn't know how to leave well enough alone.

    It doesn't even dawn on you that THE TRUTH might be the reason I built this website, to crunch dog statistic numbers, and actually get meaningful statistics on which dogs produce what, so we can separate FACT from (what you seem to thrive on) FANTASY.

    I am sorry that the FACTS show that NO DOG on the upper-end of these performance statistics carries your blood in it ... it must be embarrassing to have to "explain" that to all your green customers

    And I am sorry if these statistics PROVE the Eli/Carver dogs are the ones producing THE baddest dogs of all time ... but the fact of the matter is, that's the way it is.

    I don't know why you think there is some "conspiracy" going on ... and why you can't simply accept THE TRUTH for what it is ... but you're a stupid and annoying man, and I am tired of your implications and innuendos.

    Go back to the dirty south and tell your local rednecks that "you" have the baddest dogs of all time ... but the statistics prove that you don't even come close.

    Good riddance

  2. #292
    the funny thing is when you really think about bolio himself was a carver dog.

  3. #293
    No doubt about it.

    Bull Boy Bob was a Carver/Clouse dog; Reuben was a pure Carver dog.

  4. #294
    so jack would you yourself call poncho hounds a family of Eli/Carver/Tombstone hounds ? or Eli/Carver/Bolio/Tombstone ?

  5. #295
    Quote Originally Posted by Jrbulldogs View Post
    so jack would you yourself call poncho hounds a family of Eli/Carver/Tombstone hounds ? or Eli/Carver/Bolio/Tombstone ?

    I would call them a family of Poncho dogs, or Vise-Grip dogs, since Poncho is the # 1 focus, comprises the most of their genetics, and since I as a breeder bred deeper into my own family and bloodline than any single breeder actually bred into anything that's in back of them.

    I would say Poncho dogs go back to Carver dogs, mostly, with heavy Patrick, Hollingsworth influence ... which goes back to Carver, Clouse, Tombstone, and (if Reuben is Hammer's sire) Eli blood, etc.


  6. #296

  7. #297
    Wow just finished reading All 30 pages of this and I almost want to re read it to make sure I didn't miss out on any info. It got a little out there for a min but the info here is great. From the history to using the site for different resources I have learned a lot. I would like to say I run a mix of rb/j/Eli dogs coming from Abbe POR and GR CH Davis boomerang and midnight cowboy along with some rb/Eli from the same source. My dogs have several wins in but I just started breeding off my yard to others and have seen a change with the bolio/Eli/carver blood and even tried it with rb/bolio/jocko dogs who are too young to actually know anything about but after reading this Im more interested in seeing how this turns out. I live in SC and it's hard to find better rb dogs then what we have here and I was told yrs ago that jocko was bred into the heavy inbred rb dogs to add mouth. I'm pretty sure miss jocko was the dog originally used in the cross to improve mouth. With that I have never owned one so I don't know. I like my rb/jeep/Eli crosses and have been wanting to add bolio/ Eli or carver crosses into my rb/Eli dogs for sometime so I couldn't get enough of this post. Thanks for all the info and I'll try to add some more facts to that list of winners with my own dogs after figuring out how to use this search page to it's full potinual

  8. #298
    Quote Originally Posted by widerange View Post
    Wow just finished reading All 30 pages of this and I almost want to re read it to make sure I didn't miss out on any info. It got a little out there for a min but the info here is great. From the history to using the site for different resources I have learned a lot. I would like to say I run a mix of rb/j/Eli dogs coming from Abbe POR and GR CH Davis boomerang and midnight cowboy along with some rb/Eli from the same source. My dogs have several wins in but I just started breeding off my yard to others and have seen a change with the bolio/Eli/carver blood and even tried it with rb/bolio/jocko dogs who are too young to actually know anything about but after reading this Im more interested in seeing how this turns out. I live in SC and it's hard to find better rb dogs then what we have here and I was told yrs ago that jocko was bred into the heavy inbred rb dogs to add mouth. I'm pretty sure miss jocko was the dog originally used in the cross to improve mouth. With that I have never owned one so I don't know. I like my rb/jeep/Eli crosses and have been wanting to add bolio/ Eli or carver crosses into my rb/Eli dogs for sometime so I couldn't get enough of this post. Thanks for all the info and I'll try to add some more facts to that list of winners with my own dogs after figuring out how to use this search page to it's full potinual
    Very glad you took the time to read it all. If people could get over their propensity to cry boo-hoo, if their favorite lines don't quite measure up as they previously believed, the information that can be harvested here really is interesting.

    Ultimately, like everything else, claims of having "the baddest" need to have the statistics behind it in order to be validated ... or to be refuted if, in fact, the statistics are not behind some of the claims being made

    Further, just because some lines may produce "the winningest" dogs, doesn't mean said lines (or crosses) excel in all categories. As mentioned, the Hollingsworth dogs (as a pure line) could hardly win more than 2 fights (if they didn't die after the first fight). Typically, it took these dogs 1.5-2 hours to win (or lose) any fight, generally. So the Hollingsworth dogs were by no means "the baddest" ... yet they were absolutely beautiful, absolutely stunning animals visually ... and they were absolutely so game and so tough they could BEAT the baddest (or die trying) ... by simply outlasting them ... as the Hollingsworth dogs were game enough, and tough enough, to go 2 hours with anything ... win, lose, or draw, no matter how many "quick wins" the other dog had against other bloodlines. My own dogs, as a pure line, tended to be like this: when they faced "badass" dogs of other lines ... suddenly that "badass" dog would find itself in there with a BULLdog ... that wasn't going to die in :20 ... that was just getting warmed up by :40 ... and who would TAKE what other dogs would die to ... and ultimately befuddle & figure-out that supposed "badass" ... and ultimately stop him deep in the trenches.

    So there will always be "intangibles" that can't accurately be quantified by a statistical search ... that can still be appreciated as good and valuable traits to enjoy in a bulldog.


  9. #299
    Often you hear rb blood for game Eli for mouth and so on and so on. So can we take from this that the fact that Eli/carver dogs make it into that 6 or more winning group because of their ability to stop shows in shorter orders with the trait of heavier mouths and that often rb blood or Hollingsworth dogs don't see that 6+ show bc of their lack of being able to stop dogs in short order causing them to take on more damage then the Eli/carver dogs do in a single show? Or is that reading between the lines a little too much?

  10. #300
    I agree if we can drop the blood line part of the equation. I think the majority of dogs that win 6 or more do several of them in short order, for whatever reason, from whatever the line. Finding a dog who won 6 or more and 4 or 5 of them stretched to the 2 hour and beyond mark would be quite the task.

    Two trains of thought, one, the dog is perceived to be low in the proverbial gas tank after several two hour trips, and two, the owner feels less and less confident the dog can continue to go 2 hours time and time again.

    I would think most 6 and better dogs had a few quick ones along the way, either they dominated or something quit up under them and things wrapped up in quick order. EWO

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