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Thread: drying out naturally

  1. #31
    I know for a fact those drugs can affect your animal. I saw the most fight crazy dog you would ever want to see get bred naturally. When the guys said they were going to breed him i asked if they were going to collect him and do an A.I. breeding they said no. I told them they would never be able to breed him like that and they said just watch. The administered a few cc's of dex and about 45mins later the dog looked confused and a lot calmer around the gyp and they got him bred and the bitch took.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    I personally saw this bitch, The Mason's Aurora, totally turned to shit in her match, by being mainlined solu-delta cortef 5 min before the show. Her genius owners thought this would be a good thing to do, despite my suggestions to the contrary, and she was totally zoned out, off-timing, ran hot and quit in like :30 (where, pulled off the chain, she was a freak of nature: strong, fast, devastating).

    You can "say" the other dog was better, if you want to, but the other dog wasn't shit.

    Aurora was simply totally affected by the drug they put in her veins, and it cost her the match, and it cost her her life.

    Drugs REALLY CAN make dogs "feel weird," same as they can make people feel weird, and so to deny this fact isn't being very accurate IMO.

    I dont like to make excuses, i have accepted my fate in that show but now that you have said this i feel more confident that dex played a negative role in the bout. It definitely didnt have as devastating effects as the ones you have mentioned but did have effects none the less.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nut View Post
    if u read those sideeffects, i think it could very well cause a lack of mouth think it depends at what time before a show and how much was given. never used dex before and would never use it if i was under.

    Quote Originally Posted by S_B View Post
    Some side effects of dexamethasone include:
    Headache, dizziness (spinning sensation), low potassium (confusion, extreme thurst, muscle weakness, uneven heart rate), low blood pressure (buzzing in ears, headache, confusion, shortness of breath, seizure, anxiety) etc.

    Each individual dog will react differently one can not rule out the possibility of dex contributing negatively to an individual dogs performance.

    This is why it is important to know how this will effect your charge beforehand
    He tried to drink the water when he was being washed. He shouldnt have been thirsty as he hadnt been consuming water i had left for him in the days leading up to the show, nor did he drink the night before. To think that he bulldogged through any of those side effects sickens me that i didnt pick him up sooner...

    Quote Originally Posted by gotap_d View Post
    I know for a fact those drugs can affect your animal. I saw the most fight crazy dog you would ever want to see get bred naturally. When the guys said they were going to breed him i asked if they were going to collect him and do an A.I. breeding they said no. I told them they would never be able to breed him like that and they said just watch. The administered a few cc's of dex and about 45mins later the dog looked confused and a lot calmer around the gyp and they got him bred and the bitch took.
    In this case only a single cc was administered 4 hours before the show. Which imo wasnt needed but you live and learn...

  3. #33
    If you want to know how dex effects your dog, use it before a roll. Just like if you want to know if your female is squirrely in heat, look at her when she's in heat. Ounce of prevention or a pound of cure? Honestly, I've never owned a dog that had such issues with dex given before a show. There was a time where I would give it a few hours before a show with no ill effects.

    In regards to Aurora, you can't always account for stupidity. I have never seen any reputable, quality dogman ever do any such thing, and if I had, he would instantly become a fuckin moron.

    Loki, if you have a dog that doesn't work hard, then something will have to be adjusted whether it's calorie intake or water intake. I've had dogs that were lazy on the same method of hydration, and there were times where I had to adjust something in order for it to work. If he's not working hard enough, then he's not going to burn excess calories, and that's usually what needs to be adjusted as they will just piss out excess water. I rarely bother with a skin count anymore honestly as I've done this particular thing for such a long time now. When I first started doing it, sure I judged by a skin count. It's just not something I do now.

    Loki, you don't know if he had ANY of those side effects. There have been thousands of dogs not look like what you've seen before when they run into the right dog, so don't beat yourself up over something that probably had nothing to do with it.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by gotap_d View Post
    I know for a fact those drugs can affect your animal. I saw the most fight crazy dog you would ever want to see get bred naturally. When the guys said they were going to breed him i asked if they were going to collect him and do an A.I. breeding they said no. I told them they would never be able to breed him like that and they said just watch. The administered a few cc's of dex and about 45mins later the dog looked confused and a lot calmer around the gyp and they got him bred and the bitch took.
    I agree that drugs can, and will, effect some dogs. They won't effect all dogs the same way, or at all, for that matter. I tried that with my fight crazy dog here. It didn't work. So even now, he still has to be AI'd to produce pups, that silly fuck.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    In regards to Aurora, you can't always account for stupidity. I have never seen any reputable, quality dogman ever do any such thing, and if I had, he would instantly become a fuckin moron.
    That is pretty much what happened. I lost all respect for both after this deal. This isn't hearsay; I was there and watched it happen.

    Poncho was only 13 months, so my opinion didn't matter to those guys at the time, but it still sickens me not just that they did this, but that they put the bitch down because they were embarrassed.

    Stupidity is one thing, as are mistakes, but don't blame the dog for being a fuckin moron, just say, "Okay, I was a fuckin moron."

    Aurora was a truly badass bitch that nothing lived passed :30 with, same with her mama Speedy. She looked just like her aunt, Coco Baby, except she was taller and racier.


  6. #36
    Why would anyone give a dog solu-delta before a show.....That brings a dog out of shock after a long hard battle.....It can also kill a dog if given at the wrong time....Didn't Sandman pass for this very reason after the deal with Buck.....

  7. #37
    Sandman passed away because someone used epinephrine, after the show, when it wasn't needed. That's what killed Sandman, if that story is to be believed.

  8. #38
    Theres been a lot said about the pros and cons of "dryin or not drying a dog out" but what about the reason why people feel it necessary to do this in the first place ? I was told when I first started out that a "wet" dog will run hot and the closer you can get to drying a dog out without going over the proverbial edge of dehydration the better . These so called experts would even joke around and say things like "Hes so dry he farts dust " I have found out that this way of thinking is outdated and ignorant and totally contrary to common sense as well as modern conditioning truths. All of these questions should be answered through out the 8 weeks that you are conditioning your athlete not the week before the show ! If you are waiting till your a week out to figure this out then your behind already my friends. I always try to remind myself that my dog is COUNTING on me to know what the fuck im doing and WHY !! Pardon my French but like Jack mentioned earlier I also have seen things that so called experienced dog men do that boggle the mind . WATER should never be the determining factor of making weight ! If your having weight issues and are in danger of coming in over "you fucked up" don't make the dog pay for it by putting all kinds of shit in him that hes not used to . Dogs are creatures of habit and we should always try our very best to not change anything i.e feeding,water intake, sleep schedule etc. Do your dog the favor and man up and stop at the ATM before you arrive and withdraw the amount needed to pay for your mistake and if anyone takes offense of what I have written then I have a few weights open

  9. #39
    Very true. Good post. Peak conditioning is a fine line. It is both hard to do and somewhat unhealthy to stay at peak condition for any length of time. In any weight loss regimen, water is usually the first to go, then fat, and without fat and water the next to go is muscle. Lost fat and lost muscle can't be quickly replaced or removed with the addition of water. The weight is so much more than just a number. If a 50lb. dog needs to be 49 any sort of diuretic process can get him there, but at that point 49 is just a number not his "weight". If that 50lb. dog is on 49 letting him drink a pound of water to get to 50 is not smart and neither is 'drying a dog to weight'.

    At peak conditioning there is an optimal weight. That weight has to be in the correct ratio between water, fat and muscle (bones/internals/skin and coat is usually a constant and the other three are the variables).

    Optimal conditioning is like a perfect triangle. The bottom is the start point of an 8 week keep (or what ever time frame). Everything moves evenly from the bottom to the top and the very tip of the triangle, its sharpest point is the very spot some guy says 'Release your dogs'. Adjusting that point at the last minute or holding that point for any length of time is detrimental.

    Like the Bullyson post said. Go to the ATM and pay for your mistake. Or, get the guy's address, shoot your dog and mail him the money. At least you will save on the gas money.

    And with all that said, I still believe a lot of these dogs perform in spite of our efforts. That is what makes them amazing. EWO

  10. #40
    Well said my friend !!!

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