One of the things I learned as a kid form the 'old guys' was that the keep didn't last 6 or 8 or ten weeks. The 'keep' started 63 days before they were born when the two dogs were chosen to be bred and it lasted until the dog was no longed 'working toward the next show'.
It pretty much translated to anything and every thing can matter. Maybe not every detail affects every dog but every dog is affected by details.
I guess the object is to do the best you can in as many situations as possible. No one person nor one plan will be perfect for every dog.
My two favorite subjects in the dogs are working and feeding. I have fed just about every way possible over the years and these dogs are amazing because they seem to well regardless of feed. They will all survive on just about anything and will thrive when being fed any number of ways.
In the late 80's I was in the service and rented a farmhouse in the Pungo community near Chesapeake, VA. He was a butcher by trade and did some meat processing at home as well during their deer season. I fed whatever he brought home in a five gallon bucket. There was no rhyme nor reason to how I fed the dogs other than it came out of the bucket in the reverse order in which it went in the bucket. I won some matches back then with that being the staple of the dog's diet. It was almost feeding RAW before I knew anything about feeding RAW.
It was one of those details that did not register with me early on and it took a number of years for that light bulb to go off. Feeding raw leaves a dog leaner and does not carry big dumps around while toting a chain. When it was time to go to work and switch to a keep feed the dog was already pre-fueled with good food and from there it was adjusting supplements.
This detail didn't land on me til years later when I had a ton of dogs and I didn't have access to free raw meat daily. I went to bag food. The dogs seem to carry weight a little more on dry feed and when it was time for work I bet I said 'he really took to the keep around week 6/7/8. It took years for me to understand that after switching to keep feed the dog was actually being fueled at 8+ weeks after the switch.
Those details can also be considered lessons learned but I do believe everything matters.