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Thread: GUT FAT!!!

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    Um, exactly.

    Fat doesn't "burn" locally (at specific locations) ... fat is either reduced globally (all over the body) ... or it is added globally ... based on (exactly) calories-in versus calories-out.

    A classic human idiocy is doing sit-ups to burn fat "on the stomach."

    The sit ups may be burning calories, but all over the body not just the stomach. The stomach may get harder from the work, but any "fat-burning" is happening all over, not just on the stomach. Still, there will be no fat-burning at all if the person is eating more calories than they burn.


  2. #32
    True, agree on everything etc. Keep in mind that although fat does not burn locally, working out a specific body part, let's say midsection, tends to keep fat away from this body part to a greater extend. Fat will get in there but less than it would without excersise.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    Tobias, could you show some evidence that vinegar water is amazing at burning "gut fat"?

    The mythical gut fat is fat surround the internal organs, and I'm sorry to tell everyone, but you can't get rid of that protective layer of fat around the organs.

    One last thing. Dogs foam at the mouth because they sweat through the respiratory tract. The froth has nothing to do with fat.
    I found this post interesting. Could some of you more experienced conditioners give your take on what Frosty said about gut fat being a myth?

  4. #34
    Frosty is 1000% correct.

  5. #35
    Is there gut fat? Yes. Can some of the gut fat be removed with burning calories? Yes.

    The 'myth' portion comes in when there are plans out there that remove 'gut fat' as if the gut fat can be targeted and removed without any effect on any other parts of the body.

    I remember coming along you could feed anything from vinegar to tomato juice to tomato paste to ketchup. I am sure there is some chemical process with the acetic nature of those products that 'on paper' would suggest some gut fat loss.

    In reality if you do work and burn calories they will be removed from the body as a whole.

    One of the other parts of the myth is the dumps left in the tract. On a RAW diet the food is assimilated at a higher percentage and thus there is not as many full dumps between feedings. Thus they appears thinner or leaner. To a point the dog does not have gut fat is somewhat bloated.

    And like Frosty aid way back when the 'gut fat' is actually the layers around the organs. If that layer were removed the dog would die.

    Then a lot of the gut is water weight. In an attempt to reach a look and water is reduced there gets into the area of hydrated and dehyrated.

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