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Thread: Patricks blood

  1. #31

  2. #32
    you got any patrick dogs or bolio dogs

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Officially Retired View Post
    I was looking for an earlier post here, but couldn't find it. I went pretty deep into how to read a pedigree, because most people read them wrong.

    For example, you are looking at things too broadly (Garner x Patrick). Those are men, not dogs. I didn't say much yesterday, because I was busy, but the truth is both men have bred dogs of various different bloodlines, both men have also owned THOUSANDS of dogs over the decades, so to speak of "their blood" really is meaningless at this point. Which dogs are you talking about therefore becomes a more meaningful way to view things.

    Narrowing things down, since you mentioned Ch Dynomite, you are essentially talking about a "Chinaman/Bolio" cross, but even that is too general. If you look at the 3rd generation in that ped, Hobb's Tuffy is off of the super-heavy-Bolio stud Commander Whitehead bred to Bull Boy Bob's sister Slick. If you look at Commander Whitehead's pedigree, you will see his mama is off of Bolio bred to Pretty Girl, who was a sister to Chen Leng and Ch Princess, both of whom were bred near-identical to BBB and Slick. (Slick was off of Bolio/Tuffy, Pretty Girl was off of Bolio x Tuffy's mother Faith.) If you drop down a notch, there Slick is once again as the mama to Romero's China Girl, so these same truths repeat.

    If you drop down 2 more notches there Chinaman is getting bred to another bitch from Patrick, this time Payne's Ch Black Annie. Annie was sired by Idi Amin, a son of Bolio bred to Ch Tonka's littermate sister, and the bottom side was once again produced by Bull Boy Bob's sister Slick, this time bred to a pure Maloney dog.

    Therefore, you can clearly see Ch Dynomite is essentially 2/3rds Chinaman, 1/3 Bolio blood ... "in general" ... but, more specifically, the Bolio blood is made up of BBB's sister Slick all through that pedigree, either bred to Commander Whitehead or Keno (and even Commander Whitehead came from essentially the same foundation).

    From there, you have to ask yourself what Dynomite dogs are you talking about now, because some of them suck and some of them are fantastic. I could go on, but in order to really understand where you want to go, you have to really understand where you came from, and if the specific dogs you're talking about are even worth breeding. Find out their strengths, their weaknesses, the overall strengths/weaknesses in the litter each dog came from, etc.

    The more you know all of this, the more sense of direction you will have as a breeder ... while the less you know of all this, the more you will be "swingin' in the dark" with no idea what is going to happen in the breeding.

    I know this involves a lot of work and a lot of study, but the dedication to understand all of this is what distinguishes the professional breeder from the amateur.

    Good luck,

    This is pure gold.

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