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Thread: teeth implants

  1. #31
    I got pups mate dont need any more i need a prospect

  2. #32
    Steel can be a ADVANTAGE, where are the iron workers and welders. Do research! Roids to us is TRASH but we expect it for others in there Keep so be at OWN WILL.. Plexi-glass server the same purpose as GLASS, but work differently, being the plastic material but if it breaks, which one will do more damage? I'm ole fashion and the game was about the BEST SHAPED DOG and still the same, and putting a Steel Tooth is not best to me. We fight chicken, "BONE SPUR", so what's wrong with going Natural, Bone Teething? OH! One more ? for my fellows, Can I implant a IRON JAW and still compete? To me it's the same..

  3. #33
    I see were your coming from but still dont see how it could be an advantage if it same size and build as the original if you sharpen it up yeah that would be very unfair. I have a good young dog but use him on pigs and you see he will wind up for a big shake and slips off due to the missing teeth but think i will just keep him as a pig dog and save the drama i dont want to be seen as a cheat or un fair i see plenty of them already. I wonder if a vet can pull teeth out of a doner dog and put em in my pup. Im off to the big smoke to see a vet on friday for my old dog ill take the pup as well see what she thinks.

  4. #34
    because 1 dog could break all his canine teeth during a contest while they are mouthing, whilst the other one still got them all in tact
    this can happen with or without steel teeth, but when your dog does have a steel teeth the other party can and i think will make a problem of it.

  5. #35
    If i had em i wouldnt arrange anything without telling the other

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    This is a complete lie, and it's nonsense like this that really aggravates me. Roid rage? Really?? I don't know how many champions I've seen that weren't really worth a pot of piss, so the notion that a champion died in a chain wreck due to not being on the juice is for, lack of a better word, ignorant.

    As someone that has and has not used roids on dogs, I can say that there has never been any change in the dog's demeanor one way or another. Maybe that's because in the scheme of things, they're being used correctly instead of the ignorant way of trying to dose a dog the way a human bodybuilder doses. With idiots, who really knows. But please don't come to this board, or any other, and espouse just flat out bullshit. Then others that simply don't know better, go repeat said bullshit, and the ignorant cycle is repeated.

    Try to educate yourself on a subject before you blindly repeat such nonsense.

    I 100% agree with the entire post. Dumb ignorant people say dumb ignorant things, and ignorant people repeat it, making more ignorant people. These are the Same people that use gunpowder to make a dog more explosive. Statements like this make me want to find a different breed. The people that own this breed in my opinion for the most part have a moral and ethical void. About the teeth.. It's cheating.. period.. sharpening teeth, hardening teeth.. It's cheating... and No... I've never had that happen in my career. You have me mistaken.. and No... I've never been part of the teeth sharpening. Look up Bruno boy for that story, It's in the most recent sdj, and it wasn't sharpened, it was a metal replacement, and it was blunt, not sharp, and he showed it to them .

  7. #37
    I cant seem to find the story your talking of can you check the exact month and let me know please so i can read it.

  8. #38
    A tooth from a donner dog would be dead body part planted and from different dna. Plastics, resins, metals etc might be acceptable by an organism but dead tissues from another animal are not. Humans were doing this centuries ago but it wouldn't work for long time due to health issues.

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