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Thread: Raw Feeding Fact or Myth?

  1. #31
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    limey are you saying more protiene in a diet, makes a dog more aggressive???

  2. #32
    Protein poison, as you call it, should only manifest itself in a dog that is already having renal dysfunction. Normal functioning kidneys, with a proper intake of water, can filter and excrete all the excess protein the dog doesn't need without any ill effects.

    I've never seen a bulldog that has been a high amount of protein be anymore aggressive than it already is. I can't say the same for greyhounds as I've never seen them.

  3. #33
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    yeah i was about to say that makes about as much sense as the gun powder theory! lol

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    Protein poison, as you call it, should only manifest itself in a dog that is already having renal dysfunction. Normal functioning kidneys, with a proper intake of water, can filter and excrete all the excess protein the dog doesn't need without any ill effects.

    I've never seen a bulldog that has been a high amount of protein be anymore aggressive than it already is. I can't say the same for greyhounds as I've never seen them.
    Actualy sins a greyhound bij nature has LESS agression it is detected more ez and reveals and shows it selfs muchs ezer then in apbt. who bij nature ARE more agreesif. and those racing greyhounds defenatly are having renal dysfunction as you call it when they race more freakwend..
    they are even chekt monitord mutch more for drug use kidney/liver funktion urea/ crea hemocrit ecetera then the apbt due to its legalety.. problem with them is that they are not CONDITIONED for races. its actualy the races during the season that is there conditioning .

    They pick up more speed during the season. the kidney and liver stress is ezer to see as in a apbt. as our dogs are toughfer But that thussend mean our dogs dont sufer from it. we al know that when our dogs DO show they are sick that they ofthen are in imidiat japorty .
    we have had a couple who defenetly cooled douwn in the agresif departmend when we cut the protien intake.. And anybody who is feeding raw protien based diet to its pups can vouch for the agressifness in them pups!!!they are ofthen wild kats!!.... as it is a dog with lots of hybrid viger can COPE more having a high protien diet, and yes lots of water intake helps get rid of plenty waist out of the kidnyes and liver.
    BUT the purer bred dog WILL suffer from it when getting older where the pressure on those kidneys and damege has been done at a younger age.
    chek some of your frinds who when younger partyd like crazy and longer see them 20 years later and they look like old man!!and they live shorter its the same with apbt they loose years of there life span . a body can recopperate for a sirtin amound of time,.. Now 90% of the working apbt is on short chains and kenneld up most of its life. feeding them a high protien diet WIL have lots of presur to prosses that protien...

    A kidney and liver kinda work like a sponge, and we all know that when a sponge is dirty and you put it under the tap and squeeze it a couple of times then the dirts and waist comes out!!. NOW if one of the dogs has been hunting his Kidney funktion stops. its filled up with waist iven tho a dog is pissing ofthen the water is as clear as tap water!!. its only then when a kidney starts working again that he wil pisis the yellow waist out of its system .
    Many a dog that was ok and was fed protien AFTHER a show has died 1. 2 sometimes 3 weeks later, due to the kidneys and liver not being able to prosses the protien waist out of its system. Hensh older ore veteran dogs afther there careers as stud dogs need to be fed food for older dogs wich contains less protien and more carbs!. Keeping a such a stud dog very lean upto a point where the novice thinks it looks a bit creul, makes him live longer and produce longer.

    Now comming back at the protien diets. iven when a dog is able to waist out the ecsesif protien. This still means that his kidneys and liver(sponge) are constandly filled to the max and ore are working mutch harder then a dog who are on a lower protien based diet... High protien should only be givven when working ore in a keep and to upgrowing pups. never when in the off season , ore living in his chain space doing F all .. here is a greyhound food link chek nr:9 at the bottom. The so called food alergys are BS its a protien poison due to lack of amino acids / water/ and to high protien in dry feeds for a dog to be able to prosses it. so in 8 out of 10 cases its mearly feeding the wrong high protien kibble , doing nothing on the chain, in combination with a lack of amino acids . also chek feeding guid at this pace where you see a mixsture of two feeds to carbo load the stayers who are on a high protien fat diet.
    Last edited by Limey Kennels; 01-30-2013 at 04:47 AM. Reason: bad speling

  5. #35

    Orijen, towt and dog lovers gold are considered a few of the best kibble brands out there, yet they all contain a high % of protein. More then a regular raw meal consists off. Would that make them a bad choice as maintenance food? I've been feeding these brand to some of my dogs. Never felt any dog showed more aggression. I wouldn't mind either but their health is important to me.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by R2L View Post

    Orijen, towt and dog lovers gold are considered a few of the best kibble brands out there, yet they all contain a high % of protein. More then a regular raw meal consists off. Would that make them a bad choice as maintenance food? I've been feeding these brand to some of my dogs. Never felt any dog showed more aggression. I wouldn't mind either but their health is important to me.
    R2L Many people make mistakes in there chooice of dogfood. Orijen comes from Canada!! the highst level contains 40% protien i belive. in canada like in the usa 80 to 90% of dogs in rural country side lives outside . we all know how ""long"" and ""cold"" the canadian winters are. those dogs there need mutch more nutrition then dogs in warmer/ hotter climats. and sins its made and based for Canada thats where the main market is the fact that they do wel overseas and everywhere els is a welcome side efect that fills there pockets. sure its made out of great ingriedienses. but do you need it when your in california ore Texas!!?? i say HELL NO.
    And lets not forget dogfood is a bisenis and like the raw feeders and there websites they live on selling there products as wel. the people beliving in it make freee PR and promote the crap out of it... Doglovers gold has been tought up(they claim) in the netherlands in europe afther years and years of ecsperience!!(sales pitch) actualy bij a long time old time dogman P goumare aka P Parker (peters ch willy burger/ parkes ch boots). its being sold in te usa under license . however its produced in the UK bij the biggest dogfood producer in europe , where you can choose your food out of many many reddy for everybody to use resipies bij that company for you to private lable it !!!!. so it aint that special and as far as i know doglovers gold only resendly produces a kibble with higer protien levels..
    Anyway actif dogs on the chain ore light working dogs should be on no more then 27% protien and around 17% fat. slower dogs between 20/25% protien.. hard working dogs in a keep 32%/20% fat max and lets be clear on someting .
    those dog food brands are PET foods

    Greyhound feeds are ""profesional dog kibble"" made to make money on performance!. in a 500.000.000 usd industrie divided over Australia/new zeeland/England/Irland and the usa . where individual dogs can race for upto 80.000/100.000 usd prize money. These companies dont cell crap, there balansed foods contains nearly everyting to protect bones muscles joints under sevear stress and give fast long energy dilivery to those massif amound of muscles they cary.
    At the same time they RE invest in that scene with prize money ecetera...thing is you can sell BS only for so long!!..
    Like the whole grain carb myth..It was is just another made up belive story umongst pet food brands . trying to compeat with one another and to make money. They alredy knew a long time ago that dogs with lesser hybrid vigger specialy the purer bred breeds have a problem with the lesser amounds of amino acids in the dog foods they cell ( and the barf/ raw meat diet groop took advantige of that as know 2 dogs fight over a bone and the tird dog takes it home)

    so they start producing grain free ore hyper alergic ECSPENSIF feeds, wich are trown at you as a custumore while a simple additation of the right combination of amino acids takes care of those problems..
    Amino acids who are more availeble in raw fress meat!! solves that problem but not the vast amounds of antibiotics and hormon levels in it wich thuse show you a fals image of a dog that looks great and is wel...

    another side efect from that is that you never ever can balanse that type of diet out to get the max out of your dogs not to mention the costs and time consuming it is...
    The closes the greyound dogs come to compeat with raw and ore fresh meat is when it is mixst in with there low protien kibble specialized for that perpose..wich blows away another myth that you cant mix raw with kibble...
    The right thing THESE dogfood companys do is tell you to actualy MIX there dog food with hot water in order to get the same densety as raw meat !!there pallets used are very tiny and blow up to 5 times there dry size afther a 30 min soak!!!.

    you wil quikly see and realize when you feed around the same ""weight Soakt"" as raw meat that the problems are solved and that you are actualy twice as cheap as feeding raw!!! ,without massif amounds of water intake, and less strain on the kidneys..and mutch lesser problems with the so called food alergies!!.. .. and defenatly small amounds of STOOL..

    my son has this company he has plenty of raw and drij kibble custumors who BOTH at times have problems with both diets build up with my help and ecsepertize umongst others. some parts are in english chek FAQ and the dog food page (voeding) . and defenatly chek ""Performer RPM Health tonic"" ore just sirf around...Im sure there is info you can use.. anyway agression melds douwn as snow infrond of the sun!! it has as you know nothing to do with caracter ore gameness for that matter.. we could do without those 360mph crazy ass dogs that only hurt themselfs on the chain ore in there kennel. not to mention the amound of energy they spend for nothing.. at the same time your trowing money away bij feeding high protien food as it is waisted...
    I prefear the laid back dogs..

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by R2L View Post

    Orijen, towt and dog lovers gold are considered a few of the best kibble brands out there, yet they all contain a high % of protein. More then a regular raw meal consists off. Would that make them a bad choice as maintenance food? I've been feeding these brand to some of my dogs. Never felt any dog showed more aggression. I wouldn't mind either but their health is important to me.
    The origin food is indeed too hard on kidneys. My dogs would drink half of their waterbucket daily. I switched to nature's variety instinct duck (lowest protein) and the water consumption was back to normal.

  8. #38
    Amino acids who are more availeble in raw fress meat!! solves that problem but not the vast amounds of antibiotics and hormon levels in it wich thuse show you a fals image of a dog that looks great and is wel...
    Does heating the meat(kibbles) eliminate the hormones in them?

    The origin food is indeed too hard on kidneys. My dogs would drink half of their waterbucket daily. I switched to nature's variety instinct duck (lowest protein) and the water consumption was back to normal.
    This rises another question, if a dog would drink more on a high protein food, why doesn't it drink at all when its being fed high protein raw? Of course there is allot of water in raw food, but not even half of what a dog would drink on kibbles. Are protein more easily processed if merged with water, like Limey Kennel wrote "soak the kibbles in warm water" ?

  9. #39
    I've always soaked liable just to prevent choking.. my dogs are so greedy when it comes to eating that they choke, and Yes... meat .has 70% water

  10. #40
    I have got one 44 lbs dog who eats 400 gr of raw a day a doesn't drink a drip of water. When that same dog is on kibbles he drinks 1 liter. Thats what i meant.

    Now if there is one thing i learned is that you can better drink allot of water then too little since it will cause water retention.

    Another thing, I recently switched all my dogs to dog lovers gold for economical reasons. One of the positive sides about it is all my dogs are properly hydrated now. 2 of them had a 2-3+ sec skin count when they were on raw and they just would not drink. I was working one in a keep at one point i was just walking 30 minutes and treadmill 25 minutes, he ate 750 gr of raw + 700 ML water and it still did not hydrate the dog. Because they drink all at once and dont drink any more after that, most of it just comes out just as quick.

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