Oh hell, after reading peds online for 3 days, I reckon I'll just stay here with you assholes..
Brickface, pass me a beer please
Oh hell, after reading peds online for 3 days, I reckon I'll just stay here with you assholes..
Brickface, pass me a beer please
Sure as hell would be nice if we could all just share a beer and talk dogs at the same time....glad to see you back.
The pedigree data base and this site is the best out there hands down.
Just like anything u just have to get use to it..
Everybody bicker bout not being able to delete peds but on peds online if another account holder delete peds he made that u used, part of your ped will be unknown and u will have to re add it..
And the non sense over there is UNREAL..
They got pages of nonsense from 1 thread.
Guarantee ya if they had a moderator none of if would be going on, and the duplicate peds is unreal.
But to subscribe and make payment, this site is instant access from my experience, they still got ppl on peds online waiting 6+ month's to get their account activated and crying about ped stats lol.
The powers that be will use your dogs pedigrees against you,especially off that website. Even though my dogs didn't have any titles listed,they used their ancestors titles (dogs that I never laid eyes on) to ''prove'' they were fighting dogs.I'm all the way legit but still,I will just stay away from that site.
^Yup. Absolutely. Peds Online is ALWAYS a common denominator in every single bust you read about. Always and without exception. The thing is that anyone can post and claim anything they want. I can post GR CH James Comey's Super Jeep 8xW So? It means absolutely nothing. Just a bunch of corrupt feds, prosecutors, activists, politicians and so on.
If you have the Complete Gamedog or any other bulldog books they will put that in your discovery too.It may be best to just keep this stuff elsewhere even if you are 100% legit.There is a war on this breed and even if they cant charge you in court,where I live they have some panel they can drag you in front of,declare your dogs as ''dangerous'' and you have a certain amount of time to get them out of state or they will be put down.
If you lack and crave entertainment (dumbshit), go there. Facebook also available for "dogmen" like that.....and it's free.