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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Kimo615 View Post
    I'm copying and Pasting this message per Jack. I sent this to him in regards to deletion of a certain pedigree. Thanks.

    There is a pup posted as offspring off my male. I figured I'd message you personally regarding this instead of making a stink on your board. Here's the thing, my Male was stuck to this guys bitch 1 time. Well, after that..he refused to compensate me for my services, he refused to send me pictures or videos of the mother with the pups. Then, a few weeks later, Patty called me from the ADBA. Telling me my signature had been forged on a litter registration on this particular litter. The guy originally told me 5 pups were born, but tried to register 8 with the ADBA. Then, I find out he needs Staffs to his Game dogs. Needless to say, I never signed off on those "Supposed" off spring. 1, Wasn't compensated, 2 forged my signature, 3 the Am Staff thing. Most importantly, I never had any proof those pups were off my male. Patty also refused to register the pups or require me to because of those reasons. Then, I see he had them listed under my stud on here. Is this something you would delete for me? The pedigree. I don't know what them pups are actually off of. Or how many there are really. I don't want him false advertising those dogs. They aren't recognized or registered of my stud. If this is not something you want to do, I understand. Just figured I'd talk with you about it and see what can be done. Here's the pedigree to the pup I'm speaking of.

    Looks Like You in your feelings McGuire. You can spread those lies as far as anyone will listen. The truth is still the truth. You know why the deal went the way it did. You're a liar plain and simple. You talk real good online but lets not forget I been in your presence more than a few times since we've had dealings to know the truth about you. I guess you saw how good Lynch Mobb looked and it made you mad that you don't have it. Whether she is registered or recognized by a registry makes no difference, YOU KNOW what she is, and its burns your heart that you don't have tht CHINAMAN/LIL GATOR X REBEL YELL blood. Believe me if she wasn't off Hammer I would have nothing to do with you. What can you offer me??? You contacted me about the breeding, YOU WANTED TO BREED TO MY BITCH (DARKCHILD) and I accepted after you lied about how good that kibble eating German shepherd beating hound of yours was. Do you tell everyone how Mr. Abernathy no longer has dealings with you because of your lying ways? Did you tell everyone that I was the one who transported your Machete dog after her breeder was going to beat your ass for lying? Did you tell everyone about those screenshots you sent out claiming Hammer's win over a machobear dog that turned out not to be hammer and instead 2 females when we found the video? Did you tell everyone that you have no real experience? Did you tell everyone how you got exposed then tried to distance yourself from us by any and all accounts? HUEBLOT@YAHOO.COM (P.S only way ADBA calls you is if you Flag your account to be contacted whenever they receive an application) Lesson of the day folks....."Just because its the only side of the story you know doesn't mean its the only side of the story."

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Kimo615 View Post
    Here is another pup that does not exist. No females survived this litter. Only 2 males.

    For one you little faggot you don't know shit about this litter and leave Garcia Vegas and JSK out of yo promotional factious accounts you run to the internet more and more when I call yo weight I haven't been responded to you've duck us for 6 months with that weak ass house dog this is Garcia Vegas Jsk256 doesn't even use the account any more he lost his password months ago and your speaking on dead dogs is outlandish we have nothing to say to you or about you yet you always want to bring ppl up your a fake the world know and you I'm not going back and forth but you should be banned after you and gas man Stan run in
    Your resume speaks for his self
    I payed $1000 for an unpapered dog cause your rasict antics and you didn't want me to buy I tried to pay you to register litter to squash the beef you are a liar and have admitted to my face you never touch yo male and never would I can go on an on
    Fuck you bitch you get a life you won't match us and your an internet dogger any inquiries call me personally you forgot to mention you introduced all of us to each other and now you the only one no one fucks with that says a lot
    You can back peddle all you ever said but if some one googles you the rest speaks for they self and showgirl will never be registered because yo bitchass will never get credit for my dog and Hueblot is a good dude I just bought this account today to clear the air y'all can have this internet shit to many fakers
    Call me and hook you bitch quit ducking $3500 46#

  3. #43
    Jsk has lost his account infoonths ago and those PEDs are true I am Garcia Vegas and further info call me personally 256 226 2687

  4. #44
    This guy is crazy he got to much controversy around him any way I wish we could undo breeding to his house dog but he like attention and I'm not paying any McGuire's a fruad

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Kimo615 View Post
    There are pups that do exist off that particular pedigree of HueBlots. However, there was no proof she took of my stud. There was 1 stick...but he refused to send pictures of her pregnant, or her with all the pups. So no proof of where then pups came from. Now when you do a pup deal, shouldn't you send that type of proof? He did send a picture later on of 5 pups. But, tried to forge my signature on the registration and tried to register 8 pups with the ADBA. and yes..I was also burned on the deal. He never paid me for stud, said he didn't have the money prior to the stick. So I agreed to pup deal. After the pups were born, he refused to pay me then or send a pup. Ok, Now with JSK, He has two pups. Both male. Bama Black and Hammer Jr. Both males registered with the ADBA and those are the only two registered out of that litter. Why? There was 13 pups born, 11 died within the first week including the mother of the pups on his yard. So, The female pup he has listed "China Girl" or China Doll...whatever it is on the pedigree does not exist. Only the two males I spoke of survived and was registered with the ADBA. Now, McGuire's Molly Hatchet...she does not exist either. The guy Hueblot created that pedigree according to your pedigree log. And he's made tons of edits to it. I own Hammer and Machete...the supposed parents of "Molly Hatchet". Machete is only 8 months old, never been bred and has not even had a heat . Machete is the daughter of Hammer. I hope that clarifies everything. Any further questions feel free to contact me. I can verify everything in telling you with Screen shots in their own words, and with the ADBA (Patty Bullock).

    Honestly speaking McGuire is angry that he hasn't been compensated for the breeding. The reason for him not being compensated is because he falsely advertised his stud as a winner. I was the 3rd breeding he made with Hammer earlier this year. He had lied to the 2 previous breeders about hammers performance and continued to do so when I got involved. Hammer was supposed to be VERY WELL educated and finished every task put forth, graduated & went on to become a winner after school. LOOOOONG story short I exposed McGuire as a liar once we had gotten acquainted and things were more personal.(Real life no internet) I saw through the lies that he told and I made the others aware of McGuire and his policy of truth. He said he was Baker Davis' grandson. Hammer has never raced a day in his life and once that became apparent Things took a turn for the worse but not in his favor. I did not commit to my end of the deal because McGuire knew I would've never bred to his stud knowing the truth. He called the ADBA and told them everything under the sun to keep the pups from being registered and so she is not registered but she is definetly Hammer's offspring. He has no real knowledge beyond the internet dogging world. (KIMO615, GAME4GLORY, & TENNESSEEGAME). Many others can verify his non credibility. If this makes any difference to you feel free to check out how he publically humiliated himself. This is just one of the things I found out after meeting and breeding my gyp to McGuire in April of this year.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Kimo615 View Post
    Here is another pup that does not exist. No females survived this litter. Only 2 males.
    For one you faggot you don't know wat exists ...your a liar gasman Stan showed us your true colors....
    Get of the internet and hammer off the couch you've duck me for ever with your house dog your a fake....
    Hueblot speaks the truth ....I offered to pay you $1000
    To squash this dumb shit you like the promotion to peddle
    I need not say any thing because if you google you and your dog name its trashed show girl will never be registered under any circumstances because yo faggot ass conned us and you were the one who originally told us about the breeding and expected litter you have nun and you cry like a bitch

    Any one want the truth about the subject call me personally 256 226 2687 Garcia Vegas
    PS I'm not going back and forth can jack pm if need be all PEDs enter by jsk256 are true he been locked out his account for months

  7. #47
    Jack, let's just cut the crap with these Goons. Email me and I will send you screenshot after screen shot. Email from Patty at the ADBA and A text from Tom Garner. I ain't got time to play their little games. I will shut this shop down real fast. Just email me.

    It kills me that Yall name drop like you do. I don't talk to Randall because Randall has lost touch of the world and communicates with Thugs like you. I have nothing personal against Randall, but if someone associate with you to pieces of shit...they get the hatchet. Do all you can to discredit me. But these are facts. Hueblot, your a just admitted you didn't hold up your end of the deal. 2 fact...there is No Existing proof where your dogs came from. Fact 3. You do breed Am Staffs to Game dogs. Fact did lie about the pup count, and forged my signature with the ADBA. Fact 5...You wrote a letter to Patty saying you paid me and all kinds of Bullshit and lied to Patty to...this was proven after I sent screen shots. And all that is why your mutts can't be registered. You can say what you want fuck boy...but I got everything from the day you two thugs originally contacted me. And...I have no problems using any of it to burn your thug asses. I will always two idiots are not smart enough combined. That's what happens when you get out of your league and pretend to be smarter than God allowed your dumb ass to be.

  8. #48
    Ok, only Two pups registered of JSK " Hammer Jr and Bama Black. I can prove that to. The ADBA sent me a copy of my studs Off Spring list a few weeks ago. I have screen shots where you two morons told me every pup died other than those two including the mother. Try me and see...I will bust it out on your ass. And no, none of us met on several occasions. I met Garcia and JSK 2 times for two sticks about 45 min total. Hueblot, i met for two sticks but only 1 stick happened as I said. Yes he brought Machete to my house, I paid him $400 to do so. And, at that point we was cool. I grilled out for this guy, provides him alcohol and a expensive cigar in celebration because of doing "Good business" together and a start of a new "Friendship". So I treated the man like family when he came over . Not soon after that, he starts questioning me and the Stud. Why? Old shit...cuz someone told him I'm the same Kimo from GameDog. Well I'm here to tell you...both of these accounts are the same person but was not me at that time. This account on here was shared. The game dog account I didn't even know was created. Those who know me know what happened. Needless to say, because of all that..I lost someone close to me. But that's none of yalls business what so ever. So you can continue that tired ass shit if you want. But you two goons know I'm way to smart for all that shit. Sucks when you been outclassed don't it fellas? Something told me to keep all this info and I did. Stuck busters! JSK, "Garcia". I would have never ever done business with you two if Randall hadn't called me and asked me to. That's truth. Hueblot, I didn't seek your Bitch out! You drove to me! Lol. I have the stud. You agreed to $1000 stud fee up front. Now if a man would have asked you to breed to his stud would he charge you $1000 stud up front? Idiot! But you gave me a lame ass story on you cousin dying or some shit and you was taking on his 3 kids and couldn't afford it so I offered to help you with a pup deal. You was supposed to send me one...and my partner one for introducing us. Neither of us got one...neither of us want one now because we never seen proof of those pups with the mother. And, cause we both know you breed Am Staffs to game dogs. You even asked me to paper hang those Am Staff pups off Hammer and I refused! Lol. I have proof of that to. It gets better, after you flipped face on me. Calling my stud a cur, threatening me like a thug, you asked me to breed Hammer to your Roullette bitch. Well, I got proof of that to. If my stud is such a cur, why would you want me to do that? Obviously I refused to do the breeding. Lol. Hueblot, JSK, say what you will...but all you two clowns have only seen my stud Bree. Your bitches. So you cannot say he's anything because you ain't seen shit and never will. Safer that way, your both loose lipped name dropping run tell that wreckless thugs. Your even a danger to yourself but you two idiots are to dumb to figure it out. Now, the proof is with me on all this in you two clowns own words. I saved it all and can and will send it to anyone who needs verification. I ain't playing this he said she said. I got facts from day one. Not a sentence or word missing since day one. Try me punks.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Kimo615 View Post
    Jack, let's just cut the crap with these Goons. Email me and I will send you screenshot after screen shot. Email from Patty at the ADBA and A text from Tom Garner. I ain't got time to play their little games. I will shut this shop down real fast. Just email me.

    It kills me that Yall name drop like you do. I don't talk to Randall because Randall has lost touch of the world and communicates with Thugs like you. I have nothing personal against Randall, but if someone associate with you to pieces of shit...they get the hatchet. Do all you can to discredit me. But these are facts. Hueblot, your a just admitted you didn't hold up your end of the deal. 2 fact...there is No Existing proof where your dogs came from. Fact 3. You do breed Am Staffs to Game dogs. Fact did lie about the pup count, and forged my signature with the ADBA. Fact 5...You wrote a letter to Patty saying you paid me and all kinds of Bullshit and lied to Patty to...this was proven after I sent screen shots. And all that is why your mutts can't be registered. You can say what you want fuck boy...but I got everything from the day you two thugs originally contacted me. And...I have no problems using any of it to burn your thug asses. I will always two idiots are not smart enough combined. That's what happens when you get out of your league and pretend to be smarter than God allowed your dumb ass to be.

    I'm not reading any thing this poser has to say period....
    Review all fact presented
    And I'm sure McGuire will be banned for his antic I'm gone

    P.s 256-226-2687 Garcia Vegas call me anytime or any one

  10. #50
    Lastly I thank CA Jack for this ultimate database its great ...
    I will here on out register my dogs here because ppl can tamper with true "papers"
    And this site is a million more times legit

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