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  1. #41
    Default Re: Grainless dod food


    Energy Content provided by a ratio of:- Carbohydrate 40-42%

    Crude Protein 22-24%

    Fat 30-33%

    Basic Ratio on per kg body weight basis

    Breakfast Kibble 12% crude protein 5g/kg bwt

    Main Meal Lean Beef 10% fat 20g/kg bwt

    Dry Food 20% protein

    10-12% fat 15g/kg bwt

    Omega 3/Omega 6 oil 0.75-1.0ml/kg bwt

    The amount fed must be monitored to avoid excess body weight as the diet is very efficient in providing energy for

    exercise and excess will result in weight gain.

    Greyhound Body Weight 25 kg 30 kg 32 kg

    Breakfast Kibble 12% protein and milk 125g 150g 160g

    Main Meal Lean Beef 10% fat 500g 600g 650g

    Dry Food 20% crude protein

    10-12% fat

    375g 450g 500g

    Oil Omega 3 – Omega 6 Oils


    Increasing to



    Increasing to



    Increasing to


    A slightly higher protein diet is beneficial to greyhounds racing on a regular basis.


    1. Where a greyhound requires extra energy to maintain body weight in hard work, increase the dry food by 50-

    100g per day, whilst still maintaining the optimum carbohydrate balance for energy.

    2. Where an excitable greyhound becomes dehydrated in hot weather, add an additional 1 tablespoon (17g) of

    fat (lard/suet, meat trimmings, copha) per 300g meat in the diet.

    3. Where lean meat, such as very lean or trimmed beef, horse meat, kangaroo or chicken is used in place of lean

    10-12% fat beef, add 1 tablespoon (17g) of fat (lard, suet, meat trimmings) to the diet to maintain the

    optimum energy balance with the correct CHO:Protein:Fat ratio for speed and performance. Do not use fat

    (dripping) from roasted meat.

    4. Additional supplements of vitamin E (100iu daily), vitamin C (max 250iu daily13.) and iron (15mg daily) can be

    provided, along with electrolytes.

    The traditional meat-based diet contains a higher level of carbohydrates provided by cereals, rice or bread.2. Another

    study suggested that greyhounds run faster race times when meat was added to a low protein and semi-lean diet,

    presumably because the meat provided extra fat as an energy source.9.

    Feeding the Racing Greyhound for Performance Page 4

    Provide an Economical and Palatable Ration

    The high energy density of fat and the lower cost of freshly trimmed and rendered animal fat by-product of the beef,

    sheep, pork and chicken meat industries, makes the combination of a fat-boosted minimal meat and commercial dry

    food diet more economical as well as more palatable to racing greyhounds. Therefore, there is an increasing tendency

    to feed a minimum meat diet, higher in fat and protein, to reduce feeding costs.2.

    Table 1: Classes of dry food for racing greyhounds relative to meat content in diet.

    Optimum Mineral, Trace Mineral, Vitamin and Electrolyte Supplementation

    The provisions of nutritional supplements to correct low, imbalanced or adequate levels in meat and cereal-based dry

    food rations is paramount to meet the elevated needs for minerals and electrolytes imposed on the musculo-skeletal

    and metabolic system by racing. When trained and fit to race, a sound greyhound can be successfully raced twice

    weekly. Adequate intake of minerals for bone development on a meat-based diet is particularly important to maintain

    skeletal strength.

    It is estimated that the daily calcium intake needed by a sedentary 30kg dog to maintain optimum skeletal strength is

    357mg (NRC, 2006), compared to 6000-8000mg daily for a greyhound in full race training (Kohnke, 199. It is also

    recommended to add 20% more vitamin D than NRC (2006) guidelines to dry food formulations; as cereal based dry

    foods, even with added calcium, have been associated with an increased incidence of bone fractures (Kohnke 199.

    The estimated requirement for most other minerals and trace minerals is 2-3 times higher in a racing greyhound as

    compared to a resting dog.2. Recommendations for B vitamin intake and fortification of feed is at least three times

    higher than NRC (2006), which reflects the higher metabolic rate during anaerobic exercise of a racing greyhound

    (Kohnke, 1998; Table 2).

    Demineralisation of skeletal and joint structures as a result of high-loading athletic exercise and cortisone-induced

    muscle catabolism during exercise and respiratory lead to losses of fluid and complementary electrolytes, particularly


    The diet must be fortified with a large range of macro and micro nutrients to meet athletic demand and maintain body

    reserves, optimum metabolic function and racing soundness.

    Maintain Immune Competency

    It is recommended that the ration provided for racing greyhounds contain additional nutrients such as vitamin A,

    vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium to counteract immune suppression resulting from higher circulating cortisol levels in

    greyhounds subjected to the stress of training and racing. This will help to maintain optimum resistance against

    disease and assist recovery from racing and injury.2.

    Use Energy

    (Kcal ME)/100g

    Crude Protein

    (%) g/100g


    (%) g/100g

    Approx. Daily Amounts for

    a 30 kg Dog

    Group 1

    Kibbles dry


    Meat-based diets 270 13 2-3 200-250g daily mixed with

    700g medium 12-15% fat


    Group 2 Minimum meat


    290-300 17-20 8-19 250-300g daily mixed with

    500-600g medium 12-15%

    fat meat.

    Group 3 Complete feeds 330-340 20-24 8-10 550-600g daily or 250-300g

    mixed with 200-250g

    medium 12-15% fat meat.

    Group 4 High-energy

    complete feeds

    400 25-30 20-25 400-450g daily.

    Feeding the Racing Greyhound for Performance Page 5

    Energy Requirement

    Please Note: These notes were taken from Kohnke 1998 (Adapted) as the text is no longer in print.

    Energy, with the exception of water, is the most important constituent of the greyhound diet.2. Diets can be

    manipulated to improve oxidative yields and utilise short and medium chain carbohydrates and fatty acids over a wide

    range of race distances and climatic conditions.2. Short-term, high-intensity exercise in the greyhound is fuelled mainly

    from muscle glycogen and blood sugar to meet the predominantly anaerobic exercise demand.3.

    The energy supply and exercise duration, intensity, and frequency are all interrelated and can be influenced by the

    individual greyhound’s temperament, kennel and environmental temperature, and efficiency of metabolism.2. The

    total energy requirement for a racing greyhound is a summation of maintenance, thermoregulation, exercise, and

    racing expenditure, including behavioural influences and pre-race anticipation expenditure.2, 4. Regular monitoring of

    body weight at least once weekly will assist in equating energy intake relative to expenditure.2. All estimates are as

    metabolisable energy (ME) in kilocalories (Kcal). To convert kcal to kilojoules (kj), multiply by 4.184.

    Useful Energy Equivalents for Feed Adjustment2.

    Each 100gm (3 1/3 oz) of:

    • Lean raw beef (10 to 12% fat) provides approximately 200 kcal ME.

    • Dry food 24 to 28% crude protein, 8 to 10% crude fat provides approximately 300 to 310 kcal ME.

    • Dry food 30 to 32% crude protein, 15% crude fat provides approximately 400 kcal ME.

    • Each 17 gm (about ½ oz) or 20 ml (1 tablespoonful) of animal fat or vegetable oil provides approximately 150

    kcal ME

  2. #42
    Default Re: Grainless dod food

    Maintenance. A greyhound requires approximately 132 kcal ME/kg body weight0.75 daily under temperature (15 to

    25˚c or 60 to 77˚F) conditions.9. For greyhounds weighing between 25 and 35 kg, this equates to 55 to 60 kcal per kg

    body weight. An average 30kg (66 pound) racing greyhound housed under temperature conditions requires

    approximately 1700 kcal ME/day.2, 3. An excitable greyhound or one housed in a larger enclosure will have a higher

    basal metabolic expenditure because of panting, barking, or hyper-activity in the kennel, and may require up to 2100

    kcal ME daily additional fat included in the diet will increase energy input without significantly increasing ration bulk.2.

    A weight check once weekly will enable adjustment of the fat intake to maintain body weight.

    Thermoregulation. A greyhound housed and raced under cold weather conditions, between 10 and 15˚c, will require

    an increase in energy at low range ambient temperatures to maintain body warmth.2, 5-7.

    As a guide, for every 1˚c (2˚F) decrease in ambient temperature below 15˚c (60˚F), add 3 kcal ME/kg body weight0.75,

    or approximately 40 kcal ME daily for a 30kg (66 pound) greyhound.6.

    Under cold conditions increasing the amount of dry food (see energy equivalents above) relative to the decrease in

    the ambient temperature will help to maintain body heat and body weight. Most greyhounds can consume up to a

    maximum of 100 gm extra dry food (about 3 1/3 oz) daily without exceeding bulk or appetite limits. The greyhound

    should be weighed at least once weekly to ensure that it is maintaining body weight. If a greyhound loses weight or

    requires more energy under cold conditions, extra fat should be added to boost energy intake so as to avoid a

    significant increase in the volume of feed the animal has to consume above the additional 100gm of dry food.2, 6. The

    housing should be heated to a more comfortable temperature and a rug and adequate bedding provided under very

    cold ambient temperatures.

    During hot, and especially humid, weather, the energy expended by panting to eliminate excess heat may increase

    daily requirements up to 3000 kcal ME for a 30kg greyhound.2. Exercise under these conditions may deplete glycogen

    stores more rapidly.3. In addition, hot climates suppress appetite, and a more energy-dense diet boosted with fat will

    help limit the ration volume, provide a useful source of metabolic water and minimise heat production from hindgut

    fibre fermentation.6, 7.

    High ambient temperatures for longer than 4 hours a day when a greyhound is panting will increase energy

    requirements. As a guide, for a 30kg (66 pound) animal, each 1˚c (2˚F) increase between 26 and 30˚c (70 and 86˚F),

    will require an extra 130 kcal ME daily and 160 kcal ME daily for a similar rise between 31 and 35˚c (88 and 95˚F).

    Feeding the Racing Greyhound for Performance Page 6

    Thermoregulation (cont.)

    Under hot conditions, up to a maximum of 100 gm dry food will provide energy as well as fibre to maintain hindgut

    water reserves against panting losses.6. However, for energy needs in excess of this input under hot conditions, as

    appetite and feed intake are often reduced, additional fat will meet the shortfall in energy requirement and provide a

    metabolic source of water to counteract dehydration.2, 6. A weight check once a week will enable dietary adjustment,

    which should also be matched to weather conditions. 2, 6. Adequate electrolyte and fluid replenishment is also

    essential during hot weather to avoid dehydration and weight loss.

    Racing Expenditure. Total energy expenditure for a greyhound in training and raced under temperature conditions

    ranges from 150 to 190 kcal ME/kg body weight0.75, or approximately 1890 to 2390 kcal ME for a 30kg (66 pound)

    greyhound.5. It has been estimated that an additional 75 kcal ME is expended in each 30 second trial or race, or 4 –

    5% increase over maintenance requirements. Under temperature conditions the expenditure for racing can be

    provided by the standard diet.

    Behavioural Influences. Excitable, barking and “hard-walking” or hyperactive greyhounds may expend valuable

    energy reserves and dehydrate during training and particularly during traveling or when kennelled in the pre-race

    period. Although the amount has not been quantified scientifically, a diet boosted with 30 to 60 gm (1 to 2 oz) of fat

    or vegetable oil in the pre-race meal about 6 to 8 hours before racing will provide extra energy expended in pre-race

    anticipation. Additional fat is recommended for nervous or hyperactive greyhounds that lose body weight, dehydrate,

    or perform below optimal levels.2. Regular body weight and condition assessment with appropriate dietary

    adjustment are essential to maintain racing weight limits.


    Carbohydrates, proteins and fat included in the ration blend provide the major sources of energy to meet



    Energy Yield and Food Content. Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) yield 3.5 kcal ME gm,3, 9. and on average,

    contribute 40 - 45% of the energy in traditional racing diets.2 Meat is low in carbohydrates, contributing only to 5% of

    the total carbohydrate intake from the traditional 70% meat by weight diets.2. Dry foods contribute varying amounts

    of carbohydrates, mainly from cereal grains, ranging from 35 - 40% carbohydrates in dry foods containing 27 - 30%

    crude protein and 15% crude fat, to 55% carbohydrates in lower protein (13% crude protein, 2 - 3% crude fat), dry

    foods or kibbles.2.

    Excess Carbohydrates. Excess intake of carbohydrates in the form of cereal grain starches can have a number of

    adverse effects in racing greyhounds. High starch intake may increase potential glycogen over storage in muscles,

    with resultant accumulation of higher lactate levels and lower clearance rates, and ultimate earlier onset of metabolic

    fatigue and risk of exercise rhabdomyolysis or cramping.1, 2, 5, 8.

    High intakes of poorly digested carbohydrates, particularly in the form of cereal-based lower-protein human breakfast

    or dry dog foods, may also reduce protein and fat digestibility and uptake of sodium, potassium, and calcium because

    of their higher fibre content.5. The higher fibre, while helpful in maintaining faecal bulk, increases iliocecal water flow

    and results in wetter faeces,5, 6. with less retained as an intestinal reservoir against dehydration during hot weather.6.

    Feeding pre-race snacks provide soluble short-chain sugars, such as sucrose (sugar) and glucose (dextrose) and can

    lead to increased insulin sensitivity.2, 7, 10. When excess amounts are ingested in the immediate pre-race period,

    rebound hyperinsulinemia may be triggered, leading to lowering of blood sugar levels. The combined hypoglycaemia

    and the effect of insulin decrease on mobilisation of fatty acids and glycerol from lipid stores may also delay liver and

    muscle glycogen replenishment during the pre-race kennel period.2, 7, 10. Both these effects, in theory, can cause a risk

    of earlier metabolic fatigues and reduced race performance. In practice, it is widely recommended to avoid feeding

    large amounts of soluble sugars in a pre-race “snack” feed, limiting to 15 gm (½ oz) glucose or 60 ml (2 oz) honey

    within 4 to 6 hours before racing.2, 6, 7, 10.

    Feeding the Racing Greyhound for Performance Page 7


    Energy Yield and Food Content. Proteins yield 3.5 kcal ME per gram.3, 9. Proteins provide a source of energy, as well

    as essential amino acids, for protein synthesis. As a source of available amino acids, greyhound diets should contain

    30 - 35% high quality crude protein on a dry matter basis.2, 4. Protein sources contribute, on average, between 35 -

    40% of the total energy needs for a racing greyhound.2, 4. Lean meat ranges from 17 - 21% crude protein on an as-fed

    basis, or approximately 60% crude protein on a dry-matter basis.2, 9. Dry foods contain a wide range of crude protein,

    depending on the content of meat by-products and oilseed protein sources, and commercial products range from 17 -

    35% on a dry-matter basis.2. Most greyhound diets based on meat and/or dry foods to satisfy energy demands

    contain adequate protein to meet daily requirements.

    Excess Protein. High intakes of protein increase the cost of the ration blend, and the elimination of excess poorquality

    protein, such as contained in cereal-based dry foods, is an energy-consuming process. It is much more

    economical, and metabolically more efficient, to feed a diet containing adequate protein, with additional energy

    provided by fat to greyhounds, during hot weather or those competing in longer-distance races.2.

    Fats or Lipids

    Energy Yield and Food Content. Fat or lipids yield 8.5 kcal ME/gram, or approximately 2.25 times that of

    carbohydrates or protein.3, 9. Fats are a useful energy-dense feed that provide an energy boost without adding

    excessive volume or weight to the ration.2. The lipids in fats and oils are a palatable, highly digestible source of

    energy; greyhound diets should contain at least 12 – 15% fat on an as-fed basis, and greyhounds can tolerate up to 25

    – 30% fat on a dry-matter basis.2. Higher fat intake is recommended for excitable, hyperactive greyhounds and during

    hot or very cold weather conditions.2.

    Both animal and plant oils and fats are highly digestible. Lipids with a high percentage of short-chain (unsaturated)

    fatty acids remain liquid (oils) at room temperature.2. As the percentage of long-chain fatty acids increases, the lipid

    becomes solid at room temperature as a fat and digestibility is reduced in fats with high long-chain saturated

    content.2, 6. Short to medium chain saturated triglycerides, as contained in coconut, canola, palm, and copha are

    considered better utilised, as these lipids are digested by pancreatic enzymes without need for bile emulsification.4.

    Although it is suggested that up to 25% of the total fat be provided by these sources of short to medium chain

    triglycerides,4. greyhounds may not readily accept these items in their diet. Stepwise introduction over 7 to 10 days

    may be necessary to obtain acceptance.6.

    Excess Fat. High intakes of long-chain saturated fats, such as beef and mutton fat (trimmings or suet) or butter fat,

    can reduce overall lipid digestibility, although greyhounds find these animal fats naturally more acceptable. 2, 4.

    Animal fat sources are generally cheap to purchase as trimmed fat or omental fat from carcasses. However, if more

    than 60 gm (2 oz) of animal-derived fat is required to boost energy content in the ration during hot weather, or in

    dehydrated greyhounds, it is preferable to provide additional fat in the form of vegetable oil.2.

    Essential Fatty Acids. Greyhounds require essential fatty acids. The diet should contain at least 1% of linoleic acid, an

    omega-6 fatty acid, on a dry matter basis, or 2% of ME intake, to prevent the characteristic dry, flaking dermatitis

    associated with a deficiency in dogs.11. Linoleic acid is the precursor of other linoleic acid family members, linolenic

    and arachidonic acid, if adequate linoleic acid is available in the diet.11.


    Greyhounds are elite athletic animals which are subjected to extreme physical exertion during racing and the

    cumulative effects of environmental, metabolic and physical stress when trained and raced on a regular basis. They

    must be provide with a palatable, low bulk, high energy-dense ration, with a medium crude protein and fat content to

    maintain competitive speed and stamina within set limits of body weight. An adequate intake of minerals, trace

    minerals, electrolytes and vitamins to correct low, imbalanced or inadequate levels in meat-based diets, in particular,

    is essential to maintain musculo-skeletal soundness, optimum metabolic activity, strong immune status and overall

    health in greyhounds racing between a relatively young age of 15 months to a mature age of between 3 and 4 years.15.

    Feeding the Racing Greyhound for Performance Page 8

    Table 2: Recommended daily intake (RDI) for a 30 kg resting and racing greyhound on a combined meat and dry

    food diet. Updated from Kohnke 2002.15.


    Recommended daily intake

    (RDI) Practical guidelines for feeding racing greyhounds.

    Resting Racing

    Calcium 3570 mg 600-800 mg Supplement meat-based diets to 75% of RDI, dry food

    diets to 30% RDI: essential in all young greyhounds in

    training for musculo-skeletal development.

    Phosphorus 2670 mg 5000 mg

    Magnesium 246 mg 800-900 mg Add 50% RDI to the diets of nervous or cramping

    greyhounds or hot weather.

    Iron 20 mg 60 mg


    Add 50% RDI, especially to chicken or fish-based diets

    that are inherently low in iron.

    Copper 1.8 mg 5 mg Add 50% RDI, especially to chicken or fish-based diets

    that are inherently low in copper.

    Zinc 21.6 mg 65 mg


    Add 50% RDI to dry foods if calcium is supplemented.

    Manganese 3.0 mg 6.0 mg Add 50% RDI to meat-based diets.

    Selenium 100 ug/kg diet 200 ug/kg diet Add 100% RDI to high meat diets, 50% to dry food diets

    (fish has high Se concentrations).

    Iodine 0.36 mg 1.0 mg Add 50% RDI to high carbohydrate diets to optimize


    Sodium 330 mg 3000-5000 mg


    Do not add extra if more than 300g dry food with 1%

    salt is fed; add 50% RDI to diet in hot weather.

    Potassium 2670 mg 4500 mg


    Add 50% RDI in hot weather, cramping, nervous


    Vitamin A


    2250 IU

    (0.675 mg)

    3375 IU

    (1.0 mg)

    Add 50% RDI to lean-meat diets.

    Vitamin D


    240 IU

    (0.06 ug)

    260 IU

    (0.09 ug)

    Add 50% RDI to lean meat diets, or 360 IU (1.2 ug) when

    calcium is included in cereal-based dry food.

    Vitamin E


    15 IU

    (15 mg)

    30-100 IU

    (30-100 mg)

    Freezing meat destroys vitamin E: add 50% RDI to meat

    diets and up to 100% RDI in fat-boosted diets or high fat

    dry diets. Do not exceed 400 IU daily as it may affect

    performance (Marshall 20002 – optimum 100 IU daily,

    pre-race 150-200 IU).


    (Vitamin B1)

    600 ug 1.8 mg Add at least 50% RDI to meat-based diets.


    (Vitamin B2)

    1.5 mg 4.5 mg Add 100% RDI to fat-boosted diets.

    Niacin 6.75 mg 20 mg Add 50% RDI daily when racing regularly on high energy


    Pantothenate 6.0 mg 18 mg Add 50% RDI to diets containing cooked foods (stews)


    (Vitamin B6)

    0.6 mg 2.0 mg Add 50% RDI to high protein dry foods.


    (Vitamin B12)

    15 ug 45 ug Add 100% RDI to chicken or fish-based diets, which are

    inherently low in vitamin B12.

    Folic acid (folacin) 120 ug 360 ug Add 50% RDI to all racing diets.

    Vitamin C Internally


    250-300 mg

    can be


  3. #43
    Default Re: Grainless dod food

    Add 100% RDI when racing regularly, but not exceeding

    300 mg daily. Limit 250mg daily. Pre-race 500mg.

    Supplementing with 1,000mg daily appeared to slow

    racing greyhounds (Marshall et 2002)

    (Adapted from Kohnke, 2002)

    Feeding the Racing Greyhound for Performance Page 9

    Table 3 – Foods for Greyhounds

    Average Value as Fed Per 100g – (Adopted and Updated from Kohnke 1989,2. Hoskins & Kohnke 1994.14.



    (Kcals ME)


    Protein (%)


    Fat (%)


    Calcium mg Iron mg


    Lean (Skirt/Beef flap) 123 22.4 4.6 7.0 2.1

    Semi Lean 185 19.5 12.5 6.5 2.0

    Lean-Medium 2/0 18.9 12.5 6.0 1.9

    Medium 268 17.9 21.2 6.5 1.6

    Medium-Fatty 280 16.3 25 4.5 1.3

    Fatty 330 15.0 30 4 1.2


    Lean (meat only no skin) 107 20.3 5 6 0.6

    Cull hen (meat only no skin) 165 190 10 5.5 0.45

    Skin (boiled) 223 16.1 17.1 10 0.7

    Cull hen (minced whole no

    feathers, gut out)

    250 21.2 19.4 200 (with bone) 1.0

    Necks (minced with bone) 233 13.2 18.6 800 (high

    proportion of



    Feet (washed, boiled, minced,


    96 15 5 2100 3.0

    HORSE (meat only)

    130 (average)




    4-9% 170-200 4.2-4.8

    SHEEP Lamb (leg meat) 240 17.9 18.7 6.0 1.7

    MUTTON (leg meat) 265 15.5 22 5.5 1.5

    Whole carcase no bones


    333 14.6 30.5 4.5 1.4

    VEAL (meat lean average) 103 19.0 2.6 8.3 1.7

    RABBIT (raw meat) 130 21.9 4.0 20.0 1.9


    Beef Heart (raw) 100 18.2 3.0 5.0 5.0

    Beef Kidney 91 17.1 2.5 15 5.4

    Beef Liver 157 20.0 8.6 6.0 5.8

    Tongue 200 17.2 14.6 6.0 3.2

    Beef Tripe (cooked) 83 14.4 2.8 19 0.3


    Heart (raw) 122 17.8 5.6 5 3.9

    Kidney 191 17.1 2.5 11 9.8

    Liver 162 21.4 7.5 6 7.5

    Tongue 200 15.3 15.5 7 1.9


    Average (not cod) 100 18.0 1.0 27 1.1


    Cows whole 65 3.3 3.5 120 0.05

    Cows skimmed 59 3.6 0.1 120 -

    Powdered Dry (non-fat) 363 35.9 0.8 1310 1.0


    Whole eggs with shell 147 12.3 10.9 9546 2

    Whites 36 3.6g/yolk Trace 5.0 0.1

    Yolk 58 (per yolk) 2.7g/yolk 12.2 45 0.4

    Feeding the Racing Greyhound for Performance Page 10



    (Kcals ME)


    Protein (%)


    Fat (%)


    Calcium mg Iron mg

    BREAD (Wholemeal/White)

    216 (60/slice


    8.8 2.7 23 2.5


    233 (58.8/slice


    7.8 1.7 100 1.7

    FAT (fat trimmed from beef)

    736 (147/18g


    5.2 78.8 Trace 0.2

    Lard, Suet

    902 (153/18g


    - 100 - -

    Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils

    884 (150/17g


    - - - -

    Table 4: Energy Equation Calculations

    Carbohydrate Protein Fat

    3.5 Kcals ME/g 3.5 Kcals ME/g 8.7 Kcals ME/g

    Calculating Carbohydrate Content of Dry Food

    Protein % + Fat % + Ash (9%) + Moisture (10%) + CHO = 100%

    25% + 15% + 9% + 10% + CHO = 41%


    87.5 Kcal ME


    130.5 Kcal ME

    - - 41g

    143 Kcal ME


    361 Kcals


    Feeding the Racing Greyhound for Performance Page 11

  4. #44
    excellent info, here is a article on muscle fibers, dogs and humans have slow and fast twitch.
    Fast Twitch (Type II)
    Because fast twitch fibers use anaerobic metabolism to create fuel, they are much better at generating short bursts of strength or speed than slow muscles. However, they fatigue more quickly. Fast twitch fibers generally produce the same amount of force per contraction as slow muscles, but they get their name because they are able to fire more rapidly. Having more fast twitch fibers can be an asset to a sprinter since she needs to quickly generate a lot of force.

    Type IIa Fibers
    These fast twitch muscle fibers are also known as intermediate fast-twitch fibers. They can use both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism almost equally to create energy. In this way, they are a combination of Type I and Type II muscle fibers.

    Type IIb Fibers
    These fast twitch fibers use anaerobic metabolism to create energy and are the "classic" fast twitch muscle fibers that excel at producing quick, powerful bursts of speed. This muscle fiber has the highest rate of contraction (rapid firing) of all the muscle fiber types, but it also has a much faster rate of fatigue and can't last as long before it needs rest.

    Fiber Type and Performance
    Our muscle fiber type may influence what sports we are naturally good at or whether we are fast or strong. Olympic athletes tend to fall into sports that match their genetic makeup. Olympic sprinters have been shown to possess about 80 percent fast twitch fibers, while those who excel in marathons tend to have 80 percent slow twitch fibers.
    rest of link
    Last edited by canismajor; 04-07-2013 at 04:37 PM. Reason: mistake

  5. #45
    I agree with Zero Cool that these products are a waste of money. The primary ingredient is invariably maltodextrin, a highly-processed starch, used in the production of candy. To that these companies then add powdered (devalued) egg, powdered (devalued) liver, and then a bunch of vitamins ... so why not just save yourself the wasted money and buy whole (full-value) liver, whole (full-value) egg, and not even bother with the maltodextrin?

    In the end, there has been no "debunking" of the fact FATS and OILS are the primary source of energy in a working dog. Your dog should get no more than 15% carbs, if even that. At least 50% of your dog's diet should be high-quality fats/oils derived from raw meats. The rest should be proteins and whatever trace elements are found in the veggie mix you provide him. I also recommend a Pedialyte supplement to replace lost electrolytes and minerals in heavy training.

    Jack I notice you have vertex and power chow in your keep did you take them out or is it still in your program

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by bigjim View Post
    so jack did you take vertex out of your keepI agree with Zero Cool that these products are a waste of money. The primary ingredient is invariably maltodextrin, a highly-processed starch, used in the production of candy. To that these companies then add powdered (devalued) egg, powdered (devalued) liver, and then a bunch of vitamins ... so why not just save yourself the wasted money and buy whole (full-value) liver, whole (full-value) egg, and not even bother with the maltodextrin?
    Long time ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigjim View Post
    In the end, there has been no "debunking" of the fact FATS and OILS are the primary source of energy in a working dog. Your dog should get no more than 15% carbs, if even that. At least 50% of your dog's diet should be high-quality fats/oils derived from raw meats. The rest should be proteins and whatever trace elements are found in the veggie mix you provide him. I also recommend a Pedialyte supplement to replace lost electrolytes and minerals in heavy training.
    All of this is in my book/keep and has been since 2008. You must have a pretty old edition if Vertex is in there.


  7. #47,,,633

    This is another article from Mushing magazine concerning the high fat content diet and its performance benefits. There are several more from the Mushing magazine, one on how the performance bag foods are made. Pretty interesting. I think (opinion) the high fat content for the sled dogs is a little higher than what it should be for bulldogs and their endeavors because of the difference in temperatures. I came off the fat a little and upped the protein slightly and then gave a small boost in carbs. Over a couple of years I felt like the dogs were better equipped nutrition wise to recover from today and be ready for tomorrow.

    Not being a scientist or a canine nutritionist I agree with the need for the carbs. I understand their value in nutrition for the canine is minimal but keeping the gut active is key to maintaining weight, especially for dogs in keep that live outside during the keep. There are so many variables involved and doing a dog in the south is different than doing one in the north. Then factor in the individual differences in the dogs. Every topic comes down to the 'eye' for what the dog needs. Great series of posts. Since there are no scientific studies going on covering the bulldog aspects of conditioning and dieting we have to take what we can use from others and make it work from there. The Mushing magazine is a good place to see real life information. S

  8. #48

    Another good place to browse and read. EWO

  9. #49
    Vertex and the like powders aren't a waste of money IMO. They are a supplement like creatine or any other type of supplement you, or anyone else, chooses to use. While I don't use them any longer, I have, and I have with success with nothing BUT those powders.

    You can't just jack up the fat content in a keep to at least 50% just because that's what you think you should do. It doesn't work that way. Fat content should, and will be, based around the dog's intensity of work. A ho hum working dog won't do well on 50% fat simply because the dog will BE fat. Those are facts. You can't jack up caloric intake without burning it off.

    As for electrolytes, there is a lot of information surrounding why dogs need or don't need it as they don't sweat the same as we do.

  10. #50
    Well said. When talking sled dogs and fat it is somewhat understood these dogs will be burning the fat. Knocking out a hundred sometimes a hundred plus miles a day will burn a calorie or two, whether it be derived from fat or protein or whatever. I feed a lot of fat when the dogs are working, as much as 40%-45% of their meal. That amount is still 40% of the meal if the meal is 2lbs. or 4lbs. (just for numbers sake). If the dog is over then the total volume is reduced to bring him back down to where I think he needs to be.

    What I have found, and this is not from a double blind, scientifically backed nutritional study, but the key to feeding higher percentages of fat during a keep is to start feeding higher percentages 8-10 weeks out. Just last week I started upping the fat content in my dogs' diets because in 8-10 weeks the weather will drop here and the dogs will get more active. When I first started feeding higher fat contents and immediately upping the work load I didn't see any difference and then in time, the latter part of the keeps the dogs seemed to 'come around'. With more research and some more practical/first hand experience it is better to get them on the diet way earlier than I once thought.

    Agreed. High fat diets to a dog that is doing nothing is a recipe for a fat dog. That same dog would get fat if he was on a high carb diet or a high protein diet, maybe he fattens at different rates, but he fattens just the same. I am still on a 40% or so clip of fat in the diet, and if the weight is off the total volume of the meal is reduced, not just one part of it. EWO

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