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Thread: Raw Feeding Fact or Myth?

  1. #41
    R2L i know my spelling su.ks, but please read, it again . you wil see that when dry food is soakt that al the things your used to see your dog doing fed on raw is the same. and yes heating up the meat prossest for kibble breaks douwn the hormons and the antibiotics. wich is NOT the case when feeding raw!!!.

    The douwnside of the heating up prosses of the meat used in kibble is that it also partly distrois the amino acids,wichs is where the skin and coat problems come from... wich not happens when feeding raw!!!.
    Now you CAN ad amino acids to dry kibbel and soak it to get the same % of water in your dry food!!.
    But you CANT get the anitibiotics and hormon levels out of the raw meat . HENS i feed the dry food kibble the way it SHOULD be done as i discribed it.. and stay away from feeding raw..
    Just for you to know govermends all over the world INCLUDING the usa are dealing with a major problem in the human spiecies being almost imume to antibiotis DUE to the high levels being used in the Bio industry , wich makes up 80% of your usa and european protien base food!!.

    Now our food is Kookt baked and heated up and stil we have major problem getting to much antibiotic and hormon levels in our systems !!. Can you imagion how much of that shit stacks up in our dogs when fed raw!!!??....
    now unles you are 100% sure of your raw protien sours, then il say ok go for it . but i dont belive anybody with more then 4 ore 5 dogs would spend the money time and energy on mega green hippy protien raised on 100% natural foods and flafours. its simply to ecspensif ..not even old Jack is feeding that.looking at his videos.....

    please do not forget that iven free roaming animals bred raised for that perpose are fed kibble themselfs in winter time!. and all the bio industri food is bassed on prossest animal waist . YEP thats right How good is that when the cow sheep chiken you ore your dogs eat is being fed of the waist protien of those animals..............And themselfs

    Conclusion is. the chicken and meat you feed to your dogs are themselfs fed with prossest animal protien.!!! as with dry kibble .............

  2. #42
    Limey are you saying that just adding water to kibble is going to give the same nutrition as a balanced raw meal? and if the the kibble contains meat wouldnt that meat be filled up with hormones and antbiotics?
    theres no way an animal feed plant is using higher quality meat for their food than you can get from your local butcher/walmart.

  3. #43
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Golden State
    this is why id like to farm MY OWN meat birds....

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Ellis View Post
    Limey are you saying that just adding water to kibble is going to give the same nutrition as a balanced raw meal? and if the the kibble contains meat wouldnt that meat be filled up with hormones and antbiotics?
    theres no way an animal feed plant is using higher quality meat for their food than you can get from your local butcher/walmart.
    he is saying the kibble just lacks the amino acids but antibiotics are baked out, while the raw meat has the amino acids but antibiotics are not baked out because it's raw.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Hand View Post
    he is saying the kibble just lacks the amino acids but antibiotics are baked out, while the raw meat has the amino acids but antibiotics are not baked out because it's raw.
    Aczackly!! AND quality and i repeat QUALITY drij kibble is mutch more balanced then raw diet. as every pallet is the same and of the same consistensy. dont let stories fool you about Drij kibble being bad. as the minerals and vitamins are included AFTHER the heating prosses of the protien sours!!! same with the FAT sours and PRO BIOTICS.. Now dont get me wrong im not against raw diets . but to do it right for major leaque performance is a siense on its self.practicly imposible. Hens the greyhound scene use a raw protien sours mixt in with drij kibble specialy made for that perpose..
    chek text below!. these problems are presend in our dogs as wel when feeding raw . BUT it wil NOT shows/reveals itself on the viseble outside as mutch as with the gryhounds . we DO have a toughfer breed.. but it thuse efects performance


    The other major problem to which greyhounds are commonly subjected is the consumption of “”””highlycontaminated meat”””” containing potentially pathogenic “”””Salmonella and E. coli bacterial species””””. The widespread use of 3-D (debilitated, diseased or dying) and 4-D meat (add dead to 3-D specifications) as a base for greyhound diets in the US because of economic considerations increases the bacterial challenge to the gastrointestinal, immune and hepatic systems. Greyhounds often develop bacterial diarrhoea and associated dehydration when contaminated meat with a high microbial count is fed.

    There is also the risk of “”antibiotic residues”” being excreted into the urine. These residues can be detected as prohibited substances on race day in greyhounds fed meat from animals treated with “”””antibiotics and other drugs”””” prior to slaughter or death. The adoption of a “”””complete dry food diet”””” eliminates”””” these risks in greyhounds raced on a regular weekly basis.


    Greyhounds are “”elite athletic animals”” that are subjected to “”extreme”” physical exertion during racing and the cumulative effects of environmental, metabolic and physical stress when trained and raced on a regular basis. They “”must”” be provided with a palatable, “”low bulk””, high energy-dense ration, with a medium crude protein and fat content to maintain competitive speed and stamina within set limits of body weight. An “”adequate”” intake of minerals, trace minerals, electrolytes and vitamins to correct low, imbalanced or inadequate levels in “”””””meat-based diets””””””, in particular, is “”””””essential”””””” to maintain musculo-skeletal soundness, optimum metabolic activity, strong immune status and overall health in greyhounds racing between a relatively young age of 15 months to a mature age of between 3 and 4 years.

    PS DOC ELLIS most quality dog food brands are made for HUMAN consumption!! and yes they do use human standerd meat/protien sourses for that.. this has been determind in some countries bij stae ore country law. just in case some major disaster happends where people can live of off drij dog food kibbel..

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    Actualy sins a greyhound bij nature has LESS agression it is detected more ez and reveals and shows it selfs muchs ezer then in apbt. who bij nature ARE more agreesif. and those racing greyhounds defenatly are having renal dysfunction as you call it when they race more freakwend..
    I'll agree with the greyhound sentiment and aggression as I don't know, but by what you're saying, more protein would still make dogs more aggressive. My dogs have never shown any higher level of aggression because their protein intake is elevated due to a keep. There may be some dogs that develop some issues with racing every weekend due to being weaker specimens and their body not being able to deal with the stress. They're not all going to have that dysfunction simply due to racing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    they are even chekt monitord mutch more for drug use kidney/liver funktion urea/ crea hemocrit ecetera then the apbt due to its legalety.. problem with them is that they are not CONDITIONED for races. its actualy the races during the season that is there conditioning .
    Excess drug use in dosages too high for dogs can certainly contribute to such things. That is more likely the reason moreso than anything else aside from just a weak, genetic individual or one not properly cared for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    They pick up more speed during the season. the kidney and liver stress is ezer to see as in a apbt. as our dogs are toughfer But that thussend mean our dogs dont sufer from it. we al know that when our dogs DO show they are sick that they ofthen are in imidiat japorty .
    I believe there are plenty of bulldogs that suffer from such things, but they don't do it as a whole. It's like people. Genetics, what is put into the body, etc all play a part.

    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    BUT the purer bred dog WILL suffer from it when getting older where the pressure on those kidneys and damege has been done at a younger age.
    Could be a dog with a weak genetic profile. Not ALL purer bred dogs will suffer from such things especially due to protein. As body systems get older, the function with less efficiency so you will always see some decline in older animals/dogs as opposed to when they were younger.

    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    chek some of your frinds who when younger partyd like crazy and longer see them 20 years later and they look like old man!!and they live shorter its the same with apbt they loose years of there life span . a body can recopperate for a sirtin amound of time,.. Now 90% of the working apbt is on short chains and kenneld up most of its life. feeding them a high protien diet WIL have lots of presur to prosses that protien...
    LOL!! My friends that look like that ingested insane amount of drugs, alcohol, up all hours of the night doing who knows what with who knows. Couple all of that with a general disregard for their own well being, and you get friends that look that way in 20 years. I do agree that most dogs that are lounging about don't need to be fed high protein diets. They could stand with lower protein and higher fat, then everyone would be happy. Unfortunately for kibble feeders, no company has saw fit to create that kind of dog food as of yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    A kidney and liver kinda work like a sponge, and we all know that when a sponge is dirty and you put it under the tap and squeeze it a couple of times then the dirts and waist comes out!!. NOW if one of the dogs has been hunting his Kidney funktion stops. its filled up with waist iven tho a dog is pissing ofthen the water is as clear as tap water!!. its only then when a kidney starts working again that he wil pisis the yellow waist out of its system .
    The kidney function stops due to the waste but not quite as you describe. The function stops from the tubules being clogged with myoglobin so it CAN'T function. Blood flow is shunted to the vital organs, if bad enough, so the kidneys become ischemic. You couple that with the fact that a great majority of people aren't giving their dogs IV fluids after, which serves a two-fold purpose, and you have a dead dog. IV fluids expand the fluid circulating through the dog AND they remove the myoglobin from the tubules, allowing the kidneys to do their job if it hasn't been too late due to owner ignorance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    dogs need to be fed food for older dogs wich contains less protien and more carbs!. Keeping a such a stud dog very lean upto a point where the novice thinks it looks a bit creul, makes him live longer and produce longer.
    Less protein, minimal carbs, more fat!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    High protien should only be givven when working ore in a keep and to upgrowing pups. never when in the off season , ore living in his chain space doing F all

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    Just for you to know govermends all over the world INCLUDING the usa are dealing with a major problem in the human spiecies being almost imume to antibiotis DUE to the high levels being used in the Bio industry
    This isn't true. The human species and a lot of the virus and bacteria have mutated due to US, as a species, throwing Abx at problems that didn't really need Abx. So now you have Abx resistant strains of all kind of things due to that fact. You couple that with people not taking the prescribed Abx as indicated, and you just compound that problem two fold. The Abx and hormones in some meats are certainly to blame for some things, but almost all the blame falls on our shoulders not the industries.

  8. #48
    It is the first time I hear that heat treatment can destroy aminoacids, to brake aminoacid chains and give a faster absorved protein yes, but to completely destroy aminos? then we would have nitrogen fumes all over the production line, wouldn't we?

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Limey Kennels View Post
    Aczackly!! AND quality and i repeat QUALITY drij kibble is mutch more balanced then raw diet. as every pallet is the same and of the same consistensy. dont let stories fool you about Drij kibble being bad. as the minerals and vitamins are included AFTHER the heating prosses of the protien sours!!! same with the FAT sours and PRO BIOTICS.. Now dont get me wrong im not against raw diets . but to do it right for major leaque performance is a siense on its self.practicly imposible. Hens the greyhound scene use a raw protien sours mixt in with drij kibble specialy made for that perpose..
    chek text below!. these problems are presend in our dogs as wel when feeding raw . BUT it wil NOT shows/reveals itself on the viseble outside as mutch as with the gryhounds . we DO have a toughfer breed.. but it thuse efects performance


    The other major problem to which greyhounds are commonly subjected is the consumption of “”””highlycontaminated meat”””” containing potentially pathogenic “”””Salmonella and E. coli bacterial species””””. The widespread use of 3-D (debilitated, diseased or dying) and 4-D meat (add dead to 3-D specifications) as a base for greyhound diets in the US because of economic considerations increases the bacterial challenge to the gastrointestinal, immune and hepatic systems. Greyhounds often develop bacterial diarrhoea and associated dehydration when contaminated meat with a high microbial count is fed.

    There is also the risk of “”antibiotic residues”” being excreted into the urine. These residues can be detected as prohibited substances on race day in greyhounds fed meat from animals treated with “”””antibiotics and other drugs”””” prior to slaughter or death. The adoption of a “”””complete dry food diet”””” eliminates”””” these risks in greyhounds raced on a regular weekly basis.


    Greyhounds are “”elite athletic animals”” that are subjected to “”extreme”” physical exertion during racing and the cumulative effects of environmental, metabolic and physical stress when trained and raced on a regular basis. They “”must”” be provided with a palatable, “”low bulk””, high energy-dense ration, with a medium crude protein and fat content to maintain competitive speed and stamina within set limits of body weight. An “”adequate”” intake of minerals, trace minerals, electrolytes and vitamins to correct low, imbalanced or inadequate levels in “”””””meat-based diets””””””, in particular, is “”””””essential”””””” to maintain musculo-skeletal soundness, optimum metabolic activity, strong immune status and overall health in greyhounds racing between a relatively young age of 15 months to a mature age of between 3 and 4 years.

    PS DOC ELLIS most quality dog food brands are made for HUMAN consumption!! and yes they do use human standerd meat/protien sourses for that.. this has been determind in some countries bij stae ore country law. just in case some major disaster happends where people can live of off drij dog food kibbel..
    those dogs are probably getting sick cuz they are being fed 4-D meat sold to kennels for cheap not exactly the same quality of meat we are buying at the grocery store.

  10. #50
    some of them greyhound guys have so many dogs, they feed 4-D meat cuz it's cheap and not really caring if the animal before was an animal that had all kindsa vaccinations, died of disease and was previously medicated, etc.

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