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Thread: What dogman had the biggest impact on the game as a breeder?

  1. #41
    I have one shot of his blood in some of my dogs. I have never bought a dog from him nor do I think I ever will.

    I do think he mastered the dog business like none other. I think also he should be teaching a business class at an Ivy League school as his business model is on the same level as the Microsofts, the Facebooks, the Amazons (the dollars are not in the billions but the business model is an equal). He made an initial investment, changed as the times changed, maintained a supply and allowed demand to increase the profitability of his product. Just a few years ago those $1500-2000 puppies were $500. Every increase was a test of the market and the market said he could continue to increase.

    As a breeder of dogs I think he will go down as the breeder of record for more champions than any other. There may also be an asterisk by his name based on the sheer volume of puppies sold.

    At a couple pig pickings ago I saw a guy come from behind the wall with two puppies. I am sure he gave a chunk of cash for two puppies. He got down to an older Ford truck and put the puppies in a crate in the front seat. He lifted the hood, topped of the oil and water and off he went.

    When there are a customers like that the prices will increase and the sales will soar.

    I think he will go down at the top of the charts.


  2. #42
    I will say this for the man, he runs a beautifully kept yard and all his dogs receive nothing but the very best veterinarian care and I've been on the yard of many ''highly respected'' dogmen who's yards were disgraceful (a topic for another time perhaps).

  3. #43

    One of the best dog men I ever met, a guy that won a shit load of matches, beat the very best going, made several ROM dogs and at the same time his yard looked like a trash pile. Like he threw out the garbage and the dogs shredded it in the chain spots. That bad.

    I will say I am sure it cost a ton to look out for that many dogs and that many puppies, and I am sure he pays for a lot of services (yard help) but the place is immaculate and the dogs are well cared for....


  4. #44
    Agreed again. That's one thing I respect the heck out of the man for. He sets the bar high for quality care for a decent size yard. His kennels and whelping kennels are top notch and even thought he sells a ton of pups he obviously puts money back into his setup.

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