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There are pups that do exist off that particular pedigree of HueBlots. However, there was no proof she took of my stud. There was 1 stick...but he refused to send pictures of her pregnant, or her with all the pups. So no proof of where then pups came from. Now when you do a pup deal, shouldn't you send that type of proof? He did send a picture later on of 5 pups. But, tried to forge my signature on the registration and tried to register 8 pups with the ADBA. and yes..I was also burned on the deal. He never paid me for stud, said he didn't have the money prior to the stick. So I agreed to pup deal. After the pups were born, he refused to pay me then or send a pup. Ok, Now with JSK, He has two pups. Both male. Bama Black and Hammer Jr. Both males registered with the ADBA and those are the only two registered out of that litter. Why? There was 13 pups born, 11 died within the first week including the mother of the pups on his yard. So, The female pup he has listed "China Girl" or China Doll...whatever it is on the pedigree does not exist. Only the two males I spoke of survived and was registered with the ADBA. Now, McGuire's Molly Hatchet...she does not exist either. The guy Hueblot created that pedigree according to your pedigree log. And he's made tons of edits to it. I own Hammer and Machete...the supposed parents of "Molly Hatchet". Machete is only 8 months old, never been bred and has not even had a heat . Machete is the daughter of Hammer. I hope that clarifies everything. Any further questions feel free to contact me. I can verify everything in telling you with Screen shots in their own words, and with the ADBA (Patty Bullock).