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Thread: Raised/Brood Kennels

  1. #1
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    Raised/Brood Kennels

    ive got plans made up for an 8x4. my question is, does anybody keep theyre dogs in these things permanently? most standart kennels are 6x4 or so anyways, so im wondering what the difference is? any thoughts?? it seems smart and a way to dodge parasites......and a good way to avoid fence fighting when u let a dog loose on the yard.......i like jacks set up with that "twilight" dog in it, although i seen some "cement like ply boards at home depot so id use that as the flooring...

  2. #2
    a lot of cattle people i know keep their stock dogs in small above ground pens all year round with mesh floors never heard of any dramas from it.

  3. #3
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    i probobly wouldnt use mesh floors but rather the cement like plywood board they sell @ homedepot.

  4. #4
    yeah not sure id like mesh floor either i just heaps of people keep their kelpies like that no drama. i like my concrete floors conected to sewer benifit far out weigh the cost.

  5. #5
    Check out the you tube video with Tom Garner and his kennels he builds. They are nice and work out to be rather large. I have raised brood pens, one is 10X4 and the other is 9X5...Built out of custom deck leftovers. One floor is 5/4 decking board with an 3/4 inch gap. The other is cement decking board with a 3/4 inch gap. EWO

  6. #6
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    do you keep grown dogs in them permanantly though as if they were regular kennels? i mean, for some reason i keep rememberin the joe woodall video and his pup having jacked up feet from the pound, eventhough im thinking its the wire flooring that causes that and i of course would be using plywood. plus it would be a little more difficult to clean than a kennel, but other than that i really dont see the difference........if anything, other than the cleaning i would think the raised beds would be more beneficial..........

  7. #7
    I have seen dogs who lived exclusively in wire mesh/expanded metal floors have jacked up feet. Especially if the holes are large enough for parts of the foot to go down in them regularly. I like to use wood decking boards myself. They are spaced about 3/4" to 1" apart for easy cleaning yet the dogs foot can't get between them. I have seen people who use brood type pens for permanent kennels/housing. It is an easier clean and it does not expose the dog to things on the ground. I would prefer the dog have the ability to move about on a chain spot but to each his own. EWO

  8. #8
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    CA has Anti Tethering Laws, if ac got wind that i was chaining dogs for more than 3 hours its a FAT fine!

  9. #9
    Happening in alot of places.I believe that is why Garner went to the kennels. His county went to anti-tethering laws as well. I personally believe a good chain set up is much better but I am in the minority. His kennels look nice. I know a guy who has all his dogs in above ground pens.I am guessing they are about 5X10. He has about 8 or 9. He has a fenced in area he turns them out in one at a time for daily exercise. It works for him. I have met people whose dogs spend their entire lives in a crate. So to on of those dogs a 5X10 would be castle-like. EWO

  10. #10
    How did your raised kennels turn out? I'm thinking of experimenting with some. I'm thinking of buying one of the 6 gauge 12'x6'x4' kennels and raising them using either composite, wood, rubber flooring. Im interested in seeing how the dogs take to them and how it convenient it'll be during the Rainier seasons.

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