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Thread: halls&steves snaps

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Stockton, California, United States

    halls&steves snaps

    Wanted to know a little about this hound

  2. #2
    Snaps was a superb animal and crushed all comers

  3. #3
    I bred to SNAPS in 2000 with a double bred STUMPY bitch which was given to me from MR.BURNS 4 males 4 females 5 black 3 seal brown my 4 all game other 4 went to the Carolina's don't know what happen to them I think they were sold. All my dogs were 50lbs and over to big for me as most dogs I bred were always 40lbs and under. I was told by Steve that SNAPS was attacked by a mountain lion on his chain and killed it maybe someone can verify this story. YOURS IN THE GAME JOHNNY ARSUFFI

  4. #4
    As far as I know Snaps died on HPKs yard in Hawaii

  5. #5
    A friend of mine, Northern Express, saw Gr Ch Snaps go 3x, and personally matched into him twice.

    He said Snaps had an absolute bear trap of a mouth, but he thought he saw a chink in Snaps' armor, and so hooked into him. I believe Nick's dog made Snaps turn, but Snaps bit so hard that Nick's dog couldn't pull it off and was killed.

    Northern Express was even more convinced that Snaps was a cur, and either hooked into Snaps again directly, or conditioned a friend's dog to do the deed, I can't remember anymore.

    Once again, Snaps made "a bad sign," but once again Snaps' mouth was so horrible Nick's dog was quickly rendered defenseless and lost.

    To this day, Nick swears Snaps was not a game dog ... but the only thing he was able to "prove" is that he misjudged Snaps twice and got 2 dogs killed trying to prove a point


  6. #6
    That's sum good info Jack...Tried the Snaps blood twice.1st was a serious man biter n a very hard keeper,the 2nd was a cross ,nice lil gyp w/good mouth n super intense but very lil defense.

  7. #7
    An old kennel partner had 2 of him. Got them from HPK, 1 didn't make the cut, the other was a monster in the making. Was on the yard of a now questionable character, after graduating he was held a mo longer than planned. Made excuse after excuse on why he didn't have time to bring him back. Long story short my old partner met him half way got him home, and his hound died within 24hrs. Needless to say the drama started.

    On another note,it's probably a lost cause, but are there any straws off him still available? A buddy of mine contacted a fellow he knew with some, but they were sold. Anymore out there?

  8. #8
    Hell , Steve Hendricks told me straight to my face, he purposely passed up breeding to Snapps on many occasions and stuck several of his choice brood bitches of his to Night Capp who pulled off his only win in 3:07. For those that may not know , Night Capp was Snapps littermate brother.
    Last edited by AlbinoRhino; 09-06-2014 at 02:22 AM. Reason: Spelling

  9. #9
    Yep. People who are serious about exceptional levels of gameness, breed for it.


  10. #10
    Steve was the fella asked about Snapps straws. From what I was told is they were sold. May have gotten a line on some others. Waiting to confirm they're available and verify their legit.

    As far as gameness I RESPECT & ADMIRE it as the utmost important trait. Though when trying to produce competitive athletes it's not the only factor. Main factor, most important factor, but not the only factor. TRADITIONS & STANDARDS are upheld here. I hear Curs are good chum for Catfishing.

    I'm have a Gonner/Indian/Maloney female that was given to me. The one stipulation is they get one breeding off her. Hence why we're looking for the Snapps straws. There's other directions we could go, but feel if within our reach, that's the way we're going to go. It was first on their mind and since, I haven't seen another ped I'd like to back her up too.

    Beeding to one or passing on it, is totally in the eyes of the beholder. Depending on what they have and are trying to create in many ways dictate which direction to breed in. I remember people who would pass up Andy to breed to Calvin.

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