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Thread: Heinzl Blood

  1. #1

    Heinzl Blood

    Anyone know any good Heinzl blood and what it may be known for. I'm being offered some, but don't know much about it to be honest.

  2. #2
    Hate hard keepers like that. Had a few over the years that i consider real hard keepers. All they do is cost you money and headache. Will never feed one like that again.

  3. #3
    Life is too short to put up with that kind of crap. Plenty of good dogs that act right to justify keeping a ding dong dog.

    Thanks for the reply.

  4. #4
    Run! We fooled with that stuff. You literally have to run through 50 of them to get one or two decent game dogs. The consistency is gone.

    We had half interest in this guy. He was a real good one, but he didn't produce well.

  5. #5
    Thanks fellows. It is a supposed "proven" dog that a guy wants to send me to "try out". It's one of those deals where I'm confident I'm feeding as good or why try? Then, I hear this kind of stuff and it a no.


  6. #6
    I would have to agree with TFX. I fooled with some of those dogs back in the 90s and early 2000s. We had some straight Heinzl dogs and some crosses with that stuff. I NEVER had even ONE dog make the grade from any of that, and that came from 20+ dogs over the years.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by No Quarter Kennel View Post
    Thanks fellows. It is a supposed "proven" dog that a guy wants to send me to "try out". It's one of those deals where I'm confident I'm feeding as good or why try? Then, I hear this kind of stuff and it a no.
    The only way to know for sure is to see for yourself and give the dog an honest chance; the rest is speculation.

    That said, I agree that your odds are low, but that still doesn't mean the dog in question can't be good.


  8. #8
    I agree 100% Jack. I'll be leaving this one alone.

  9. #9
    When it came to the Heinzl line. I found they would not cross with just any line of dogs. The best line to cross this line with was the Tudor's Red Bill/Howard-Tobe /Rose blood line. Any of the heavy Kephart/ Maloney line/ Mayfield line. Needed that Williams Red nose Lightner to fire it back up. But only breed from a well built game Heinzl bitch. Start there with just 1/4 cross. In the Sixtys and 70's about a 1/4 cross was used.

    Orbie Coplin's Heinzl dogs was the older line of Heinzl dogs. He checked the oil on his,do not know what Heinzl did with his last stock.

    I wanted to bred my Young's Tina and Jackson's Pokey to A. Brewer's Vindicator and Zebo. Was some good Williams-Conklin- Hemphill Red nose Lightner dogs in those pedigrees.

    Anyone today that might have a good bitch off V.Jackson's yard. A good choice of studs would be that McGee's Apostle dog. Any out there that has a line going stale This Apostle is a good line to breed to.

    Mr. Coplin told me that most of the heavy inbred Hemphill or Lightners Red nose dogs he observed. Would show gameness but most could not fight themselves out of a wet paper dog bag. Yet when bred back into a blood line that was going stale. Many times will bring back the bite and increase the gameness in that line. This was his opinion, some of my later Coplin inbreeding produced some game dumb dogs or cold dogs.

    Mr. Coplin sent me a 15 month old Red/Red Nose Male off his line to breed back into my line. This Geronimo Dog had 1/4 or more old Hemphill breeding in it. Geronimo looked like a ole Family Red Nose dog. Only got to breed Geronimo to three of our Coplin bitches. Dogs showed gameness and mouth with very good air.

    By the time you get some of this figured out. Six to Eight years have passed and the best producers may have gotten to old to breed or have died. Was a never ending process.
    Last edited by CYJ; 05-22-2016 at 11:50 AM. Reason: corrections/spelling etc.

  10. #10
    One of tbe best bellyflop roll to get there chin scratching deadgame bitches i ever saw was off of penas striker. I dont remember the bottom, it was either a conley gyp, or voyles, but id give me left nut to have her as a bitch to cross into now. Maybe it was off the aralee bitch. For sure striker was the sire. Anyway, having seen this gyp. Id take a gamble. As a matter of fact. Give me tbe pedigree, ill use her for a cross.

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