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Thread: Trembling/fast twitch after workout.

  1. #1

    Trembling/fast twitch after workout.

    Just looking for some advice or knowledge from some of the members with experience in conditioning.

    I have a bitch in a keep and after her mill work her legs tremble like a fast twitch, just wondering if anybody has any idea what causes this or how to prevent it or even if it's something I should worry about? My worry is the bitch suffering from cramp at the wrong time.

    The bitch isn't sprinting the mill, she's walking/trotting at an intense pace.

    Any input will be greatly appreciated guys.


  2. #2
    Are you using a hard turning mill?

    How long is the workout session?

  3. #3
    It's a very free turning mill, she's doing 30minutes straight rather than sprints because of the way she's working the mill.

  4. #4
    how long has she been in keep? If it's early she just has to get her legs under her, she should be fine.

  5. #5
    She's past the half way point, I've seen dogs do it before but never like seeing it, she had a good pre keep so I think she should be well on her way. I was hoping somebody might have experienced it before, could it be a build up of lactic acid?

  6. #6
    Hopefully someone will have some beneficial advice. You took the hard running mill out of the equation as well as being early on in keep, so I'm out. Another thing I would rule out is dehydration, as well as any supplements that could be causing her to be jittery. Hydration is critical in flushing toxins from the body.

    I myself have become ultra sensitive to any medication or supplements as I've aged. I don't like taking much more than an ibuprofen and some few vitamins when needed. So I'd rule that out as a possibility. I'm always learning but I think the lactic acid would cause more cramping post workout? Does she expel a lot of white froth during workout?

  7. #7
    Thanks for the input lads. She's well hydrated and not frothing at the mouth.

    When I walk her to cool down after the work out it lasts around the first 5 minutes and lessons by the minute till she's fine, the following day she's fine as well.

  8. #8
    No muscle fever day after?

    Edit: sry didnt read that last post

  9. #9
    No muscle fever.

  10. #10
    I understand it is a keep and routines are important. If it is not going to throw things too far out of whack break down the 30 minute session to three ten minute sessions.

    Again, not knowing all the details or the dog, I am guessing the dog is really tense on the mill. Watch the muscles, I am guessing they are 'flexed' while running. If so, the dog is just not comfortable being off the ground, which is normal.

    I have one that is not an enthusiastic mill worker. She is almost 'freaked' and 'tense'. If she hears another dog bark or sees a dog she will run the mill. Not all out, but almost power stepping. I shorten the sessions because she is 'flexed' and with that said, straining thru every step. Anything over a few minutes and she has a slight tremble, especially in her front legs. It lasts only a minute or so after she is on the ground/floor.

    This is just a guess as I have never did any sort of medical testing or veterinarian checking on this female. Just an observation. EWO

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