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Thread: Stomach Cyst

  1. #1

    Stomach Cyst

    So I kinda found out about 2 weeks ago what made my dog sick all the time (usually it's 2 weeks health, 2 weeks sick, and so on) since May. We did an ultrasound (our bad, we didn't know we're supposed to do it on an empty stomach, so might be a bit inaccurate) and the vet found a small cyst in the stomach. He said that's what's probably causing his infection and fever. Vet said, might need to do a surgery to remove the cyst.

    He was healthy again for 2 weeks after the ultrasound, then a few days ago got sick again. Slight diarrhea but fever wasn't as bad as before. Just weak and lethargic.

    Anyone here has any experience with something like this? Should I do a surgery for the cyst?

  2. #2
    I would say do the surgery.

    Never had this particular experience with a stomach cyst.

    Maybe a second opinion (????) and then get it corrected.

    Leaving a dog to be sickly never ends well.

    Best of luck.


  3. #3
    I'm probably gonna get a 2nd opinion then do another ultrasound (on empty stomach this time) and decide from there.

  4. #4
    Update. So we did another ultrasound yesterday on an empty stomach and guess what there is no cyst. I really think the culprit is his low albumin level. The cut off for the normal range is 2.5 and his was always 2.3-2.4. He got healthy a couple days after I gave him Orbumin (supplement to increase Albumin).

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