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Thread: HOMER III Semen

  1. #1

    HOMER III Semen

    I have decided that I am not going to breed to the little dog again, so I am letting both of my Homer III straws go for $1000 each. Buyer must purchase both straws for this pricing. You can become the new gatekeeper of this gene pool, and manage it to a successful future. Having the opportunity to breed to him more than once means that you can linebreed a base of seed stock to keep the blood clean in perpetuity.

    These are the only straws collected off of this dog ever. They are large volume straws, and could potentially yield more than one breeding each when done surgically, but you would need to check with your vet on that aspect. The dog's bloodline speaks for itself, and he produced quite well in a limited number of breedings. No BS artists, wheeler dealers, or any other nonsense. Just hit me up with a phone number, and we'll work out payment and transferring ownership to you. You can leave it where it is, or ship it to a storage facility of your choice. This dog will produce with just about anything you breed him to. The bottom side having the Dirty Mary blood makes a logical blend with the Boyles dogs, he could be bred pure Patrick, to the Kinzenbaw or Daryl's Bolio/Clouse families, blended with the Eli blood, or anything else . What an opportunity to get some of the very last of Pat Patrick's good stuff. My friend Rick spent over $10,000 to buy the sire and dam of this little dog, and it was well worth it. Both his sire and dam have produced Champions, and Homer III has produced several winners, including the Eddie dog who went Best In Show over 25 other entries in an international convention. Patrick's Homer's breeder came back and bred to this dog to put more Homer blood back into his yard, he is the real thing.


  2. #2
    Very nice.

    Kinda sad to see it go, but hopefully whoever gets it will maximize it.


  3. #3
    It could really set someone up nicely with a legacy of good bulldogs. If there was a large Sassy or Laguna Sunrise type of female around, I would love to see someone breed it to your stuff. That is what the guys in the Philippines are doing with his daughter, breeding to Poncho & Silverback sires. They are too young to know much yet, but I expect they will be some solid dogs for those guys at Elite Hunter Kennels.

  4. #4
    Well boys, here's a real opportunity for someone. My Harley scattered an inner cam bearing so I am doing a total rebuild and upgrade to the engine, adding a 6 speed, and doing some other assorted mods to get the thing set up nicely for the next 6-8 years. I have the money to complete the bike build, but would also like to give my kids some nice Christmas gifts, buy another cord of firewood, pay my property tax, truck registration, irrigation district annual standby, and every other stinking bill that seems to come due in December. I'm not desperate, but things are a tic tighter than I prefer.

    So, between now and December 20th, I'm willing to let someone (on this board only) have this Homer III semen for $1000 for 2 straws. That's $500 per mating friends, for a game little dog who was a proven sire, is bred second to none, and has been deceased for 7 years. The same conditions stated in the original post apply. This is not a deal, this is a steal. If you ever thought about adding the absolute best of the Bolio/Clouse blood to your yard, this is your chance.

  5. #5
    I will take them straws

  6. #6
    You have mail! You are making a sound investment if you breed him well. Personally, I'd breed him to a large frame bitch who is an excellent mother and has large litters. By doing so, you will maximize the potential of these breedings. The second mating back to his own daughter would be very smart, to have this stuff as seed stock for many years to come.

  7. #7
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Golden State
    theoretically it should go nice with some heavy bolio stuff....somethin heavy invicto even some poncho......buck sounds nice

  8. #8
    Well, I am absolutely delighted that blastfrompast ended up with these Homer III straws. This is exciting because blastfrompast had a little dog sired by my CH Costello dog that I hand raised about 15 years ago that he showed and won with twice. He told me tonight"that was the best game dog I've ever had". Now, not only is he the proud owner of the Homer III semen, he has also acquired a female from my core bloodline with much of the same genetics that was behind his favorite show dog he had from me previously. My stuff has been successfully bred to the Homer III dog in numerous ways, and that combination is a very proven blend. Congratulations blastfrompast. I don't need to tell you good luck with this stuff. You will get some very good dogs, it is just a matter of how many and how good.

  9. #9
    Excellent! Sounds like it could not end up in better hands.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

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