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Thread: vegetables

  1. #1


    We dont have a fresh fruit and veg shop here but got meat a plenty so it is only the veges stopping me going full raw diet just wondering on peoples thoughts on getting a frozen vege mix and running it through food processor for the dogs? If your going to stick with a multi vitamin anyway i think it might be ok.

  2. #2
    what you cant buy any fresh vegetables in you area/supermarket?? frozen are fine too. many people make/grind/mix their ingredients and then freeze them till the day theyr fed. comes down to the same.

  3. #3
    Dont have super market mate. There is a truck comes out once a week with fruit and veg probably get some spinach from em or pumpkin but nothing special

  4. #4

  5. #5
    just dont feed any unions, and to much spinach can trouble the absorption of calcium, so be careful with that too

  6. #6
    I was thinking a country mix with brocoli and shit like that. Why does spinach mess with the calcium cause of the iron? I supplement iron,calcium and multi vitamins daily anyway i will keep all that going with raw. Iron is every second day sorry.

  7. #7
    Spinach has too much sulfur

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