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Thread: Newborn pups and mosquitoes

  1. #1

    Newborn pups and mosquitoes

    I know you can't put any chemicals on newborn pups but is there any way you all protect your newborns from those blood sucking pests?

    I have a new litter and would like to put them outside in the brood pen but we have mosquitoes real bad so I'm hesitant to do it until I can protect them. Heartworm is my concern of course.

    What do you do if anything?

  2. #2
    Thanks for the reply. I thought about that, didn't know if there would be one local that large or not. I would have to put it under the flooring as well since it is 2X4 flooring. I may have to keep them inside until they are of age. Thanks again.

  3. #3
    A pup won't get heartworm until after 6 months of age. I use a good quality fly spray on the mother, apply it to her back away from the pups and allow her to dry. Also spray the dog house inside and out and allow to dry as well. You could also put yard spray on the ground surrounding the kennel and allow to dry before placing them out there. And I always keep my grass cut short to minimize mosquitoes and ticks.


  4. #4
    Thanks, SB. I was unaware that they could not get heartworm until after 6 months. The area where the pen is does not have much grass and what it does have I always keep it short but my problem lies with our area. It's heavily wooded and there is sitting water, no way to get around those two. I just have to deal with the problem in this case.

    Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by treezbulldogs View Post
    Thanks, SB. I was unaware that they could not get heartworm until after 6 months.
    This is not exactly true. If a pup or dog is bitten by a mosquito that is infected with heartworm microfilariae, they become infected immediately. The developing larvae stay in the dogs tissue for about 2 months and then migrate to the bloodstream where they become adult worms in about 4-5 months. If your newborns are bitten by an infected mosquito, you will have a few months before the worms become dangerous. Just make sure you start their monthly heartworm treatment at 16 weeks and they will be ok.

    For the standing water you can buy mosquito dunks at Home Depot. The dunks contain a bacteria toxic only to mosquito larvae, that lasts 30 days and treats 100 square feet of surface water.
    I have a fish pond that I use them in and it works great. Kills all the larvae and will not harm any other animals, fish or humans. This will definitely keep the mosquito population down.
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  6. #6
    Scratchin Dog- Thanks for the reply and clarification on the age and process of the larvae. I will just keep them inside for a few more weeks, no biggie.

    As far as the dunks, I have bought them for the standing water on our property that can be treated but there's water that I just can't treat. We have a creek that runs through our property and when it rains we have water there. When it dries up we just have standing water until it all dried up completely. And there are cow pastures that are close to us that have watering ponds for the livestock. I can't treat those either so unfortunately we just have to deal with them.

    Again, thank you very much, SD.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by treezbulldogs View Post
    Scratchin Dog- Thanks for the reply and clarification on the age and process of the larvae. I will just keep them inside for a few more weeks, no biggie.
    Sounds like a good idea. That's what I would do too.

    Quote Originally Posted by treezbulldogs View Post
    As far as the dunks, I have bought them for the standing water on our property that can be treated but there's water that I just can't treat. We have a creek that runs through our property and when it rains we have water there. When it dries up we just have standing water until it all dried up completely. And there are cow pastures that are close to us that have watering ponds for the livestock. I can't treat those either so unfortunately we just have to deal with them.
    I see. Just thought I would mention it. Not much you can do about water on someone elses property.

    Quote Originally Posted by treezbulldogs View Post
    Again, thank you very much, SD.
    You're welcome!
    The best gamedog apparel on the net can be found here at:

  8. #8
    For the young pups I placed outdoors before 12 weeks, I tried to soak them a bit with the apple cider vinegar..seem to help

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