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Thread: Sport Dog Food

  1. #1

    Sport Dog Food

    Has anyone ever heard of this food? Is it any good?

  2. #2
    I'm not much on feeding fish when working a dog really hard.

    The few times I tried to use a feed with fish as a main ingredient the dogs ran hot. It took a couple of times before I narrowed it down to the fish made feed.

    Off season it is a good source of nutrient dense protein.

    I'd be looking for more fat and less protein that what this bag advertises.


  3. #3
    Misfit. Read Ca Jack's Blog on Kibble feeds. The moisture may be to low on this feed. With it's main source of Protein being Fish. Could be very hard on a dog's kidneys with such a low moisture content. Especially in the hotter parts of the country.

    Chicken meat and Chicken fat has proven to be the better protein and fat source over all for our breed of dogs. Much Easier on the kidneys. Especially in the warmer climate areas.

    Now way up North and into Canada may be a different story. If you watch how that dog sled person, feeds his sled dogs on that Zero Below series. He still uses a lot of fluids in his feed. Dogs look like they are eating Fish soup with kibble thrown in.

    J. Crenshaw and V. Jackson both used Chicken meat as the main protein source. I like the way V.J. did it with Chicken necks and Chicken backs. This way you got enough meat protein in balance with the natural bone protein and Chicken fat from the skin off the backs. He used only the amount of kibble feed that kept the dog on show weight in the pre keep.

    In hot weather a lower protein/fat kibble was used and in cold weather a higher protein/fat kibble was used. Were still a Chicken based kibble.

    During the pre keep V.J reduced the dog on the kibble with his added supplements. Dog was wormed out during this time period also. When dog was on weight, feeling good, match was made. One chicken neck and back was added with enough of the chicken broth to cover kibble. Then the hard work began. Dog was kept on weight by adding more necks and backs with added broth in the feed. No added kibble. This was closer to what many call a raw diet.

    J. Crenshaw in the main phase of the keep used the kibble to maintain the body weight. I do not believe he increased his amount of Chicken meat. He tells all this on the video on the You tube.

    J. Crenshaw used the Chicken meat taken off the bone and fed in what he considered the required amount of chicken meat for that particular dog. He maintain the weight of the dog by adding the Purina Pro kibble as needed. I am pretty sure that the majority of what Purina used for Protein in their feed formula was a lot of bone meal.

    If you try to add too much water to this Fish meal Kibble. It will dilute the vitamin/mineral formula etc.. Some things in feeding may have improved some what. Still a dog is a dog and the basics of what they eat have not changed over all.

    When some one asks me about conditioning dogs. I first ask them where and what part of the country do you live in? How many free hours in a day do you have to spend working a dog. How much privacy do you have? That has a big bearing on everything. Especially today. Cheers

  4. #4
    Great info EWO, I like to supplement with various types of fish but only a couple times a week.

    What about oils, do you use fish oil?

    This feed reads great, and I bet it's very good quality. I have to agree with EWO on too high protein in dog feed, it tends to work the kidneys harder and you'll get dehydrated easier I've noticed.

    Overall I'd feed some of these formulas, the food has great ingredients.


  5. #5
    Great info CYJ, I too have noticed fish formula kibble to be dryer than chicken.

    What about red meat, what do you feel about it as a protein and fat source?


  6. #6
    I use fish oil during the year but sparingly when working hard.

    I feed a lot of fat and a lot of protein. Little to no carbs and steer clear of the fish based proteins.

    I would think if one was successful with fish the amounts of water needed would be huge. The dog would have to be really wet and the temperatures would have to be extremely cold.

    Rural NC just does not get that cold for long periods of time. It may drop really cold at night but seldom is it freezing over a day or so. That would play a part in why the fish did not work around here.

    CYJ is spot on lining up certain dogs in certain areas in certain temps.


  7. #7
    I prefer chicken and chicken fat as a primary but use beef fat as well.

    One of the red meats that I do like is cow cheek. It is not all that popular in stores. It is a really fatty cut of red meat. It works well.


  8. #8
    From my understanding I was told a dog when under strong exertion breathed cooler and recovered faster when fed Chicken fat versus beef fat etc. was primarly used. Not sure about Beef meat protein and how the absorption of the beef protein compares to the chicken meat protein. I believe all Protein amino acid profiles are based upon the Egg. So probably the Protein factor is not always the issue over all.

    Probably with the beef it is the type fat not so much the protein. Mayfield liked to use very lean cut up pieces of beef. Still today, who would want to do his keep down to the minute details? Would be a long drawn out day for sure. Day after day of that. I would be a wrack of nerves and half crazy. LOL

    With some Proteins like Fish, where there is not enough need, to produce more heat in the body, for warmth. Where I live, fish meal even when using the whole fish. Becomes to rich and the dog will have kidney problems/dry skin and become listless.. I ruined a good dog in a keep using predominately whole ground up fish. Was way to rich and sure I fed way to much.

    Chicken Necks/Backs and the broth will not hurt a dog balanced with some Kibble. Feed to much, the dog will just fatten up. Still feel great and shine like a new penny. LoL
    Last edited by CYJ; 09-11-2017 at 06:47 PM.

  9. #9
    Subscribed Member sam i am's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    I prefer chicken and chicken fat as a primary but use beef fat as well.

    One of the red meats that I do like is cow cheek. It is not all that popular in stores. It is a really fatty cut of red meat. It works well.

    I've heard of cow cheek also pork cheeks but never saw it offered for sale, at the slaughterhouse I use. Would this be a cut that's usually disregarded or a select cut.

  10. #10
    Walmart carries it from time to time.

    It is way cheap. It is a low end cut.


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