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Thread: picked up game in 18-22 min

  1. #1

    picked up game in 18-22 min

    Mostly every kennel outside of u.s always say something like 1xgl in 18 mins.Guys I just wanna know how can he/she be so damn game in that length of time.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Punishem601 View Post
    Mostly every kennel outside of u.s always say something like 1xgl in 18 mins.Guys I just wanna know how can he/she be so damn game in that length of time.
    It depends on what happened.

    Remember, gameness is not absolute.

    If the dog was ransacked, but still seemed like it wanted to go back, you can't say it quit. You can only say, "Picked up wanting to go back." (Game)

    Does that mean the dog is for sure a game dog?

    Nothing means that. Dogs that belly-crawl in 2:25 can always quit the next time.

    This is why, ultimately, the term "gameness" is kinda empty in some ways ...

    People are always looking for a sure thing, but there simply is no such thing.


  3. #3
    For some it might be a way to say, the dog didn't stop. Not per se game. On the other hand, people like you might think a dog is game if its picked up after an hour. I never use LG.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    It depends on what happened.

    Remember, gameness is not absolute.

    If the dog was ransacked, but still seemed like it wanted to go back, you can't say it quit. You can only say, "Picked up wanting to go back." (Game)

    Does that mean the dog is for sure a game dog?

    Nothing means that. Dogs that belly-crawl in 2:25 can always quit the next time.

    This is why, ultimately, the term "gameness" is kinda empty in some ways ...

    People are always looking for a sure thing, but there simply is no such thing.



  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jawman View Post

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Nut View Post
    For some it might be a way to say, the dog didn't stop. Not per se game. On the other hand, people like you might think a dog is game if its picked up after an hour. I never use LG.
    Actually, people "like you" don't understand the meaning of the word "game."

    Game only means "willing."

    You're confusing DEAD game (game until the last breath) with "game" ...

    Picked up "game" only means picked up "still willing to continue" ...

    A dog picked up at :18, that's badly injured, but screaming for more, most definitely is picked up game ("still willing to continue").

    YOUR confusion (not mine) is to think this somehow means the dog was DEAD game or "would never" quit.

    The truth is, no such statement is said (or implied) by saying a dog was "picked up game" at :18.

    The only thing that is said, or implied, is that, when the dog was picked up at :18, it "was still willing to continue."

    And that's it.

    Game just means "willing to continue" ...

    DEAD game means "willing to continue all the way to the point of death" ...

    Therefore "picked up game" is an accurate statement of ANY dog that is still willing to continue at the point of being picked up.


  7. #7
    Sorry jack what are you talking about? Are you trying to explain gameness to me?

    I was saying, some people might put LG if they picked up. And some people refer time to gameness, which makes no sense.

    Game just means "willing to continue" ...
    So when a dog is willing to continue even when its not tired/hot or significantly damaged. You'de use the word game too? I must indeed be very confused then.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Nut View Post
    Sorry jack what are you talking about?
    If you don't understand, then I can't explain it any clearer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nut View Post
    Are you trying to explain gameness to me?
    Yes, in addition to many other things I've had to explain to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nut View Post
    I was saying, some people might put LG if they picked up. It doesnt mean the dog was willing to continue.
    You're confused again. So I will explain again.

    A dog CAN be picked up "game" ... willing to continue. (Happens all the time.)

    What you're saying is some people MISTAKE (or misrepresent) a "game" pick up, where a dog is not willing to continue, but the owner tries to pass it off as a game pickup.

    Yes, Nut, we all know that some people might misrepresent what happened, but that is a whole other issue isn't it?

    For that matter, some people misrepresent pedigrees too, but that doesn't mean ALL dogs aren't really papered the way the breeder says, does it?

    In the same fashion, so what, some people "say" their dog was willing to continue, when it wasn't, but that doesn't mean ALL dogs aren't willing to continue when picked up, because quite a few are.

    So, again, YES, a dog CAN be picked up "game" (willing to continue), but that doesn't necessarily mean the dog wouldn't quit later on.

    It only means it was picked up, and still was clearly willing to go, at the time it was picked up, nothing more, nothing less.

    Please refer to my original post where trying to infer "absolute gameness" is a folly unto itself.



  9. #9
    What you're saying is some people MISTAKE (or misrepresent) a "game" pick up, where a dog is not willing to continue, but the owner tries to pass it off as a game pickup.
    also yes. by not letting it scratch. the dog didnt officialy stop so they think hey lets put LG

    or dog that are picked up that are willing to continue, while a Labrador even would have continued.

    think w'r not understanding eachother.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Nut View Post
    also yes. by not letting it scratch. the dog didnt officialy stop so they think hey lets put LG

    or dog that are picked up that are willing to continue, while a Labrador even would have continued.

    think w'r not understanding eachother.

    You are probably right.

    In anything you want to talk about, there could be misrepresentation.

    Sure, sometimes people lie (or don't know what they're looking at).

    However, strictly-speaking, a dog CAN be picked up "game" (willing to continue) at any point in time ...

    However, whether that actually means something of value is a whole other deal

    I think we can both agree on that

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