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Thread: Our Orphan Pup

  1. #1

    Our Orphan Pup

    This is an orphan pup my girlfriend raised without any knowledge of what to do except by reading online. She kept him on a heating pad with a towel inside a box. Added a small stuff animals for comfort. She was up with him like a newborn baby. She fed him from a nurser bottle, even burped him. Had to wipe his bottom so he could eliminate himself with warm baby wipes. [attachment=1:266ira4t]Hurricane 2009.JPG[/attachment:266ira4t] Kept him in the house til he was old enough to be put on a chain. At the age of 8 months someone stole him from us.[attachment=0:266ira4t]IMG_1152.JPG[/attachment:266ira4t]

  2. #2

    Re: Our Orphan Pup

    Which online article/s helped you?

    What a shame to have a dog you cared for like that stolen ... what a waste :cry:

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Re: Our Orphan Pup

    Nice job...had to raise many myself...waking up every four hours to feed. Sorry for your lost. Makes you want to kill somebody.

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