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  1. #1

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Land of Big Rivers
    Awesome videos. I watched from collecting the blood threw testing the blood. Now i have a few questions,*
    when should 1 do the first test, as which day of bleeding day 7ish and how many days till next test? And when you get the clear result is that when she is producing eggs? Or is that when the eggs are ready? I ask cause I'm driving 18+hours to do my next breeding and I want to know if I get a clear result and have to drive about a day away will I still be good or would I be to late?

    Just to be clear. I'm doing a natural breeding but I want to increase my chances to the highest ability. 1. This is my best bitch and I missed her last time (using the traditional way). 2. I'm driving really far and do want to have to drive back aging.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LEFTLANE View Post
    Awesome videos. I watched from collecting the blood threw testing the blood. Now i have a few questions,*
    Okay, glad you liked them.

    Quote Originally Posted by LEFTLANE View Post
    when should 1 do the first test, as which day of bleeding day 7ish and how many days till next test? And when you get the clear result is that when she is producing eggs? Or is that when the eggs are ready? I ask cause I'm driving 18+hours to do my next
    I think I mention this on the video, but I generally begin Days 5-7 ... and do it every other day after that.

    When you get the pink result, that is when her progesterone spike is happening, which is when she begins to release the eggs ... they don't all just pop out, it is a gradual process that takes a day or two.

    When they're "ready" or not is also gradual and variable ... as they "mature" when produced. Then they have to be penetrated by a lot of semen trying to break through, not just one.

    Quote Originally Posted by LEFTLANE View Post
    I ask cause I'm driving 18+hours to do my next breeding and I want to know if I get a clear result and have to drive about a day away will I still be good or would I be to late?
    Typically, it takes the eggs 2 days to mature and "be ready" ... and then they stay like that for another 2-4 days ... after which they degenerate.

    I would drive about 12 hours after the first clear, and then make the breeding, and stay the night. An 18 hour road trip can "vibrate" all the semen out of her too.

    I would keep her quiet for at least 6 hours after the breeding (not freaking out in a crate, but still and quiet), and then make the road trip.

    Quote Originally Posted by LEFTLANE View Post
    I'm doing a natural breeding but I want to increase my chances to the highest ability. 1. This is my best bitch and I missed her last time (using the traditional way). 2. I'm driving really far and do want to have to drive back aging.
    Good luck,


    PS: This is why, with long trip situations, the main thrust of the video suggests you have the semen shipped to you

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    I'm gonna watch the rest of the videos tonight, weigh up my options and make my decision. I agree 18 hours one way is a long trip.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Trying to post 2 pics. One is of the test tube after sitting for 3 hours. I went ahead and ran the test. The caps are set up exactly how jack did it A On left B in middle and My bitch on right.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20140513_213953.jpg 
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ID:	626   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	627  

  6. #6
    Looks like she's ready to me.

    What day is it?

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Days 5 or 6 from blood. But i did notice some other liquid that was dropping but it was more clear, didn't have a tint to it. That was on last Tuesday, I thought it was piss but I may have been wrong. That would make it day 8 (yeastarday).

  8. #8
    Assuming you did the test right, she looks ready.

    You need to gain some savvy as to other signs too ...

    How is the tissue around her vulva, hard/soft?

    Is her discharge also pink, like diluted Kool-Aid, or is it still red?

    Is she flagging?

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    She is flagging. The blood is light red, I would call it pink, it isn't clearish. Her vulva is soft I guess, I don't have a baseline to go off. It's don't feel tough. I'm re running the test thus morning. But I'm positive I did it correctly last night just want to double check before I ride out to NY.

  10. #10
    Then, if all signs are go, it's time for a roadtrip

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