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Thread: Won't work at hide...what to do???

  1. #1

    Won't work at hide...what to do???

    I have this new group of hounds that I got a few weeks ago. Five to be exact, four are over two yrs old and one is a 10 month old pup. Yesterday after I was done cleaning out their chain spots I got out my flirt pole with a hide on it to see how each one would react to it. I walked around to each chain spot starting with the pup and ran the hide around in their chain spots for a very short time as it was pretty warm here yesterday and they was on chains. Three including the pup took right up with it and looked great one wasn't too sure about what to do until I walked around to other spots then he figured it out but one of the females had no reaction to it at all I mean hardly even knew it was in her spot. I dropped it dragged it around made it jump in the air even placed it beside her.NOTHING AT ALL. She smelled it and would look away. But if I was with another dog she was steady barking and raising hell at them so I drop it between her spot and another to realize she could care less about the hide was just after the opposite dog from her. So my question is if she has no desire to work a hide or other bait items what are some things I can look into doing with her during a keep? Clearly flirt poles spring poles and other baits tools maybe out but what about weight pulls? I know walking or running can be used that's a given but should I look into a swim tank? Just looking ahead so I can plan out this keep well head of time. Thanks for all suggestions you may have I'm always willing and looking for ways to improve my keeps and figured this may help others

  2. #2
    If you have a new group then give them time. Lots of times they will mimic the dog beside them. If he is doing a lot of times the next one will as well. Lots of dogs learn habits from the dogs they see and lots of times it is bad habits. This could be one of those times to imprint good habits. Best of luck. EWO

  3. #3
    some dogs wont man and some got straight add i got one who loves the hide for about five minutes and once he gets it a few times and i take it away he will lose interest

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by bolero View Post
    some dogs wont man and some got straight add i got one who loves the hide for about five minutes and once he gets it a few times and i take it away he will lose interest
    So what do you do once that dog loses interest in the hide? That was my reason for adding this topic to see what others do when working a hide doesnt work for a dog

  5. #5
    Some dogs will not do it no matter. Some absolutely live for it. Most fall somewhere in between. I think working the dog next to them is about the best answer. Flipping it over to the one that is not interested and if he takes interest only let him have it for a few seconds and then to the next dog. Build from there. If he gets all he wants right off the bat he may lose interest again. Give him a little if he wants it, back to the dog that will work it and then a little more. If it is in him this should build it up. Little by little. Sometimes it is like putting a square peg in a round hole. Just does not work. EWO

  6. #6
    It's in the dog. Once that dog lose focus, he's done. But it doesn't mean he will be like that for life. Later down the road he might become a totally focused dog. It just depend how committed he is towards working. I have a bitch who wouldn't work for shit when she was young. But after 4 keeps, and 5 years later, she will not quit when she work because she know its her ticket to whopping some bitches ass.
    I have her son also who would not touch a hide and he's 18 months old but will run the mill nonstop. I have a feeling once he experience what he's getting ready for, he'll eventually get turned on and start working.

  7. #7
    Sometimes you got to act a little crazy yourself to make dog go crazy about something

  8. #8
    Without a doubt. Encouragement and praise is vital to just about anything with a dog. EWO

    Quote Originally Posted by R2L View Post
    Sometimes you got to act a little crazy yourself to make dog go crazy about something

  9. #9
    I still haven't been able to get her on a hide moved it around her then to other dogs and back with nothing at all. So I put a weight pulling harness on her with a chain to pull and she did great with it so it looks like weight pulling, long bike rides and some mill work in my future

  10. #10
    Nothing wrong with that. The hide is no different than a mill, a spring pole, a jenny or whatever. Each of them are nothing more than tools. The easy dogs will allow you to use them all. Sometimes the owners have to put in a lot more work to find the right tool for that particular dog to get the job done. Work her that way and then go back to the hide here and there and she may get the idea. If not, move on...Best of luck....EWO

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