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Thread: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

  1. #1


    Let us use this Sticky Thread to post useful, relevant articles on conditioning. You don't have to post a hundred articles all at once, LOL, but just maybe an article a day (or a week) to give us all time to think about it / question it / or go with it. To start things off, I am going to post an article on the metabolism of Alaskan sled dogs, and how some scientists are trying to relay it to human marathon runners:

    These dogs are given a 60-70% fat diet, and travel incredible distances (100 miles/day), without ever seeming to get tired. The initial belief was that what we learn about dogs can apply to human conditioning, however what was found that the dog is unique and (where we cannot process fat-into-energy very well) the dog has a 400% greater capacity to pull turn fat into useable energy, and has a metabolism that prefers to draw from fat, even when carbs are available, which is in stark contrast to the human metabolism. In fact, here is a key quote:

    • "Stranger still, by the later stages of a race like the Iditarod, glycogen stores actually increase, indicating that the dogs are relying almost exclusively on fats for fuel. It is as though a cellular switch is flipped following the first hard day of racing, after which the dogs’ muscles seem to prefer burning fats over carbohydrates."

    How do you think we as dogmen can apply this to our bulldogs?



  2. #2

    Re: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

    Funny thing is after your post on the other board I started looking for this article today but, I got side tracked with work.

  3. #3

    Re: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

  4. #4

    Re: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

    I have always wonder how they control internal fat build since the weather is so extreme. Also I wonder how much is condition as we view it vs having the dogs continuously running in some shape or form to keep the dog condition to its job.

    For instance, a bike rider can do 20+ miles easy on a bike because he has conditioned his body to it, but I'm sure they would not be able to go out and run a marathon or even a triathon without some training and conditioning for the other task.

    I personally feel the best condition method is the one the individual hound enjoys, it could be running a mill, chasing a 4wheeler (or chevy 1500 lol), flirting, weight pulling and on and on.

  5. #5

    Re: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

    Quote Originally Posted by AL Clown
    I have always wonder how they control internal fat build since the weather is so extreme. Also I wonder how much is condition as we view it vs having the dogs continuously running in some shape or form to keep the dog condition to its job.
    Interesting. Just thinking out loud, I would imagine just by running the animals are generating heat and keeping warm that way, thereby omitting the need to create a barrier of fat for insulation. They burn like 12,000 calories a day!

    Quote Originally Posted by AL Clown
    For instance, a bike rider can do 20+ miles easy on a bike because he has conditioned his body to it, but I'm sure they would not be able to go out and run a marathon or even a triathon without some training and conditioning for the other task.
    Exactly. A marathon runner's muscles are conditioned to run a marathon ... but he is NOT going to be able to compete with a sprinter at sprinting: totally different muscular condition and aptitude! In precisely the opposite fashion, a sprinter is not going to be able to keep up with a marathon runner at running a 20-mile race.

    This is one of the reasons so many older keeps have been debunked, because what they're "training" the dog to do (and the kind of "muscle memory" they're creating) has nothing to do with what the dog is going to actually be doing in there.

    Quote Originally Posted by AL Clown
    I personally feel the best condition method is the one the individual hound enjoys, it could be running a mill, chasing a 4wheeler (or chevy 1500 lol), flirting, weight pulling and on and on.
    I would agree with this, with a provisio: the kind of work a dog likes to do that is in alignment with his style is the best work for the dog



  6. #6

    Re: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

    This is a article I figured I would post for consideration. It sounds like accurate information but I can't remember where I found it. I found it very informative.

    Working dogs are truly premier canine athletes. As such, one should pay close attention to meeting their energy needs. There are 3 sources of energy… fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Understanding how the working dog utilizes energy and how best to balance these energy stores can result in a more responsive partner that is less prone to physical injury.

    Fats are the most energy dense of all the sources providing 70-90% of the energy needed for muscle contraction (primarily fueling slow twitch fibers). In the working dog, 50-65% of total energy in a diet should come from fats. (This translates to 25-32.5% fat on a dry matter basis.) When fed a high fat diet, the working dog will develop pathways that promote aerobic oxidation of free fatty acids (fat adaptation). In addition, adding an anti-oxidant such as Vitamin E and the amino acid l-carnitine can improve the muscle’s use of fat. Aerobic oxidation of free fatty acids leads to less lactic acid build up in the muscle and better endurance.

    Carbohydrates are stored in muscle as glycogen. Muscle uses glycogen during the initial moments of activity and for bursts of speed and power (primarily fueling fast twitch fibers). Glycogen stores are relatively small and can be rapidly depleted leading to muscle weakness and fatigue. However, diets high in carbohydrates can lead to deconditioning (poor endurance, obesity, muscle injury). For a working dog, carbohydrates should be limited to 10-15% of the total energy in the diet. To improve the working dog’s use of carbohydrates, one should focus on replenishing glycogen stores and slowing glycogen depletion.

    Replenishing glycogen stores is accomplished by providing a “good carbohydrate” at an appropriate time. Muscle cells have GLUT4 pathways that are active during exercise and for up to 30 minutes after exercise. These pathways allow for the uptake of carbohydrate into the muscle without the release of insulin. Simple sugars (glucose, dextrose, fructose, corn syrup) cause an insulin release that leads to subsequent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Complex starches (bread, rice, grains) take too long to be digested and absorbed. Both cause fluid imbalances that can contribute to diarrhea and dehydration. Maltodextrin is a small complex carbohydrate and is the ideal carbohydrate for this purpose. Maltodextrin is rapidly absorbed without an insulin release or fluid imbalance and is readily utilized by the GLUT4 pathway. When a maltodextrin supplement is given within 30 minutes of exercise, up to 85% of pre-exercise glycogen levels are restored. Without this targeted approach, only 40% of pre-exercise levels are restored.

    Slowing depletion of glycogen stores is accomplished in two ways. First, when enough fat is fed, slow twitch fibers will use free fatty acids as their energy source (fat adaptation) sparing glycogen for use by fast twitch fibers. Second, supplementing prior to activity with a “good carbohydrate” such as maltodextrin will give the working dog a little carbohydrate “to burn” before starting on the glycogen stores. It is very important to avoid simple sugars and starches to avoid insulin spikes and fluid imbalances.

    Proteins are the building blocks of muscle and should not be a major source of energy. Animal source proteins (chicken, beef, lamb, egg, etc.) are preferred and often offer increased digestibility with a good amino acid balance. Diets low in protein have been associated with increased injuries. A working dog diet should have a minimum 26% protein. For hard working dogs, diets containing 30-40% protein are even better. The goal is to spare the use of protein as an energy source so it can be used to build muscle mass and repair muscle damage.

    In summary, working dogs should be fed a diet high in fat to optimize energy availability and high in protein to protect against injury. Carbohydrates should be supplemented at appropriate times to improve their storage. Remember, feed for energy and you will have energetic dogs.

    Cross post from another board, lets see what everyone says this one versus the one posted. Please share your ideas.

    You have 30min post workout to give your charge the power
    shake he-she needs. Whey Isolate(not blend), Creatine, L
    Glutamine and 1000mg of Ester C.
    Post-workout your dog's body is a literal sponge. In a highly
    catabolic state it will soak up anything you give it!
    Simple Carbohydrates:

    During the post-workout phase of training your dog's body is
    in a hypoglycemic stage. Blood-sugar and insulin levels have
    drastically dropped. Immediately following exercise natural GH
    concentrations struggle to increase as insulin levels try to
    rebound from its current highly catabolic state.

    A simple carbohydrate supplement combined with the
    post-workout window of opportunity will give immediate rise to
    blood glucose levels and cause a state of hyperglycemia. This
    will force a increase in the production of insulin!

    The newly increased quantity of insulin in the blood will drive
    much needed glucose (and amino acids) through the receptor
    sites in the muscle cell at an insane rate.

    These elevated stages of blood glucose will begin causing
    further secretions of Growth Hormone, the key hormone
    responsible for producing Insulin Growth factor.

    Why simple carbohydrates? Increased absorption rates, and
    an abruptly induced insulin burst. The faster you can get
    glucose into your dog's bloodstream and muscles, the less
    protein destroyed and the more glycogen stored.

    This is when you want to stay clear of complex carbs.
    Complex and fibrous carbs simply take way too long to digest
    and will not give optimal insulin release to offset muscle

    You also want to stay far away from any fat and fructose
    sources post-workout. Fructose will not replenish muscle
    glycogen but rather will replenish liver glycogen. Fat severely
    delays digestion because it metabolically requires so many
    more processes to break down.

    Another vital key to post-workout nutrition is insulin sensitivity.
    Creating stronger insulin sensitivity is the primary way to get
    the most out of your dog's post-workout simple carbohydrate

    Only certain types of simple carbohydrates will replenish
    muscle glycogen. These are carbohydrates in the form of

    The basis of our simple carbohydrates (post-workout) should
    come from sources that register high on the glycemic index.
    Dextrose or Maltodextrin are the two sources of simple carbs
    to give your charge post-exercise.


    Protein intake in combination with simple carbohydrates,
    post-workout, are the key ingredients to achieving a state of
    anabolism and offsetting their bodies’ process converting
    muscle tissue for energy expenditure.

    Fast absorption via digestion, is of paramount importance at
    this stage. So a liquid or powdered form of protein derived
    from hydrolyzed whey is the best logical supplement. Whey in
    powder or liquid form takes an average of 20 minutes to
    absorb, making this form of protein number one in the race for

    Eating a slower burning form of protein like chicken or beef
    post-workout is missing the mark completely. It is impossible
    to take advantage of the post-workout window with a protein
    food source that will take 2 hours to hit your charge's


    Re-hydration post-workout is crucial. Thermoregulatory
    processes need to be put in check as well. Water is
    responsible for storing carbohydrates and will also help to
    further speed up the digestion process of the carbohydrates
    and protein.

    Creatine, Glutamine, and Vitamin C.


    Creatine works by increasing the muscles' ability to generate
    peak torque during training. It does this through increasing
    anaerobic ATP production. Simply put, creatine will enable
    your canine to train harder and longer.

    Stimulating insulin release will greatly enhance the transport
    and uptake of creatine into the muscle tissue where it is used
    to support the reproduction of ATP (energy) and enhance cell


    L-glutamine is an absolutely essential amino acid that
    possesses anti-catabolic qualities. It is also the primary fuel
    source of immune cells and intestinal cells.

    Under periods of stress like really intense workouts, glutamine
    becomes critical because your dog's body may not be able to
    make enough of it. If enough glutamine is not supplied by the
    diet, then the loss of muscle tissue will provide the supply.

    Intense exercise also places a high demand for glutamine in a
    athlete's healthy body, canine or human, making post-workout
    an ideal opportunity for consumption.

    L-Glutamine plays an important role in:

    1. Protein metabolism

    2. Cell Volumizing

    3. Increased Strength and Endurance

    4. Tissue Repair

    5. Higher Growth Hormone output

    6. Anti-catabolism/Decreased chance of overtraining

    7. Immune system enhancer

    Back to Basics.
    This is why the cool down and long massage kneading the canine's muscles towards the heart are SO VERY important PWO (Post Work Out).
    Also remember you only have a 30min window to give the Post Workout nutrients.
    VERY IMPORTANT, remember that only dextrose-Malto will replenish muscle glycogen. Fructose will only replenish liver glycogen.
    If the product you are using for your canine's PWO nutrients is transported by fructose, you are short changing your canine athlete.
    There are many products out there that claim to be lactic acid buffers. Some even believe in Creatine.
    Glucoronolactone....found in Red Bull and the new di-creatine products. also, the soreness human and canine athletes get the next day after a workout is not lactic acid, its ammonia. Lactic acid is water soluble and only exists in You or your Canine's muscles while the human or canine athlete is actually working out. ammonia is alot harder to get rid of but lots of water usually helps. HYDRATION!
    lactic acid build up occurs when glycolosis produces pyruvic acid quicker than it can be used by the mitochandria, the pyruvic acid then converts to lactic acid. One theory is that the lactic acid causes ph shifts that alter enzymes functions in the muscle causing fatigue. It may be true that lactic acid may be part of causing muscle to fatigue.. Not to go into detail, you will never solve the lactic acid burning feeling or fatigue from any product or ph buffer that has been tried by many marathon runners with no help, and thats because in science they are not totally sure on what the fatigue and pain is exactly caused from yet...

    Dont Miss the 30min Window
    "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free." -- Johann Goethe

  7. #7

    Re: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

    Looks like a good read... I'm gonna have to do just that when time permits..
    Thanks for posting

  8. #8

    Re: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

    That is an interesting read, and I would very much like to learn its true source ...

    It is in alignment with much of what I have read, and a diet only 10% in carbohydrates is one where there is very little at all (compared to the 65% carbohydrates of most common kibble). Yet it differs from what I've read in some ways.

    While "the 30 minute window" post-workout is a key time to provide lost nutrients to the dog, the flipside to that is NOT doing so is also a key time when the dog converts its own fat into usable energy (if quick energy is not available) ... which phenomenon is critical to take advantage of if you're trying to make the dog lose weight and achieve a "lowest bodyweight" ...



  9. #9

    Re: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

    Those have been debunked.. That is mostly broscience that have been proven to be false in the bodybuilding world. You get enough glutamine in your diet alone, no need to supplement it. And the "post workout window is " within 1-2 days, not 30 minutes after the workout. feeding 10 minutes after a workout, and feeding 6 hours after a workout will yield the same results. just make sure you everything before the end of the day and you will be good. and fats dont slow down digestion.

    and simple carbs and complex carbs are the same thing for body composition. They let out a different energy, the complex will release slow/long lasting energy, BUT as far as body composition, your body will use both types of carbs the same way when improving body composition.

    years ago yes they believed it..-- this is old school information, but new studies have proven all this to be nonsense.

    just thought i would add my 2 cents to this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScratchAndGO

    Cross post from another board, lets see what everyone says this one versus the one posted. Please share your ideas.

    You have 30min post workout to give your charge the power
    shake he-she needs. Whey Isolate(not blend), Creatine, L
    Glutamine and 1000mg of Ester C.
    Post-workout your dog's body is a literal sponge. In a highly
    catabolic state it will soak up anything you give it!
    Simple Carbohydrates:

    During the post-workout phase of training your dog's body is
    in a hypoglycemic stage. Blood-sugar and insulin levels have
    drastically dropped. Immediately following exercise natural GH
    concentrations struggle to increase as insulin levels try to
    rebound from its current highly catabolic state.

    A simple carbohydrate supplement combined with the
    post-workout window of opportunity will give immediate rise to
    blood glucose levels and cause a state of hyperglycemia. This
    will force a increase in the production of insulin!

    The newly increased quantity of insulin in the blood will drive
    much needed glucose (and amino acids) through the receptor
    sites in the muscle cell at an insane rate.

    These elevated stages of blood glucose will begin causing
    further secretions of Growth Hormone, the key hormone
    responsible for producing Insulin Growth factor.

    Why simple carbohydrates? Increased absorption rates, and
    an abruptly induced insulin burst. The faster you can get
    glucose into your dog's bloodstream and muscles, the less
    protein destroyed and the more glycogen stored.

    This is when you want to stay clear of complex carbs.
    Complex and fibrous carbs simply take way too long to digest
    and will not give optimal insulin release to offset muscle

    You also want to stay far away from any fat and fructose
    sources post-workout. Fructose will not replenish muscle
    glycogen but rather will replenish liver glycogen. Fat severely
    delays digestion because it metabolically requires so many
    more processes to break down.

    Another vital key to post-workout nutrition is insulin sensitivity.
    Creating stronger insulin sensitivity is the primary way to get
    the most out of your dog's post-workout simple carbohydrate

    Only certain types of simple carbohydrates will replenish
    muscle glycogen. These are carbohydrates in the form of

    The basis of our simple carbohydrates (post-workout) should
    come from sources that register high on the glycemic index.
    Dextrose or Maltodextrin are the two sources of simple carbs
    to give your charge post-exercise.


    Protein intake in combination with simple carbohydrates,
    post-workout, are the key ingredients to achieving a state of
    anabolism and offsetting their bodies’ process converting
    muscle tissue for energy expenditure.

    Fast absorption via digestion, is of paramount importance at
    this stage. So a liquid or powdered form of protein derived
    from hydrolyzed whey is the best logical supplement. Whey in
    powder or liquid form takes an average of 20 minutes to
    absorb, making this form of protein number one in the race for

    Eating a slower burning form of protein like chicken or beef
    post-workout is missing the mark completely. It is impossible
    to take advantage of the post-workout window with a protein
    food source that will take 2 hours to hit your charge's


    Re-hydration post-workout is crucial. Thermoregulatory
    processes need to be put in check as well. Water is
    responsible for storing carbohydrates and will also help to
    further speed up the digestion process of the carbohydrates
    and protein.

    Creatine, Glutamine, and Vitamin C.


    Creatine works by increasing the muscles' ability to generate
    peak torque during training. It does this through increasing
    anaerobic ATP production. Simply put, creatine will enable
    your canine to train harder and longer.

    Stimulating insulin release will greatly enhance the transport
    and uptake of creatine into the muscle tissue where it is used
    to support the reproduction of ATP (energy) and enhance cell


    L-glutamine is an absolutely essential amino acid that
    possesses anti-catabolic qualities. It is also the primary fuel
    source of immune cells and intestinal cells.

    Under periods of stress like really intense workouts, glutamine
    becomes critical because your dog's body may not be able to
    make enough of it. If enough glutamine is not supplied by the
    diet, then the loss of muscle tissue will provide the supply.

    Intense exercise also places a high demand for glutamine in a
    athlete's healthy body, canine or human, making post-workout
    an ideal opportunity for consumption.

    L-Glutamine plays an important role in:

    1. Protein metabolism

    2. Cell Volumizing

    3. Increased Strength and Endurance

    4. Tissue Repair

    5. Higher Growth Hormone output

    6. Anti-catabolism/Decreased chance of overtraining

    7. Immune system enhancer

    Back to Basics.
    This is why the cool down and long massage kneading the canine's muscles towards the heart are SO VERY important PWO (Post Work Out).
    Also remember you only have a 30min window to give the Post Workout nutrients.
    VERY IMPORTANT, remember that only dextrose-Malto will replenish muscle glycogen. Fructose will only replenish liver glycogen.
    If the product you are using for your canine's PWO nutrients is transported by fructose, you are short changing your canine athlete.
    There are many products out there that claim to be lactic acid buffers. Some even believe in Creatine.
    Glucoronolactone....found in Red Bull and the new di-creatine products. also, the soreness human and canine athletes get the next day after a workout is not lactic acid, its ammonia. Lactic acid is water soluble and only exists in You or your Canine's muscles while the human or canine athlete is actually working out. ammonia is alot harder to get rid of but lots of water usually helps. HYDRATION!
    lactic acid build up occurs when glycolosis produces pyruvic acid quicker than it can be used by the mitochandria, the pyruvic acid then converts to lactic acid. One theory is that the lactic acid causes ph shifts that alter enzymes functions in the muscle causing fatigue. It may be true that lactic acid may be part of causing muscle to fatigue.. Not to go into detail, you will never solve the lactic acid burning feeling or fatigue from any product or ph buffer that has been tried by many marathon runners with no help, and thats because in science they are not totally sure on what the fatigue and pain is exactly caused from yet...

    Dont Miss the 30min Window
    Alan Aragon has some good articles on his website if you want to look more into it.

  10. #10

    Re: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroCool
    Those have been debunked.. That is mostly broscience that have been proven to be false in the bodybuilding world. You get enough glutamine in your diet alone, no need to supplement it. And the "post workout window is " within 1-2 days, not 30 minutes after the workout. feeding 10 minutes after a workout, and feeding 6 hours after a workout will yield the same results. just make sure you everything before the end of the day and you will be good. and fats dont slow down digestion.

    and simple carbs and complex carbs are the same thing for body composition. They let out a different energy, the complex will release slow/long lasting energy, BUT as far as body composition, your body will use both types of carbs the same way when improving body composition.

    years ago yes they believed it..-- this is old school information, but new studies have proven all this to be nonsense.

    just thought i would add my 2 cents to this thread.

    Alan Aragon has some good articles on his website if you want to look more into it.

    Zerocool, you put up a human study verse a dog study to dispute a dogs body and break down in nutrition. I don't think that is going to apply here. That's part of the problem with ppl approach to dogs. They try to apply human grade thinking.

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